Décimo nono Kaléndas Septémbris


Décimo nono Kaléndas Septémbris. Luna . The Fourteenth Day of August. The Night of the Moon. 

Vigília Assumptiónis beátæ Maríæ Vírginis. The Vigil of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Romæ natális beáti Eusébii, Presbyteri et Confessóris, qui, ab Ariáno Imperatóre Constántio, ob cathólicæ fídei defensiónem, in quodam domus suæ cubículo inclúsus, ibi, cum menses septem in oratióne constánter perseverásset, dormitiónem accépit. Ipsíus autem corpus collegérunt Gregórius et Orósius Presbyteri, et in cœmetério Callísti, via Appia, sepeliérunt. At Rome, the birthday of the blessed priest Eusebius, who for the defence of the Catholic faith was shut up in a room of his own house by the Arian emperor Constantius, where constantly persevering in prayer for seven months, he rested in peace. His body was removed by the priests Gregory and Orosius, and buried in the cemetery of Callistus, on the Appian Way.

Apaméæ, in Syria, sancti Marcélli, Epíscopi et Mártyris; qui, cum Jovis delúbrum diruísset, a furéntibus Gentílibus occísus est. At Apamea in Syria, St. Marcellus, bishop and martyr, who was killed by the enraged heathen for having pulled down a temple of Jupiter.

Tudérti, in Umbria, sancti Callísti, Epíscopi et Mártyris. At Todi in Umbria, St. Callistus, bishop and martyr.

In Illyrico sancti Ursícii Mártyris, qui, sub Maximiáno Imperatóre et Aristíde Præside, post multa et divérsa torménta, pro Christi nómine, gládio cæsus est. In Illyria, St. Ursicius, martyr, who was beheaded for Christ after suffering various torments under Emperor Maximian and the governor Aristides.

In Africa sancti Demétrii Mártyris. In Africa, St. Demetrius, martyr.

In Ægína ínsula sanctæ Athanásiæ Víduæ, monástica observántia et miraculórum dono illústris. In the island of Aegina, St. Athanasia, widow, celebrated for monastical observance and the gift of miracles.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God

August XIV.
St. Eusebius, Priest and Martyr
St. Eusebius, Priest and Confessor at Rome

.Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places. Voice of the Persecuted– Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today. FOR NEWS OF CONTEMPORARY MARTYRS… Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clini


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