Sextodécimo Kaléndas Octóbris


Sextodécimo Kaléndas Octóbris. Luna . The Sixteenth Day of September. The Night of the Moon.

Sanctórum Mártyrum Cornélii Papæ, et Cypriáni, Carthaginénsis Epíscopi, quorum memória décimo octávo Kaléndas Octóbris recólitur. The holy martyrs Cornelius, pope, and Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, who were mentioned on the14th of September.

Chalcédone natális sanctæ Euphémiæ, Vírginis et Mártyris; quæ, sub Diocletiáno Imperatóre et Prisco Procónsule, torménta, cárceres, vérbera, arguménta rotárum, ignes, póndera lápidum, béstias, plagas virgárum, serras acútas, sartágines ignítas pro Christo superávit. Sed, rursus in theátrum ad béstias ducta, ibi, cum orásset ad Dóminum ut jam spíritum suum suscíperet, una ex iis morsum sancto córpori infigénte, céteris pedes ejus lambéntibus, immaculátum spíritum Deo réddidit. At Chalcedon, the birthday of St. Euphemia, virgin and martyr, under Emperor Diocletian and the proconsul Priscus. For her faith in our Lord she was subjected to tortures, imprisonment, blows, the torment of the wheel, fire, the crushing weight of stones, the teeth of the beasts, scourging with rods, the cutting of sharp saws, and burning pans, all of which she survived. But when she was again exposed to the beasts in the amphitheatre, praying to our Lord to receive her spirit, one of the animals inflicted a bite on her holy body although the rest of them licked her feet, and she yielded her unspotted soul unto God.

Romæ sanctórum Mártyrum Lúciæ, nóbilis matrónæ, et Geminiáni; quos ambos Diocletiánus Imperátor, pœnis gravíssimis afflíctos diúque tortos, tandem, post laudábilem martyrii victóriam, gládio animadvérti præcépit. At Rome, the holy martyrs Lucy, a noble matron, and Geminian, who were subjected to grievous afflictions and were for a long time tortured by the command of Emperor Diocletian. Finally, being put to the sword, they obtained the glorious victory of martyrdom.

Natális sancti Martíni Primi, Papæ et Mártyris, qui, cum Sérgium ac Paulum et Pyrrhum hæréticos, Romæ coácta Synodo, condemnásset, ídeo, jussu Constántis, Imperatóris hærétici, per fraudem captus et Constantinópolim perdúctus, in Chersonésum relegátus est, ibíque, ob cathólicam fidem ærúmnis conféctus, vitam finívit, multísque miráculis cláruit. Ejus corpus, póstea Romam translátum, in Ecclésia sanctórum Silvéstri et Martíni cónditum fuit. Ipsíus tamen festívitas prídie Idus Novémbris celebrátur. The birthday of St. Martin I, pope and martyr. He had called together a council at Rome and condemned the heretics Sergius, Paul and Pyrrhus. By order of the heretical Emperor Constantius he was taken prisoner through a deceit, brought to Constantinople, and exiled to the Chersonese. There he ended his life, worn out with his labours for the Catholic faith and favoured with many virtues. His body was afterwards brought to Rome and buried in the church of Saints Sylvester and Martin. His feast, however, is observed on the 12th of November.

Romæ item natális sanctæ Cæcíliæ, Vírginis et Mártyris, quæ sponsum suum Valeriánum et fratrem ejus Tibúrtium ad credéndem in Christum perdúxit, et ad martyrium incitávit. Hanc Almáchius, Urbis Præféctus, post eórum martyrium tenéri, atque illústri passióne post ignem superátum, fecit gládio consummári, témpore Marci Aurélii Sevéri Alexándri Imperatóris. Ejus vero festum recólitur décimo Kaléndas Decémbris. Also at Rome, the birthday of St. Cecilia, virgin and martyr. She brought her husband brother Tiburtius to the faith of Christ and afterwards encouraged them on to martyrdom. Almachius, prefect of the city, after their martyrdom, had her arrested and slain by the sword, after she had endured many trials and had passed through fire unhurt. This was in the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander. Her feast is celebrated on the 22nd of November.

Heracléæ, in Thrácia, sanctæ Sebastiánæ Mártyris, quæ a beáto Paulo Apóstolo ad Christi fidem est perdúcta; atque, sub Domitiáno Imperatóre et Sérgio Præside, váriis modis tentáta, gládio tandem cæsa est. At Heraclea in Thrace, under Emperor Domitian and the governor Sergius, St. Sebastiana, martyr. Being brought to the faith of Christ by the blessed apostle Paul, she was tormented in various ways and finally beheaded.

Romæ, via Flamínia, sanctórum Mártyrum Abúndii Presbyteri, et Abundántii Diáconi, quos Diocletiánus Imperátor, una cum illústri viro Marciáno et ejus fílio Joánne, quem illi a mórtuis suscitáverant, gládio feríri jussit, décimo ab Urbe lápide. At Rome, at a place on the Flaminian Way ten miles from the city, the holy martyrs Abundius, a priest, and Abundantius, a deacon, whom Emperor Diocletian ordered to be struck with the sword, together with Marcian, an illustrious man, and his son John, whom they raised from the dead.

Córdubæ, in Hispánia, sanctórum Mártyrum Rogélli et Servidéi, qui, mánibus pedibúsque abscíssis, ad últimum decolláti sunt. At Cordova in Spain, the holy martyrs Rogellus and Servusdeus, who were beheaded after their hands and feet had been cut off.

Apud Cándidam Casam, in Scótia, sancti Niniáni, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Whithorn in Scotland, St. Ninian, bishop and confessor.

In Anglia sanctæ Edíthæ Vírginis, Regis Anglórum Edgári fíliæ, quæ, in monastério a téneris annis Deo dicáta, sæculum hoc ignorávit pótius quam relíquit. In England, St. Edith, virgin, daughter of the English King Edgar. She was consecrated to God in a monastery from her earliest years, and it may be said rather that she never knew the world than that she forsook it.

In monte Cassíno beáti Victóris Papæ Tértii, qui, sancti Gregórii Séptimi succéssor, Apostólicam Sedem novo splendóre illustrávit, insígnem de Saracénis triúmphum divína ope consecútus. Cultum, ab immemorábili témpore eídem exhíbitum, Leo Décimus tértius, Póntifex Máximus, ratum hábuit et confirmávit. At Monte Cassino, the blessed Pope Victor III, successor of Pope St. Gregory VII, who shed a fresh lustre on the Apostolic See, and by God’s help gained a famous victory over the Saracens. Pope Leo XIII approved and confirmed the veneration given him from time immemorial.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

September XVI.
St. Cornelius, Pope and Martyr
St. Cyprian, Archbishop of Carthage, Martyr
St. Euphemia, Virgin and Martyr
SS. Lucia and Geminianus, Martyrs under Dioclesian
St. Ninian, or Ninyas, Bishop and Confessor
St. Editha, or Eadgith, Virgin

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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