Sexto Idus Decémbris. Luna.


Sexto Idus Decémbris.  Luna. The Eighth Day of December.  The Night of the Moon.

TRANSFERATUR Quinto Idus Decémbris: Concéptio gloriósæ semper Vírginis Genitrícis Dei Maríæ, quam fuísse præservátam, singulári Dei privilégio, ab omni originális culpæ labe immúnem, Pius Nonus, Póntifex Máximus, hac ipsa recurrénte die, solémniter definívit.

Transferred December 9th: The Conception of the glorious and ever Virgin Mary, Mother of God. On this day, Pius IX solemnly declared her to have been by a singular privilege of God preserved from all stain of original sin.

Tréviris sancti Euchárii, qui fuit discípulus beáti Petri Apóstoli et primus ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopus.

At Treves, St. Eucharius, a disciple of blessed Peter the Apostle, first bishop of that city.

Alexandríæ sancti Macárii Mártyris, qui, témpore Décii, cum a Júdice multis verbis ad negándum Christum suaderétur, et eo majóri constántia suam profiterétur fidem, vivus ad últimum exúri jubétur.

At Alexandria, St. Macarius, martyr, whose constancy in professing the faith increased with the efforts made by the judge to persuade him to deny Christ. He was finally condemned to be burned alive.

In Cypro sancti Sophrónii Epíscopi, qui pupillórum, orphanórum ac viduárum defénsor miríficus, et páuperum atque oppressórum ómnium adjútor fuit.

In Cyprus, the holy bishop Sophronius, who was a devoted protector of orphans and widows, and a helper of the poor and oppressed.

In monastério Luxoviénsi, in Gállia, sancti Romárici Abbátis, qui, cum in aula Theodobérti Regis primus esset, renuntiávit sæculo, et monásticæ étiam observántiæ laude céteris antecélluit.

In the monastery of Luxeuil in France, St. Romaricus, abbot, who left the highest station at the court of King Theodobert, renounced the world, and surpassed others in the observance of monastic discipline.

Constantinópoli sancti Patápii Solitárii, virtútibus et miráculis clari.

At Constantinople, St. Patapius, solitary, renowned for virtues and miracles.

Romæ Invéntio sanctórum Mártyrum Nemésii Diáconi, ejúsque fíliæ Lucíllæ Vírginis, Symphrónii, Olympii Tribúni, hujúsque uxóris Exsupériæ et Theodúli fílii; quorum memória octávo Kaléndas Septémbris recensétur.

At Rome, the finding of the holy martyrs Nemesis, a deacon, his daughter Lucina, a virgin, Symphronius, Olympius the tribune and his wife Exuperia and his son Theodulus, whose commemoration is made on the 25th of August.

Verónæ Ordinátio sancti Zenónis Epíscopi.

At Verona, the ordination of St. Zeno, bishop.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R. Deo grátias.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:
The Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Romaric, Abbot

ORCCE Ordo: Dominica II Adventus ~ Semiduplex 2nd class

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