Prídie Kaléndas Februárii. Luna


Prídie Kaléndas Februárii. Luna. The Thirty-First Day of January. The Night of the Moon. 

Augústæ Taurinórum sancti Joánnis Bosco, Confessóris, Societátis Salesiánæ ac Institúti Filiárum Maríæ Auxiliatrícis Fundatóris, animárum zelo et fídei propagándæ conspícui, quem Pius Papa Undécimus Sanctórum fastis adscrípsit. At Turin,the birthday of St. John Bosco, confessor, founder of the Salesian Congregation and of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians. Conspicuous for his zeal for souls and for the propagation of the faith, he was canonized by Pope Pius XI.

Romæ, via Portuénsi, sanctórum Mártyrum Cyri et Joánnis, qui pro confessióne Christi, post multa torménta, cápite truncáti sunt. At Rome, on the road to Ostia, the holy martyrs Cyrus and John, who were beheaded after suffering many torments for the name of Christ.

Alexandríæ natális sancti Metráni Mártyris, qui, sub Décio Imperatóre, cum ad jussiónem Paganórum nollet ímpia verba proférre, hi totum ejus corpus fústibus collisérunt, vultúmque et óculos præacútis cálamis terebrántes, cum cruciátibus expulérunt ipsum extra urbem, ibíque lapídibus oppréssum interemérunt. At Alexandria, in the time of Emperor Decius, the birthday of St. Metran, martyr, who, because he refused to utter blasphemous words at the bidding of the pagans, had his body all bruised with blows, and his face and eyes pierced with sharp pointed reeds. He was then driven out of the city and stoned to death.

Ibídem sanctórum Mártyrum Saturníni, Thyrsi et Victóris. In the same place, the holy martyrs Saturninus, Thyrsus, and Victor.

Item Alexandríæ sanctórum Mártyrum Tharsícii, Zótici, Cyríaci et Sociórum. Also at Alexandria, the holy martyrs Tharsicius, Zoticus, Cyriacus, and their companions.

Cyzici, in Hellespónto, sanctæ Tryphǽnæ Mártyris, quæ, plúrimis torméntis superátis, a tauro demum necáta, martyrii palmam proméruit. At Cyzicum in the Hellespont, St. Triphenes, martyr, who overcame various torments, but was finally killed by a bull, and thus merited the palm of martyrdom.

Mútinæ sancti Geminiáni Epíscopi, miraculórum glória conspícui. At Modena, St. Geminian, bishop, made illustrious by his miracles.

In Província Mediolanénsi sancti Júlii, Presbyteri et Confessóris, témpore Imperatóris Theodósii. In the province of Milan, St. Julius, priest and confessor, in the reign of the emperor Theodosius.

Neápoli sancti Francísci Xavérii-Maríæ Biánchi, Confessóris, Clérici reguláris sancti Pauli, signis, donis cæléstibus et admirábili patiéntia illústris, quem Pius Papa Duodécimus ad suprémos honóres Sanctórum éxtulit. At Naples, St. Francis Xavier-Maria Bianchi, confessor, cleric regular of St. Paul, renowned for miracles, heavenly gifts and an admirable patience, whom Pope Pius XII raised to the supreme honour of sainthood.

Romæ sanctæ Marcéllæ Víduæ, cujus præcláras laudes beátus Hierónymus scripsit. At Rome, St. Marcella, widow, whose meritorious deeds are related by St. Jerome.

Item Romæ beátæ Ludovícæ Albertóniæ, Víduæ Románæ, ex tértio Ordine sancti Francísci, virtútibus claræ. Also at Rome, blessed Louise Albertonia, a Roman widow, member of the Third Order of St. Francis, distinguished for her virtues.

