Décimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna.


Décimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna . The Twenty-Second Day of April.  The Night of the Moon.


Romæ, via Appia, natális sancti Sotéris, Papæ et Mártyris. At Rome, on the Appian Way, the birthday of St. Soter, pope and martyr.
Item Romæ sancti Caji, Papæ et Mártyris; qui martyrio coronátus est sub Diocletiáno Príncipe. In the same city, Pope St. Caius, who was crowned with martyrdom under Emperor Diocletian.
Smyrnæ sanctórum Apéllis et Lúcii, ex primis Christi discípulis. At Smyrna, the Saints Apelles and Lucius, who were among the first disciples of Christ.
Eódem die sanctórum plurimórum Mártyrum, qui, sequénti anno post óbitum Simeónis, ánnuo item die quo passiónis Domínicæ memória celebrabátur, per totam Pérsidis regiónem, pro Christi nómine, sub Rege Sápore, gládio cædi jussi sunt.  In quo fídei certámine passus est Azades eunúchus, Regi caríssimus; Milles Epíscopus, sanctitáte et miraculórum virtúte insígnis; Acépsimas Epíscopus, cum Presbytero suo Jacóbo, item Aíthala et Josépho Presbyteris, Azadáne et Abdiéso Diáconis, et complúribus áliis Cléricis; Maréas quoque et Bicor Epíscopi, cum áliis vigínti Epíscopis, et Cléricis fere ducéntis quinquagínta, Mónachis étiam et sacris Virgínibus plúrimis.  Has inter Vírgines fuit étiam sancti Simeónis Epíscopi soror, nómine Tárbula, cum pedíssequa sua; quæ, stipítibus alligátæ serráque scissæ, crudelíssime necátæ sunt. The same day, many holy martyrs who, the year following the death of St. Simeon, and on the anniversary of the Passion of our Lord, were put to the sword for the name of Christ throughout Persia, under King Sapor.  Among those who then suffered for the faith were the eunuch Azades, a favorite of the king; Milles, a bishop renowned for sanctity and miracles; Bishop Acepsimas with one of his priests named James; also Aithalas and Joseph, priests; Azadan and Abdiesus, deacons, and many other clerics; Mareas and Bicor, bishop, with twenty other bishops, and nearly two hundred and fifty clerics; many monks and consecrated virgins, among whom was the sister of St. Simeon, called Tarbula, with her maid, who were both killed in a most cruel manner by being tied to stakes and sawn asunder.
Item in Pérside sanctórum Parménii, Heliménæ et Chrysóteli Presbyterórum, Lucæ et Múcii Diaconórum; quorum triúmphus martyrii in passióne sanctórum Abdon et Sennen habétur. Also in Persia, Saints Parmenius, Helimenas, and Chrysotelus, priests; Lucas and Mucius, deacons, whose triumph is related in the Acts of Saints Abdon and Sennen.
Alexandríæ natális sancti Leónidæ Mártyris, qui sub Sevéro passus est. At Alexandria, the birthday of the martyr St. Leonides, who suffered under Severus.
Lugdúni, in Gállia, sancti Epipódii, qui, in persecutióne Antoníni Veri, cum Alexándro colléga tentus, ibídem, post dira torménta, martyrium abscissióne cápitis complévit. At Lyons in France, in the persecution of Antoninus Verus, St. Epipodius, who was arrested with his companion Alexander, and after undergoing severe torments, completed his martyrdom by being beheaded.
Constantinópoli sancti Agapíti Papæ Primi, cujus sánctitas a beáto Gregório Magno commendátur.  Ipsíus autem corpus, póstea Romam relátum, in Vaticáno cónditum est. At Constantinople, Pope St. Agapitus the First, whose sanctity was praised by St. Gregory the Great.  His body was afterwards taken to Rome and buried in the Vatican.
Apud Senónas sancti Leónis, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Sens, St. Leo, bishop and confessor.
Anastasiópoli, in Galátia, sancti Theodóri Epíscopi, miráculis clari. At Anastasiopolis in Galatia, St. Theodore, a bishop well known for his miracles.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


April XXII.
St. Soter, Pope and Martyr
St. Caius, Pope and Martyr
SS. Azades, Tharba, and Many Others, Martyrs in Persia
SS. Epipodius and Alexander, Martyrs at Lyons
St. Theodorus of Siceon, Bishop and Confessor
St. Opportuna, Virgin and Abbess
St. Leonides, Martyr
St. Rufus, or Rufin, Anchoret, at Glendaloch in Ireland

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