Quartodécimo Kaléndas Januárii. Luna.


Quartodécimo Kaléndas Januárii.  Luna. The Ninteenth Day of December.  The Night of the Moon.

In Mauritánia sancti Timóthei Diáconi, qui, ob Christi fidem, post diros cárceres, in ignem conjéctus, martyrium consummávit. In Morocco, St. Timothy, deacon, who after severe imprisonment for the sake of Christ was cast into the fire and achieved martyrdom.
Alexandríæ beáti Nemésii Mártyris, qui, primo per calúmniam quasi latro Júdici delátus, eóque crímine absolútus, mox, in persecutióne Décii, Christiánæ religiónis nómine accusátus, cum latrónibus jussus est incéndi, Salvatóris déferens similitúdinem, qui una cum latrónibus pértulit crucem. At Alexandria in Egypt, blessed Nemesius, martyr, who first was denounced before the judge as a robber, and being freed from that charge, soon after, in the persecution of Decius, was accused before the judge Emilian of being a Christian. He was twice subjected to torture and condemned to be burned alive with robbers, thus bearing a resemblance to our Saviour, who was crucified with thieves.
Nicææ, in Bithynia, sanctórum Mártyrum Daríi, Zósimi, Pauli et Secúndi. At Nicaea, the Saints Darius, Zosimus, Paul, and Secundus, martyrs.
Nicomedíæ sanctórum Mártyrum Cyríaci, Paulílli, Secúndi, Anastásii, Syndímii et Sociórum. At Nicomedia, the holy martyrs Cyriac, Paulillus, Secundus, Anastasius, Sindimius, and their companions.
Gazæ, in Palæstína, pássio sanctárum Meuris et Theæ. At Gaza in Palestine, the martyrdom of Saints Meuris and Thea.
Romæ deposítio sancti Anastásii Papæ Primi, viri ditíssimæ paupertátis et apostólicæ sollicitúdinis, quem (ut ait sanctus Hierónymus) diu Roma habére non méruit, ne orbis caput sub tali Epíscopo truncarétur; nam, haud multo post ejus óbitum, Roma a Gothis capta et dirépta fuit. At Rome, the death of Pope St. Anastasius I, a man who was rich in his poverty and filled with apostolic zeal.  St. Jerome says that Rome did not deserve to possess him long, lest the capital of the world should be devastated under so fine a bishop, for shortly after his death Rome was taken and sacked by the Goths.
Antisiodóri sancti Gregórii, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Auxerre, St. Gregory, bishop and confessor.
Aureliánis, in Gállia, sancti Adjúti Abbátis, prophético spíritu illústris. At Orleans in France, St. Adjutus, abbot, famous for the spirit of prophecy.
Romæ sanctæ Faustæ, quæ fuit mater sanctæ Anastásiæ, ac nobilitáte et pietáte éxstitit insígnis. At Rome, St. Fausta, mother of St. Anastasia, renowned for her noble birth and her holiness.
Avenióne beáti Urbáni Papæ Quinti, qui, Sede Apostólica Romæ restitúta, Græcórum cum Latínis conjunctióne perfécta, infidélibus coércitis, de Ecclésia óptime méritus est.  Ejus cultum pervetústum Pius Nonus, Póntifex Máximus, ratum hábuit et confirmávit. At Avignon, blessed Urban V, who deserved well of the Church by restoring the Apostolic See to Rome, by bringing about a reunion of the Latins and the Greeks, and by suppressing heretics.  Pius IX approved and confirmed the veneration which had long been paid to him.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.

R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:
St. Nemesion, Martyr, &c.
St. Samthana, Virgin, Abbess in Ireland

ORCCE Ordo: Feria V infra Hebdomadam III Adventus ~ Feria major

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