Eódem die Translátio sancti Marci Evangelístæ, cum sacrum ejus corpus ex Alexandría, a bárbaris tunc occupáta, Venétias allátum, ibídem in majóri Ecclésia, ejus nómine consecráta, honorificentíssime cónditum fuit. The same day, the transfer of the revered body of the Evangelist St. Mark from the city of Alexandria in Egypt, then occupied by barbarians, to Venice, and with the greatest honours placed in the large church dedicated to his name.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

January XXXI.
St. Peter Nolasco, Confessor
St. Serapion, Martyr in England
St. Cyrus and St. John, Martyrs
St. Marcella, Widow
St. Maidoc, or Maodhog, Bishop of Ferns, in Ireland


Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

Tértio Kaléndas Februárii. Luna.


Tértio Kaléndas Februárii. Luna. The Thirtieth Day of January.The Night of the Moon. 

Sanctæ Martínæ, Vírginis et Mártyris, cujus dies natális Kaléndis Januárii recólitur. St. Martina, virgin and martyr, who is commemorated on her birthday, the first day of this month.

Edéssæ, in Syria, sancti Barsimǽi Epíscopi, qui, cum Gentíles plúrimos convertísset ad fidem et præmisísset ad corónam, eos secútus est, sub Trajáno, cum palma martyrii. At Edessa in Syria, in the reign of Trajan, St. Barsimaeus, bishop, who converted many Gentiles to the faith, sent them before him to gain their crown, and then followed them with the palm of martyrdom.

Antiochíæ pássio beáti Hippólyti Presbyteri, qui, decéptus aliquándiu schísmate Nováti, sed, operánte grátia Christi, corréctus, ad unitátem Ecclésiæ rédiit, pro qua et in qua póstea illústre martyrium consummávit. Hic, rogátus a suis quænam secta vérior esse servándam quam Petri Cáthedra custodíret, júgulum præbuit. At Antioch, the passion of the blessed Hippolytus, priest, who for a short time deceived by the Novatian schism, was converted by the grace of Christ, and returned to the unity of the Church, for which and in which he afterwards underwent a glorious martyrdom. Being asked by the schismatics, which was the better side, he said that he detested the doctrine of Novatus, and that the faith which the Chair of Peter taught ought to be professed, after which he was beheaded.
In Africa pássio sanctórum Mártyrum Feliciáni, Philappiáni et aliórum centum vigínti quátuor. In Africa, the passion of the holy martyrs Felician, Philappian, and one hundred and twenty-four others.
Item beáti Alexándri, qui, in persecutióne Décii, comprehénsus est, ac, longævæ ætátis veneránda canítie et confessióne iteráta respléndens, inter carníficum torménta réddidit spíritum. Blessed Alexander, a man of venerable aspect and advanced age, who was apprehended in the persecution of Decius. After gloriously and repeatedly confessing the faith, in the midst of torments he gave up his soul unto God.
Edéssæ, in Syria, sancti Barsis Epíscopi, dono curatiónum illústris; qui, a Valénte, Imperatóre Ariáno, in díssitas regiónes ob fidem cathólicam relegátus, ac tríplici mutatióne fatigátus exsílii, vitam finívit. At Edessa in Syria, St Barses, bishop, renowned for the gift of healing diseases. For holding to the Catholic faith he was banished by the Arian emperor Valens into the most remote corner of that country, and he there ended his days.
Hierosólymis natális sancti Matthíæ Epíscopi, de quo mira et plena fídei gesta narrántur; qui, sub Hadriáno, multa pro Christo perpéssus est, ac demum in pace quiévit. At Jerusalem, the birthday of St. Matthias, bishop, of whom wonderful deeds are related which were inspired by faith. After having endured many trials for Christ under Adrian, he passed away in peace.
Papíæ sancti Armentárii, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Pavia, St. Armentarius, bishop and confessor.

In Malbódio, Hannóniæ monastério, sanctæ Aldegúndis Vírginis, témpore Dagobérti Regis. In Hainaut, in the monastery of Maubeuge, St. Aldegund, virgin, who lived in the time of King Dagobert.

