Idibus Júlii. Luna


Idibus Júlii. Luna . The Fifteenth Day of Jul. The Night of the Moon. 

Sancti Henríci Primi, Imperatóris Romanórum et Confessóris, cujus dies natális tértio Idus mensis hujus recensétur. St. Henry I, Roman emperor and confessor, whose birthday was noted on the 13th of this month.

Lugdúni, in Gállia, deposítio sancti Bonaventúræ, Cardinális et Epíscopi Albanénsis, Confessóris et Ecclésiæ Doctóris, ex Ordine Minórum, doctrína et vitæ sanctitáte celebérrimi. Ipsíus tamen festívitas prídie hujus diéi recólitur. At Lyons in France, the death of St. Bonaventure, cardinal and bishop of Albano, confessor and doctor of the Church, of the Order of Friars Minor, who is famed for his learning and the sanctity of his life. His feast is celebrated on the previous day.

Papíæ sancti Felícis, Epíscopi et Mártyris. At Pavia, St. Felix, bishop and martyr.

In Portu Románo natális sanctórum Mártyrum Eutrópii, atque Zósimæ et Bonósæ sorórum. At Porto, the birthday of the holy martyrs Eutropius, and the sisters Zosima and Bonosa.

Carthágine beáti Catulíni Diáconi, de cujus láudibus sanctus Augustínus sermónem ad pópulum hábuit, et sanctórum Januárii, Floréntii, Júliæ et Justæ Mártyrum; qui pósiti sunt in Basílica Fausti. At Carthage, blessed Catulinus, deacon, whose glories were proclaimed by St. Augustine in a sermon to his people. Also the saints Januarius, Florentius, Julia, and Justa, martyrs, who were entombed in the Church of St. Faustus.

Alexandríæ sanctórum Mártyrum Philíppi, Zenónis, Narséi et decem infántum. At Alexandria, the holy martyrs Philip, Zeno, Narseus, and ten children.

In ínsula Ténedo sancti Abudémii Mártyris, qui sub Diocletiáno passus est. In the island of Tenedos, St. Abudemius, martyr, who suffered under Diocletian.

Sebáste, in Arménia, sancti Antíochi médici, qui, sub Hadriáno Præside, cápite obtruncátus est; cumque ex eo lac pro sánguine manáret, Cyríacus cárnifex, convérsus ad Christum, et ipse martyrium súbiit. At Sebaste in Armenia, St. Antiochus, a physician, who was beheaded under the governor Adrian. On seeing milk flowing from his wounds instead of blood, Cyriacus, his executioner, was converted to Christ and endured martyrdom.

Nísibi, in Mesopotámia, natális sancti Jacóbi, ejúsdem urbis Epíscopi, magnæ sanctitátis viri. Hic, miráculis et eruditióne clarus, unus fuit, sub persecutióne Galérii Maximiáni, ex número Confessórum, qui in Nicæna deínde Synodo perversitátem Aríi, Homoúsii oppositióne, damnárunt; cujus et sancti Alexándri Epíscopi oratióne ipse Aríus condígnam suæ iniquitátis mercédem, effúsis viscéribus, Constantinópoli recépit. At Nisibis in Mesopotamia, the birthday of St. James, bishop of that city, a man celebrated for great holiness, miracles and learning. He was one of those who confessed the faith during the persecution of Galerius Maximian, and later condemned the perverse heresy of Arius in the Council of Nicaea by opposing to the doctrine of consubstantiality. It was also owing to his prayers, and those of the bishop Alexander, that Arius received at Constantinople the suitable punishment of his iniquity, his bowels gushing out.

Neápoli, in Campánia, sancti Athanásii, ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopi, qui, ab ímpio nepóte Sérgio multa passus ac sede pulsus, tandem Vérulis, in Hérnicis, conféctus ærúmnis, migrávit in cælum, témpore Cároli Calvi. At Naples in Campania, St. Athanasius, bishop of that city, who suffered a great deal from his wicked nephew Sergius, by whom he was driven from his diocese. Overcome with afflictions, he departed for heaven at Veroli, in the time of Charles the Bald.

Campi Salentinórum, in Apúlia, sancti Pompílii Maríæ Pirrótti, Confessóris, ex Ordine Clericórum Páuperum Matris Dei Scholárum Piárum, vita apostólica præclári, a Pio Undécimo, Pontífice Máximo, inter Sanctos reláti. At Campo in Italy, the birthday of St. Pompilio Maria Pirrotti of St. Nicholas, confessor, a member of the Congregation of Poor Clerks Regular of Pious Schools of the Mother of God, who spent his entire life in safeguarding the salvation of souls. He was registered among the saints by Pope Pius XI.

Panórmi Invéntio córporis sanctæ Rosáliæ, Vírginis Panormitánæ; quod, Urbáno Octávo Pontífice Máximo, repértum divínitus, Jubilæi anno Sicíliam a peste liberávit. At Palermo, the finding of the body of St. Rosalia, virgin of that city. Miraculously discovered in the time of Pope Urban VIII, it delivered Sicily from the plague in the year of the Jubilee.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God

July XV.
St. Henry II., Emperor
St. Plechelm, Bishop and Confessor
St. Swithin or Swithun, Bishop and Patron of Winchester, Confessor

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