Prídie Idus Februárii. Luna.


Prídie Idus Februárii.  Luna. The Twelfth Day of February. The Night of the Moon.

Sanctórum septem Fundatórum Ordinis Servórum beátæ Maríæ Vírginis, Confessórum, quorum deposítio respectívis diébus recólitur. Quos autem in vita unus veræ fraternitátis spíritus sociávit, et indivísa post óbitum venerátio pópuli prosecúta est, eos Leo Décimus tértius, Póntifex Máximus, una páriter Sanctórum fastis accénsuit. The seven Holy Founders of the Order of Servites of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose deaths are noted on their respective days. As one spirit of true fraternal love united them in life, and as the people joined them together in the same veneration after death, Pope Leo XIII placed them together in the catalogue of the saints. In Africa sancti Damiáni, mílitis et Mártyris. In Africa, St. Damian, soldier and martyr. Carthágine sanctórum Mártyrum Modésti et Juliáni. At Carthage, the holy martyrs Modestus and Julian. Alexandríæ sanctórum Mártyrum Modésti et Ammónii infántum. At Alexandria, the holy children Modestus and Ammonius, martyrs. Barcinóne, in Hispánia, sanctæ Euláliæ Vírginis, quæ, témpore Diocletiáni Imperatóris, equúleum, úngulas flammásque perpéssa, demum, cruci affíxa, gloriósam martyrii corónam accépit. At Barcelona in Spain, in the time of Emperor Diocletian, St. Eulalia, virgin, who, being racked, torn with iron hooks, cast into the fire, and crucified, received the glorious crown of martyrdom. Constantinópoli sancti Melétii, Epíscopi Antiochéni, qui, pro fide cathólica sæpe exsílium passus, demum in eádem urbe migrávit ad Dóminum. Ejus virtútes sanctus Joánnes Chrysóstomus et sanctus Gregórius Nyssénus summis láudibus celebrárunt. At Constantinople, St. Meletius, bishop of Antioch, who often suffered exile for the Catholic faith, and finally died at Constantinople and went to his reward. His virtues have been extolled by St. John Chrysostom and St. Gregory of Nyssa. Item Constantinópoli sancti Antónii Epíscopi, témpore Leónis sexti Imperatóris. Also at Constantinople, St. Anthony, a bishop in the time of Emperor Leo VI. Verónæ sancti Gaudéntii, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Verona, St. Gaudentius, bishop and confessor.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

February XII.
St. Benedict of Anian, Abbot
St. Meletius, Patriarch of Antioch, Confessor
St. Eulalia, Virgin, of Barcelona, Martyr
St. Antony Cauleas, Patriarch of Constantinople, Confessor

ORCCE Ordo: S. Benedicti Biscopi Abbatis

Nota Bene: 

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated

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