Séptimo Idus Januárii. Luna.


Séptimo Idus Januárii.  Luna. The Seventh Day of January. The Night of the Moon.

Relátio púeri Jesu de Ægypto. The return of the Child Jesus from Egypt. Nicomedíæ natális beáti Luciáni, Ecclésiæ Antiochénæ Presbyteri et Mártyris; qui, satis clarus doctrína et eloquéntia, passus est, ob Christi confessiónem, in persecutióne Galérii Maximiáni, sepultúsque est Helenópoli, in Bithynia. Ipsíus autem laudes sanctus Joánnes Chrysóstomus celebrávit. The birthday of blessed Lucian, a priest of the Church of Antioch and martyr, who was distinguished for his learning and eloquence. He suffered at Nicomedia for the confession of Christ, in the persecution of Galerius Maximian, and was buried at Helenopolis, in Bithynia. His praises have been proclaimed by St. John Chrysostom. Antiochíæ sancti Cleri Diáconi, qui pro confessiónis glória, sépties tortus ac diu macerátus in cárcere, ad últimum, gládio decollátus, martyrium consummávit. At Antioch, St. Clerus, deacon, who, for having professed faith in Christ, was seven times tortured, kept in prison a long while, and at length his martyrdom was ended by decapitation. In civitáte Heracléa sanctórum Mártyrum Felícis et Januárii. In the city of Heraclea, the holy martyrs Felix and Januarius. In Dánia sancti Canúti, Regis et Mártyris. In Denmark, St. Canute, king and martyr. Papíæ sancti Crispíni, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Pavia, St. Crispin, bishop and confessor. In Dácia sancti Nicétæ Epíscopi, qui feras et bárbaras gentes, Evangélii prædicatióne, mites réddidit ac mansuétas. In Dacia, St. Nicetas, bishop, who made fierce and barbarous nations humane and meek by preaching the Gospel to them. In Ægypto beáti Theodóri Mónachi, qui, témpore Constantíni Magni, flóruit sanctitáte; cujus méminit sanctus Athanásius in vita sancti Antónii. In Egypt, St. Theodore, a saintly monk, who flourished in the time of Constantine the Great. He is mentioned by St. Athanasius in his Life of St. Anthony.

Eódem die sancti Juliáni Mártyris. The same day, St. Julian, martyr.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.

R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:
St. Lucian, Priest and Martyr
St. Cedd, Bishop of London
St. Kentigerna, Widow, of Ireland
St. Aldric, Bishop of Mans, Confessor
St. Thillo, Recluse
St. Canut

ORCCE Ordo: Secunda die infra Octavam Epiphaniae ~ Feria major

Nota Bene: 

Another Year Begins As Pastor Saeed Continues to Suffer in Iran

PRAYER ALERT: PERSECUTION: Multiple Attacks Against Nigerian Christian Village, Insurgents Caught

NIGERIA: Islamists Burn And Destroy Christian Village, 600 Families Displaced

Libyan Christians Asking For Day of Prayer/Sunday Jan. 5, 2014

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