Décimo sexto Kaléndas Februárii. Luna.


Décimo sexto Kaléndas Februárii.  Luna. The Seventeenth Day of January. The Night of the Moon.

In Thebáide sancti Antónii Abbátis, qui, multórum Monachórum Pater, vita et miráculis præclaríssimus vixit; cujus gesta sanctus Athanásius insígni volúmine prosecútus est. Ejus autem sacrum corpus, sub Justiniáno Imperatóre, divína revelatióne repértum et Alexandríam delátum, in Ecclésia sancti Joánnis Baptístæ humátum fuit. In Thebais, St. Anthony, abbot and spiritual guide of many monks, who was most celebrated for his life and miracles of which St. Athanasius has written a detailed account. His holy body was found by a divine revelation during the reign of Emperor Justinian and brought to Alexandria, where it was buried in the church of St. John Baptist. Apud Língonas, in Gállia, sanctórum tergeminórum Speusíppi, Eleusíppi et Meleusíppi; qui, cum ávia sua Leonílla, martyrio coronáti sunt, témpore Marci Aurélii Imperatóris. At Langres in France, in the time of Marcus Aurelius, the Saints Speusippus, Eleusippus, and Meleusippus, born at one birth, were crowned with martyrdom together with their grandmother Leonilla. Apud Bitúricas, in Aquitánia, deposítio sancti Sulpícii Epíscopi, cognoménto Pii, cujus vita et mors pretiósa gloriósis miráculis commendátur. At Bourges in Aquitaine, the death of the holy Bishop Sulpice, surnamed Pius, whose life and precious death were approved by glorious miracles. Romæ, in monastério sancti Andréæ, beatórum Monachórum Antónii, Méruli et Joánnis, de quibus scribit sanctus Gregórius Papa. At Rome, in the monastery of St. Andrew, the blessed monks Anthony, Merulus, and John, of whom Pope St. Gregory speaks in his writings. In fínibus Edessénæ regiónis, in Mesopotámia, sancti Juliáni Eremítæ, cognoménto Sabæ, qui, Valéntis Imperatóris témpore, fidem cathólicam, Antiochíæ ferme collápsam, virtúte miraculórum eréxit. At Edessa in Mesopotamia, in the time of Emperor Valens, St. Julian Sabas the Elder, who miraculously restored the Catholic faith at Antioch, although it was almost destroyed in that city. Romæ Invéntio sanctórum Mártyrum Diodóri Presbyteri, Mariáni Diáconi, et Sociórum; qui, sancto Stéphano Papa Ecclésiam Dei regénte, martyrium Kaléndis Decémbris sunt assecúti. At Rome, the finding of the holy martyrs Diodorus, priest, and Marian, deacon, and their companions. They suffered martyrdom on the 1st of December during the pontificate of Pope St. Stephen.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:
St. Antony, Abbot, Patriarch of Monks
SS. Speusippus, Eleusippus, and Meleusippus, Martyrs
St. Sulpicius the Pious, Archbishop of Bourges
St. Sulpicius II., Surnamed le Debonnaire, Archbishop of Bourges
St. Milgithe, Virgin, of England
St. Nennius, or Nennidhius, Abbot in Ireland

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