Vitérbii sanctæ Hyacínthæ de Mariscóttis Vírginis, ex tértio sancti Francísci Ordine Sanctimoniális, pæniténtia et caritáte insígnis; quam Pius Papa Séptimus Sanctis adscrípsit. At Viterbo, the holy virgin Hyacinth Mariscotti, a nun of the Third Order of St. Francis, distinguished for the virtues of penance and charity. She was inscribed among the saints by Pope Pius VII.

Medioláni sanctæ Savínæ, féminæ religiosíssimæ, quæ, ad sepúlcra sanctórum Náboris et Felícis Mártyrum orans, obdormívit in Dómino. At Milan, St. Savina, a most religious woman, who went to rest in the Lord while praying at the tomb of the holy martyrs Nabor and Felix.

In território Parisiénsi sanctæ Bathíldis Regínæ, sanctitáte et miraculórum glória præcláræ. In the district of Paris, St. Bathilde, queen, renowned for the worthiness of her miracles and her sanctity.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

January XXX.
St. Bathildes, Queen of France
St. Martina, Virgin and Martyr
St. Aldegondes, Virgin and Abbess
St. Barsimæus, Bishop and Martyr


Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

Quarto Kaléndas Februárii. Luna.


Quarto Kaléndas Februárii.  Luna. The Twenty-Ninth Day of January. The Night of the Moon.

Sancti Francísci Salésii, Epíscopi Gebennénsis, Confessóris et Ecclésiæ Doctóris, ómnium Scriptórum catholicórum, diáriis aliísve scriptis in vulgus edéndis sapiéntiam Christiánam illustrántium ac provehéntium et tutántium, peculiáris apud Deum Patróni; qui migrávit in cælum quinto Kaléndas Januárii, sed hac die, ob Translatiónem córporis ejus, potíssimum cólitur. St. Francis de Sales, bishop of Geneva, confessor and doctor of the Church, special patron before God of all Catholic writers in explaining, promoting, or defending Christian doctrine either by publishing journals or other writings in the vernacular. He departed to heaven on the 28th of December, but because of the transfer of his body on this day, his feast is now celebrated. Tréviris deposítio beáti Valérii Epíscopi, qui fuit discípulus sancti Petri Apóstoli. At Treves, the death of the blessed bishop Valerius, disciple of the apostle St. Peter. Romæ, via Nomentána, natális sanctórum Mártyrum Pápiæ et Mauri mílitum, témpore Diocletiáni Imperatóris; quorum ora jussit Laodícius, Urbis Præféctus, ad primam Christi confessiónem lapídibus contúndi, et sic eos in cárcerem trahi, ac póstea fústibus cædi, atque ad últimum plumbátis pércuti, donec exspirárent. At Rome, on the Via Nomentana, the birthday of the holy martyrs Papias and Maur, soldiers under Emperor Diocletian. At their first confession of Christ they had their mouths bruised with stones and were thrown into prison by order of Laodicius, prefect of the city. Afterwards they were beaten with rods and with leaded whips until they expired. Perúsiæ sancti Constántii, Epíscopi et Mártyris; qui, una cum Sóciis, sub Marco Aurélio Imperatóre, ob fídei defensiónem, martyrii corónam accépit. At Perugia, in the time of Marcus Aurelius, St. Constantius, bishop and martyr, who, together with his companions, received the crown of martyrdom for the defence of the faith. Medioláni sancti Aquilíni Presbyteri, qui, ab Ariánis gládio in gútture transfíxus, martyrio coronátur. At Milan, St. Aquilinus, priest, who was crowned with martyrdom by having his throat pierced with a sword by the Arians. Edéssæ, in Syria, sanctórum Mártyrum Sarbélii et Bárbeæ soróris, qui, a beáto Barsimǽo Epíscopo baptizáti, ambo, in persecutióne Trajáni, sub Lysia Præside, martyrio coronáti sunt. At Edessa in Syria, the holy martyrs Sabellus and his sister Barbea, who were baptized by the blessed bishop Barsimaeus, and crowned with martyrdom in the persecution of Trajan, under the governor Lysias. In território Tricassíno sancti Sabiniáni Mártyris, qui, jubénte Aureliáno Imperatóre, pro fide Christi decollátus est. In the territory of Troyes, St. Sabinian, martyr, who was beheaded for the faith of Christ by command of the emperor Aurelian. Apud Bitúricas, in Aquitánia, sancti Sulpícii Sevéri Epíscopi, virtútibus et eruditióne conspícui. At Bourges, St. Sulpice Severus, bishop, distinguished by his virtues and learning.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

