Quarto Kaléndas Februárii. Luna.


Quarto Kaléndas Februárii.  Luna. The Twenty-Ninth Day of January. The Night of the Moon.

Sancti Francísci Salésii, Epíscopi Gebennénsis, Confessóris et Ecclésiæ Doctóris, ómnium Scriptórum catholicórum, diáriis aliísve scriptis in vulgus edéndis sapiéntiam Christiánam illustrántium ac provehéntium et tutántium, peculiáris apud Deum Patróni; qui migrávit in cælum quinto Kaléndas Januárii, sed hac die, ob Translatiónem córporis ejus, potíssimum cólitur. St. Francis de Sales, bishop of Geneva, confessor and doctor of the Church, special patron before God of all Catholic writers in explaining, promoting, or defending Christian doctrine either by publishing journals or other writings in the vernacular. He departed to heaven on the 28th of December, but because of the transfer of his body on this day, his feast is now celebrated. Tréviris deposítio beáti Valérii Epíscopi, qui fuit discípulus sancti Petri Apóstoli. At Treves, the death of the blessed bishop Valerius, disciple of the apostle St. Peter. Romæ, via Nomentána, natális sanctórum Mártyrum Pápiæ et Mauri mílitum, témpore Diocletiáni Imperatóris; quorum ora jussit Laodícius, Urbis Præféctus, ad primam Christi confessiónem lapídibus contúndi, et sic eos in cárcerem trahi, ac póstea fústibus cædi, atque ad últimum plumbátis pércuti, donec exspirárent. At Rome, on the Via Nomentana, the birthday of the holy martyrs Papias and Maur, soldiers under Emperor Diocletian. At their first confession of Christ they had their mouths bruised with stones and were thrown into prison by order of Laodicius, prefect of the city. Afterwards they were beaten with rods and with leaded whips until they expired. Perúsiæ sancti Constántii, Epíscopi et Mártyris; qui, una cum Sóciis, sub Marco Aurélio Imperatóre, ob fídei defensiónem, martyrii corónam accépit. At Perugia, in the time of Marcus Aurelius, St. Constantius, bishop and martyr, who, together with his companions, received the crown of martyrdom for the defence of the faith. Medioláni sancti Aquilíni Presbyteri, qui, ab Ariánis gládio in gútture transfíxus, martyrio coronátur. At Milan, St. Aquilinus, priest, who was crowned with martyrdom by having his throat pierced with a sword by the Arians. Edéssæ, in Syria, sanctórum Mártyrum Sarbélii et Bárbeæ soróris, qui, a beáto Barsimǽo Epíscopo baptizáti, ambo, in persecutióne Trajáni, sub Lysia Præside, martyrio coronáti sunt. At Edessa in Syria, the holy martyrs Sabellus and his sister Barbea, who were baptized by the blessed bishop Barsimaeus, and crowned with martyrdom in the persecution of Trajan, under the governor Lysias. In território Tricassíno sancti Sabiniáni Mártyris, qui, jubénte Aureliáno Imperatóre, pro fide Christi decollátus est. In the territory of Troyes, St. Sabinian, martyr, who was beheaded for the faith of Christ by command of the emperor Aurelian. Apud Bitúricas, in Aquitánia, sancti Sulpícii Sevéri Epíscopi, virtútibus et eruditióne conspícui. At Bourges, St. Sulpice Severus, bishop, distinguished by his virtues and learning.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

January XXIX.
St. Francis of Sales, Bishop and Confessor
St. Sulpicius Severus
St. Gildas the Wise, or Badonicus, Abbot, Native of England
St. Gildas, the Albanian, or the Scot, Confessor