Octávo Idus Decémbris. Luna.


Octávo Idus Decémbris.  Luna. The Sixth Day of December.  The Night of the Moon.

stnicholasMyræ, quæ est metrópolis Lyciæ, natális sancti Nicolái, Epíscopi et Confessóris, de quo, inter plura miraculórum insígnia, illud memorábile fertur, quod Imperatórem Constantínum ab intéritu quorúmdam se invocántium, longe constitútus, ad misericórdiam per visum mónitis defléxit et minis.

At Myra, which is the metropolis of Lycia, the birthday of St. Nicholas, bishop and confessor, of whom it is related, among other miracles, that, while at a great distance from Emperor Constantine, he appeared to him in a vision and moved him to mercy so as to deter him from putting to death some persons who had implored his assistance.

Eódem die sancti Polychrónii Presbyteri, qui, témpore Constántii Imperatóris, cum ad altáre Missas ágeret, invásus est ab Ariánis et jugulátus.

On the same day, St. Polychronius, priest, who was surprised while offering Mass at the altar and slain by the Arians, in the reign of Emperor Constantius.

In Africa sancti Majórici, fílii sanctæ Dionysiæ, qui, cum esset adolescéntulus ac torménta pavésceret, matris obtútibus verbísque corroborátus est, et, céteris fórtior factus, in torméntis ánimam réddidit; quem amplexáta mater domi sepelívit, et ad ejus sepúlcrum assídue oráre consuévit.

In Africa, St. Majoricus, son of St. Dionysia, who, being quite young and dreading the torments, was strengthened by the looks and words of his mother, and becoming stronger than the rest, expired in torments. His mother took him in her arms, and having buried him in her own home, was wont to pray diligently at his tomb.

Ibídem sanctárum mulíerum Dionysiæ, quæ sancti Majórici Mártyris éxstitit mater, Datívæ ac Leóntiæ; itémque religiósi viri, nómine Tértii, Æmiliáni médici, et Bonifátii, cum áliis tribus. Hi omnes, in persecutióne Wandálica, sub Ariáno Rege Hunneríco, gravíssimis et innúmeris supplíciis pro cathólicæ fídei defensióne cruciáti, sanctórum Christi Confessórum número sociári meruérunt.

In the same place, the holy women Dionysia, who was the mother of St. Majoricus the martyr, Dativa, and Leontia; also a pious man named Tertius, Emilian a physician, Boniface, and three others. In the persecution of the Vandals, under the Arian king Hunneric, they were subjected to numberless most painful tortures for the Catholic faith, and thus merited to rank among the confessors of Christ.

Romæ sanctæ Aséllæ Vírginis, quæ (ut beátus Hierónymus scribit), ex útero matris benedícta, vitam in jejúniis et oratiónibus usque ad senéctam prodúxit.

At Rome, St. Asella, virgin, who according to the words of St. Jerome, being blessed from her mother’s womb, lived to old age in fasting and prayer.

Granátæ, in Hispánia, pássio beáti Petri Paschásii, Epíscopi Giennénsis et Mártyris, ex Ordine beátæ Maríæ de Mercéde redemptiónis captivórum.

At Granada in Spain, the passion of blessed Peter Paschasius, bishop of Jaen and martyr, a member of the Order of our Lady of Ransom for the Redemption of Captives.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R. Deo grátias.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:
St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra, Confessor
SS. Dionysia, Dativa, Æmilianus, Boniface, Leontia, Tertius, and Majoricus, Martyrs
St. Peter Paschal, Bishop and Martyr
St. Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch, Confessor

ORCCE Ordo: S. Nicolai Episcopi et Confessoris ~ III. classis; Commemoratio: Feria VI infra Hebdomadam I Adventus

Nota Bene: Confrontation in Cologne  A peaceful demonstration in front of Cologne Cathedral against the persecution of Christians turned ugly yesterday when Muslim counter-protesters, undeterred by any police. Syrian Islamists To Use Kidnapped Nuns as Human Shields Syrian rebels want to use nuns “kidnapped” from their Maalula convent north of Damascus as “human shields,” pro-regime daily Al-Watan said Wednesday.

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