January XXIX.
St. Francis of Sales, Bishop and Confessor
St. Sulpicius Severus
St. Gildas the Wise, or Badonicus, Abbot, Native of England
St. Gildas, the Albanian, or the Scot, Confessor


Quinto Kaléndas Februárii. Luna.


Quinto Kaléndas Februárii.  Luna. The Twenty-Eighth Day of January. The Night of the Moon.

Sancti Petri Nolásci Confessóris, qui Ordinis beátæ Maríæ de Mercéde redemptiónis captivórum éxstitit Fundátor, et octávo Kaléndas Januárii obdormívit in Dómino. St. Peter Nolasco, confessor, who founded the Order of Our Lady of Ransom for the redemption of captives, and who fell asleep in the Lord on the 25th of December. Romæ sanctæ Agnétis, Vírginis et Mártyris, secúndo. At Rome, the second feast of St. Agnes, virgin and martyr. Alexandríæ natális sancti Cyrílli, ejúsdem urbis Epíscopi, Confessóris et Ecclésiæ Doctóris; qui, cathólicæ fídei præclaríssimus propugnátor, doctrína et sanctitáte illústris quiévit in pace. Ejus tamen festívitas quinto Idus Februárii celebrátur. At Alexandria, the birthday of St. Cyril, bishop of that city, a most celebrated defender of the Catholic faith, who died in peace, with a great reputation for learning and sanctity. His feast, however, is kept on the ninth of February. Romæ sancti Flaviáni Mártyris, qui sub Diocletiáno passus est. At Rome, St. Flavian, martyr, who suffered under Diocletian. Alexandríæ pássio plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum, qui, hac ipsa die, a factióne Syriáni, Ducis Ariáni, dum in Ecclésia synáxim ágerent, divérso mortis génere sunt interémpti. At Alexandria, the commemoration of many holy martyrs, who, while they were at Mass in the church on this day, were put to death in different ways by the followers of Syrianus, an Arian general. Apollóniæ sanctórum Mártyrum, Léucii, Thyrsi et Calliníci; qui, témpore Décii Imperatóris, váriis tormentórum genéribus cruciáti, ac primus et últimus abscissióne cápitis, médius cælésti voce evocátus spíritum reddens, martyrium consummárunt. At Appollonia, the holy martyrs Thrysus, Leucius, and Callinicus, who were made to undergo various torments in the time of Emperor Decius. Thyrsus and Callinicus were beheaded; Leucius, called by a heavenly voice, yielded his soul unto God. In Thebáide sanctórum Mártyrum Leónidæ et Sociórum, qui, témpore Diocletiáni, palmam martyrii sunt assecúti. In Thebais, the holy martyrs Leonides and his companions, who obtained the palm of martyrdom in the time of Diocletian. Cæsaraugústæ, in Hispánia, sancti Valérii Epíscopi. At Saragossa in Spain, St. Valerius, bishop. Conchæ, in Hispánia, natális sancti Juliáni Epíscopi, qui, érogans in páuperes bona Ecclésiæ, ópera mánuum sibi more Apostólico victum quærens, clarus miráculis quiévit in pace. At Cuenca in Spain, the birthday of St. Julian, bishop, who, after bestowing the goods of the Church on the poor, like the apostles, supported himself by the work of his hands, and went to his God famous for his miracles. In monastério Reomaénsi, in Gállia, deposítio sancti Joánnis Presbyteri, viri Deo devóti. In the monastery of Rheims in France, the death of the holy priest John, a devout man of God. In Palæstína sancti Jacóbi Eremítæ, qui, post lapsum, diu, pæniténtiæ causa, in sepúlcro látuit, et clarus miráculis migrávit ad Dóminum. In Palestine, St. James, hermit, who hid himself a long time in a sepulchre in order to do penance for a fault he had committed, and, being celebrated for miracles, departed for heaven.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

