Séptimo Kaléndas Decémbris. Luna.


St Catherine of Alexandria (1)The Twenty-Fifth Day of November

At Alexandria, St. Catherine, virgin and martyr, in the time of Emperor Maximinus.  For the confession of the Christian faith she was cast into prison, endured a long scourging with whips set with metal, and finally ended her martyrdom by having her head cut off.  Her body was miraculously carried by angels to Mount Sinai, where pious veneration is paid to it by great gatherings of Christians. At Rome, St. Moses, priest and martyr, who, along with others detained in prison, was often consoled by the letters of St. Cyprian.  He withstood with unbending courage not only the heathen, but also the Novatian schismatics and heretics, and according to the words of Pope St. Cornelius, he was finally crowned with a martyrdom which fills the mind with admiration in the persecution of Decius. At Antioch, St. Erasmus, martyr. At Caesarea in Cappadocia, St. Mercury, a soldier, who vanquished the barbarians and triumphed over the cruelty of Decius through the protection of his guardian angel.  Finally, having acquired great glory from his sufferings, he was crowned with martyrdom and went to reign forever in heaven. In Emilia, a province of Italy, St. Jucunda, virgin.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:
St. Catharine, Virgin and Martyr
St. Erasmus, or Elme, Bishop and Martyr

ORCCE Ordo: S. Catharinae Virginis et Martyris ~ Duplex Tempora: Feria Secunda infra Hebdomadam XXIV post Octavam Pentecostes V. Novembris: et in Anglia; Commemoratio infra octavam: S. Edmundi, Regis et Confessoris

Séptimo Kaléndas Decémbris.  Luna.

Alexandríæ sanctæ Catharínæ, Vírginis et Mártyris, quæ, ob fídei Christiánæ confessiónem, sub Maximíno Imperatóre, in cárcerem trusa, et póstmodum scorpiónibus diutíssime cæsa, tandem cápitis obtruncatióne martyrium complévit.  Ipsíus corpus, in montem Sínai mirabíliter ab Angelis delátum, ibídem, frequénti Christianórum concúrsu, pia veneratióne cólitur. Romæ sancti Móysis, Presbyteris et Mártyris; quem, cum áliis deténtum in cárcere, sanctus Cypriánus per lítteras sæpe est consolátus.  Ipse autem Móyses, cum non tantum advérsus Gentíles, sed étiam advérsus schismáticos et hæréticos Novatiános infrácto ánimo stetísset, demum (ut sanctus Cornélius Papa testátur), in persecutióne Décii, exímio et admirábili martyrio decorátus est. Antiochíæ sancti Erásmi Mártyris. Cæsaréæ, in Cappadócia, pássio sancti Mercúrii mílitis, qui custodiéntis se Angeli patrocínio et bárbaros vicit, et Décii sævítiam superávit; multísque auctus tormentórum trophæis, martyrio coronátus migrávit in cælum. In Æmília, Itáliæ província, sanctæ Jucúndæ Vírginis.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R. Deo grátias.

Nota Bene:  Pakistan: Christian girl of 13 abducted, converted to Islam and forced to marry

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