Sexto Kaléndas Januárii. Luna.


Sexto Kaléndas Januárii.  Luna. The Twenty-Seventh Day of December. The Night of the Moon.

Apud Ephesum natális sancti Joánnis, Apóstoli et Evangelístæ, qui, post Evangélii scriptiónem, post exsílii relegatiónem et Apocalypsim divínam, usque ad Trajáni Príncipis témpora persevérans, totíus Asiæ fundávit rexítque Ecclésias, ac tandem, conféctus sénio, sexagésimo octávo post passiónem Dómini anno mórtuus est, et juxta eándem urbem sepúltus. At Ephesus, the birthday of St. John, apostle and evangelist.  After writing his gospel, and after enduring exile and writing the divine Apocalypse, he lived until the time of Emperor Trajan and founded and governed the churches of all Asia.  Worn out with age, he died in the sixty-eighth year after the passion of our Lord and was buried near Ephesus.

Constantinópoli sanctórum Confessórum Theodóri et Theóphanis fratrum, qui, a puerítia in Palæstinénsi sancti Sabbæ monastério nutríti, cum póstea pro sanctárum Imáginum cultu advérsus Leónem Arménum strénue decertárent, ejus jussu verbéribus affécti sunt et exsílio relegáti. Sed, eódem Leóne mórtuo, rursus Theóphilo Imperatóri, qui eádem impietáte detinebátur, constánter resisténtes, verbéribus íterum cæsi et in exsílium pulsi sunt, ubi Theodórus in cárcere exspirávit. Theóphanes vero, pace demum Ecclésiæ réddita, factus est Nicænæ civitátis Epíscopus, et confessiónis glória præclárus quiévit in Dómino. At Constantinople, the holy confessors Theodore and Theophanes, brothers, who were brought up from their childhood in the monastery of St. Sabas. Afterwards, they strove zealously for the veneration of holy images against Leo the Armenian, and at his command they were scourged and banished. After his death they again firmly opposed Emperor Theophilus, who was imbued with the same impiety, and were scourged a second time and driven into exile, where Theodore died in prison. Theophanes, after peace had at length been restored to the Church, was made bishop of Nicaea, and there, famous for his glorious witness of the faith, rested in the Lord.
Alexandríæ sancti Máximi Epíscopi, qui satis clarus et insígnis título confessiónis efféctus est. At Alexandria, St. Maximus, bishop, well known and renowned by reason of his confession.
Constantinópoli sanctæ Nicáretes Vírginis, quæ, sub Arcádio Imperatóre, cláruit sanctitáte. At Constantinople, St. Niceras, virgin, who was renowned for sanctity in the time of Emperor Arcadius.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.

R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:
St. John the Apostle and Evangelist
St. Theodorus Grapt, Confessor

ORCCE Ordo: S. Johanni Apostoli ~ Duplex II. classis

Nota Bene: 

Reverend Peter Jasper Akinola RESCUED : Nigeria’s Anglican Leader Kidnapped by Gunmen

VIDEO reports: Iraq bombings target Christians on Christmas

Joy and fear for Christians in Sri Lanka

Egyptian Copts to celebrate Christmas ‘no matter the circumstance’

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