January XXVIII.
Commemoration of St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
St. Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria
On the Writings of St. Cyril of Alexandria
St. Thyrsus, St. Leucius, and St. Callinicus, Martyrs
St. John of Reomay, Abbot
B. Margaret, Princess of Hungary, Virgin
St. Paulinus, Patriarch of Aquileia, Confessor
B. Charlemagne, Emperor
St. Glastian, Bishop and Confessor in Scotland


Sexto Kaléndas Februárii. Luna.


Sexto Kaléndas Februárii.  Luna. The Twenty-Seventh Day of January. The Night of the Moon.

Sancti Joánnis Chrysóstomi, Epíscopi Constantinopolitáni, Confessóris et Ecclésiæ Doctóris, cæléstis Oratórum sacrórum Patróni; qui décimo octávo Kaléndas Octóbris obdormívit in Dómino. Ejus sacrum corpus, sub Theodósio junióre, hac die Constantinópolim, inde póstea Romam translátum fuit, et in Basílica Príncipis Apostolórum cónditum. St. John Chrysostom, Bishop of Constantinople, confessor and doctor of the Church, and the heavenly patron of preachers, who fell asleep in the Lord on the 14th of September. His holy body was brought to Constantinople on this day in the reign of Theodosius the younger; it was afterwards taken to Rome and placed in the basilica of the Prince of the Apostles. Bríxiæ natális sanctæ Angelæ Meríci Vírginis, ex tértio Ordine sancti Francísci, quæ Societátem Vírginum sanctæ Ursulæ instítuit, quarum præcípuum munus esset dirígere adolescéntulas in vias Dómini. Ejus tamen festívitas Kaléndis Júnii celebrátur. At Brescia, the birthday of St. Angela Merici, virgin, who belonged to the Third Order of St. Francis, and who founded the Order of the Nuns of St. Ursula, whose principal aim is to direct young girls in the ways of the Lord. Her feast is celebrated on the 1st of June. Apud Cenómanos, in Gállia, deposítio sancti Juliáni, ejúsdem urbis primi Epíscopi, quem sanctus Petrus illuc ad prædicándum Evangélium misit. At Le Mans in France, the death of St. Julian, the first bishop of that city, who was sent there by St. Peter to preach the Gospel. Soræ sancti Juliáni Mártyris, qui, in persecutióne Antoníni, sub Flaviáno Præside, comprehénsus est, et, cum idolórum templum, dum ipse torquerétur, corruísset, martyrii corónam, truncáto cápite, accépit. At Sora, St. Julian, martyr, who, being arrested in the persecution of Antoninus, was beheaded because a pagan temple had fallen to the ground while he was being tortured. In Africa sancti Avíti Mártyris. In Africa, St. Avitus, martyr. Ibídem sanctórum Mártyrum Dátii, Reátri et Sociórum, qui in persecutióne Wandálica passi sunt. In the same country, the holy martyrs Datius, Reatrus, and their companions, who suffered in the persecution of the Vandals. Item sanctórum Datívi, Juliáni, Vincéntii atque aliórum vigínti septem Mártyrum. Also, the holy martyrs Dativus, Julian, Vincent, and twenty-seven others. Romæ sancti Vitaliáni Papæ. At Rome, St. Vitalian, pope. In monastério Bobacénsi, in Gállia, sancti Mauri Abbátis. In the monastery of Bobbio in France, St. Maur, abbot.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

January XXVII.
St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, and Doctor of the Church
On the Writings of St. John Chrysostom
St. Julian, First Bishop of Mans, Confessor
St. Marius, Abbot


Séptimo Kaléndas Februárii. Luna.


