Undécimo Kaléndas Júlii. Luna.


Undécimo Kaléndas Júlii. Luna. The Twenty-First Day of June. The Night of the Moon.

Romæ sancti Aloísii Gonzágæ, Clérici e Societáte Jesu et Confessóris, principátus contémptu et innocéntia vitæ claríssimi, quem, a Summo Pontífice Benedícto Décimo tértio adscríptum Sanctórum fastis et Protectórem juvénibus præsértim studiósis datum, Pius Papa Undécimus cæléstem Christiánæ juventútis univérsæ Patrónum confirmávit solémniter atque íterum declarávit. At Rome, St. Aloysius Gonzaga, cleric of the Society of Jesus and confessor, most renowned for his contempt of the princely dignity and the innocence of his life. Pope Benedict XIII placed him on the canon of the saints as special protector of young students; Pope Pius XI confirmed this and again solemnly declared him to be the heavenly patron of all Christian youth.

Item Romæ sanctæ Demétriæ Vírginis, quæ, sanctórum Mártyrum Flaviáni et Dafrósæ fília ac sanctæ Vírginis et Mártyris Bibiánæ soror, ipsa quoque, sub Juliáno Apóstata, martyrio coronáta est. Also at Rome, St. Demetria, virgin, daughter of the holy martyrs Flavian and Dafrosa, and the sister of St. Bibiana, virgin and martyr. She was crowned with martyrdom under Julian the Apostate.

Eódem die sancti Eusébii, Samosaténi Epíscopi; qui, témpore Constántii, Imperatóris Ariáni, sub hábitu militári incógnitus Ecclésias Dei visitábat, ut in fide cathólica illas confirmáret. Deínde, sub Valénte, in Thráciam relegátur; sed, réddita pace Ecclésiæ, témpore Theodósii, ab exsílio revocátus, tandem, cum íterum Ecclésias visitáret, ei caput, tégula per mulíerem Ariánam désuper immíssa, confráctum est, sicque Martyr occúbuit. The same day, St. Eusebius, bishop of Samosata. In the time of the Arian emperor Constantius, he disguised himself in military dress and visited the churches of God to confirm them in the faith. He was banished into Thrace by Valens, but when peace was restored to the Church in the reign of Theodosius, he was recalled. When he again visited the churches, an Arian woman threw a tile down upon him, which fractured his skull and made him a martyr.

Icónii, in Lycaónia, sancti Teréntii, Epíscopi et Mártyris. At Iconium in Lycaonia, St. Terence, bishop and martyr.

Syracúsis, in Sicília, natális sanctórum Mártyrum Rufíni et Mártiæ. At Syracuse in Sicily, the birthday of the holy martyrs Rufinus and Martia.

In Africa sanctórum Mártyrum Cyríaci et Apollináris. In Africa, the holy martyrs Cyriacus and Apollinaris.

Mogúntiæ sancti Albáni Mártyris, qui ob Christi fidem, post longos labóres et dura certámina, factus est dignus coróna vitæ. At Mainz, St. Alban, martyr, who was made worthy of the crown of life, after long labors and severe combats.

Papíæ sancti Urciscéni, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Pavia, St. Ursiscenus, bishop and confessor. Apud Tungrénses sancti Martíni Epíscopi. At Tongres, St. Martin, bishop. In pago Ebroicénsi sancti Leutfrídi Abbátis. In the parts of Evreux, St. Leutfrid, abbot.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

June XXI.
St. Aloysius or Lewis Gonzaga, Confessor
St. Ralph, Archbishop of Bourges, Confessor
St. Meen, Abbot in Brittany
St. Aaron, Abbot in Brittany
St. Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata, Martyr
St. Leufredus, Abbot


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