Séptimo Kaléndas Februárii.  Luna. The Twenty-Sixth Day of January. The Night of the Moon.

Sancti Polycárpi, Epíscopi Smyrnénsis et Mártyris; qui martyrii corónam séptimo Kaléndas Mártii consecútus est. St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna and martyr, who gained the crown of martyrdom on the 23rd of February. Hippóne Régio, in Africa, sanctórum Theógenis Epíscopi, et aliórum trigínta sex; qui, in persecutióne Valeriáni, contemnéntes temporálem mortem, corónam ætérnæ vitæ adépti sunt. At Hippo in Africa, the holy bishop Theogenes and thirty-six others, who, despising temporal death, obtained the crown of eternal life in the persecution of Valerian. Apud Béthlehem Judæ dormítio sanctæ Paulæ Víduæ, quæ, cum esset e nobilíssimo Senatórum génere, cum beáta Vírgine Christi Eustóchio, fília sua, renúntians sæculo, facultátes suas paupéribus distríbuit, et ad Præsépe Dómini se recépit; ibíque, multis virtútibus prǽdita et longo coronáta martyrio, ad cæléstia regna transívit. Ipsíus autem vitam, virtútibus admirándum, sanctus Hierónymus scripsit. At Bethlehem of Judea, the death of St. Paula, widow, mother of St. Eustochium, a virgin of Christ, who abandoned her worldly prospects, though she was descended from a noble line of senators, distributed her goods to the poor, and retired to our Lord’s manger, where, endowed with many virtues, and crowned with a long martyrdom, she departed for the kingdom of heaven. Her admirable life was written by St. Jerome.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

January XXVI.
St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, Martyr
St. Paula, Widow
St. Conon, Bishop of the Isle of Man


Octávo Kaléndas Februárii. Luna.


Octávo Kaléndas Februárii.  Luna. The Twenty-Fifth Day of January. The Night of the Moon.

1-st-paul-conversion-grangerConvérsio sancti Pauli Apóstoli, quæ fuit anno secúndo ab Ascensióne Domini. The conversion of St. Paul the Apostle, which occurred in the second year after the Ascension of our Lord. Apud Damáscum natális sancti Ananíæ, qui fuit discípulus Dómini, et eúndem Paulum Apóstolum baptizávit. Ipse autem, cum Damásci, et Eleutherópoli, alibíque Evangélium prædicásset, tandem, sub Licínio Júdice, nervis cæsus et laniátus, ac lapídibus oppréssus, martyrium consummávit. At Damascus, the birthday of St. Ananias, who was a disciple of our Lord, and baptized the apostle Paul. After he had preached the Gospel at Damascus, Eleutheropolis, and elsewhere, he was scourged under the judge Licinius, had his flesh torn, and lastly being overwhelmed with stones, ended his martyrdom. Arvérnis, in Gállia, sanctórum Præjécti Epíscopi, et Amaríni, Abbátis Cloroangiénsis; qui ambo a procéribus ejúsdem urbis passi sunt. In the Auvergne in France, the Saints Praejectus, bishop, and Amarinus, abbot of Doroang, who were murdered by the leading men of that city. Antiochíæ sanctórum Mártyrum Juventíni et Máximi, qui, sub Juliáno Apóstata, martyrio coronáti sunt; in quorum die natáli sanctus Joánnes Chrysóstomus sermónem ad pópulum hábuit. At Antioch, in the time of Julian the Apostate, the holy martyrs Juvenius and Maximus, who were crowned with martyrdom. On their birthday, St. John Chrysostom preached a sermon to his people. Item sanctórum Mártyrum Donáti, Sabíni et Agapis. Also, the holy martyrs Donatus, Sabinus, and Agape. Tomis, in Scythia, sancti Bretanniónis Epíscopi, qui mira sanctitáte et cathólicæ fídei zelo, sub Ariáno Imperatóre Valénte, cui fórtiter réstitit, in Ecclésia flóruit. At Tomis in Scythia, St. Bretannio, bishop, who worked in the Church shewing great sanctity and zeal for the Catholic faith, and was at the same time bravely opposed to the Arian emperor Valens. Marciánis, in Gállia, sancti Poppónis, Presbyteri et Abbátis, miráculis clari. At Marchiennes in France, St. Poppo, priest and abbot, renowned for his miracles.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

January XXV.
The Conversion of St. Paul
St. Juventinus and St. Maximinus, Martyrs
St. Projectus, Bishop of Clermont, Martyr
St. Poppo, Abbot of Stavello
St. Apollo, Abbot in Thebais
St. Publius, Abbot near Zeugma, upon the Euphrates


Nono Kaléndas Februárii. Luna


Nono Kaléndas Februárii. Luna. The Twenty-Fourth Day of January. The Night of the Moon. 

Apud Ephesum sancti Timóthei, qui fuit discípulus beáti Pauli Apóstoli; atque, ab eódem Ephesi ordinátus Epíscopus, ibi, post multos pro Christo agónes, cum Diánæ immolántes argúeret, lapídibus óbrutus est, ac paulo post obdormívit in Dómino. At Ephesus, St. Timothy, disciple of the apostle St. Paul, who ordained him bishop of that city. After many labours for Christ, he was stoned for rebuking those who offered sacrifices to Diana, and shortly after went peacefully to his rest in the Lord.

Antiochíæ sancti Bábilæ Epíscopi, qui, in persecutióne Décii, póstea quam frequénter passiónibus suis ac cruciátibus glorificáverat Deum, gloriósæ vitæ finem sortítus est in vínculis férreis, cum quibus et suum corpus sepelíri mandávit. Referúntur étiam passi cum eo tres púeri, scílicet Urbánus, Prilidiánus et Epolónius, quos ille in Christi fide instrúxerat. At Antioch, in the persecution of Decius, Bishop St. Babylas, who frequently glorified God by his sufferings and torments, ended his life in chains, with which he ordered his body to be buried. Three boys, whom he had instructed in the faith of Christ, Urbanus, Prilidian, and Epolonius, are said to have suffered with him.

Fulgínei, in Umbria, sancti Feliciáni, qui, a sancto Victóre Papa Primo Epíscopus ejúsdem civitátis ordinátus, illic, post multos labóres, in última senectúte, sub Décio Imperatóre, martyrio coronátus est. At Foligno in Umbria, St. Felician, consecrated bishop of that city by Pope St. Victor I. After many labours, in extreme old age, he was crowned with martyrdom in the time of Decius.
Neocæsaréæ, in Mauritánia, sanctórum Mártyrum Mardónii, Musónii, Eugénii et Metélli; qui omnes igni tráditi sunt, et eórum relíquiæ in flumen dispérsæ. At Neocaesarea, the holy martyrs Mardonius, Musonius, Eugenius, and Metellus, who were all burned to death, and their remains thrown into the river.
Item sanctórum Mártyrum Thyrsi et Projécti. Also, the holy martyrs Thyrsus and Projectus.

Cínguli, in Picéno, sancti Exsuperántii Confessóris, ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopi, ob miraculórum famam illústris. At Cingoli in Piceno, St. Exuperantius, confessor and bishop of that city, who attained great fame by his miracles.

Bonóniæ sancti Zamæ, qui, a sancto Dionysio, Románo Pontífice, primus ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopus ordinátus, illic Christiánam fidem mirífice propagávit. At Bologna, St. Zamas, the first bishop of that city, who was consecrated by Pope St. Denis, and there did wonders in spreading the Christian faith.
Item beáti Suráni Abbátis, qui, témpore Longobardórum, sanctitáte flóruit. Also, blessed Suranus, abbot, who lived in the time of the Lombards.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

January XXIV.
St. Timothy, Bishop and Martyr
St. Babylas, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr
St. Suranus, Abbot in Umbria
St. Macedonius, Anchoret in Syria
St. Cadocus, or Cadoc, Abbot in Wales


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Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.