Tértio Nonas Februárii. Luna.


Tértio Nonas Februárii.  Luna. The Third Day of February. The Night of the Moon.

Blaise (1)Sebáste, in Arménia, pássio sancti Blásii, Epíscopi et Mártyris; qui, multórum patrátor miraculórum, sub Agricoláo Præside, post diútinam cæsiónem, atque in ligno suspensiónem, ubi férreis pectínibus carnes ejus dirúptæ sunt, post tetérrimum cárcerem et in lacum demersiónem, unde salvus exívit, tandem, jubénte eódem Júdice, una cum duóbus púeris, cápite truncátur. Ante ipsum vero septem mulíeres, quæ guttas sánguinis ex ejúsdem Mártyris córpore defluéntes, dum torquerétur, colligébant, proptérea, deprehénsæ quod essent Christiánæ, omnes, post dira torménta, gládio percússæ sunt. At Sebaste in Armenia, in the time of the governor Agricolaus, the passion of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, who, after working many miracles, was scourged for a long time, suspended from a tree where his flesh was lacerated with iron combs. He was then imprisoned in a dark dungeon, thrown into a lake from which he came out safe, and finally, by order of the judge, he and two boys were beheaded. Before him, seven women who were gathering the drops of his blood during his torture, were recognized as Christians, and after undergoing severe torments, were put to death by the sword. In Africa sancti Celeríni Diáconi, qui, decem et novem dies custódia cárceris septus, in nervo et ferro variísque pœnis gloriósus fuit Christi Conféssor; et, dum inexpugnábili firmitáte certáminis sui vicit adversárium, vincéndi céteris viam fecit. In Africa, St. Celerinus, deacon, who was kept nineteen days in prison burdened with fetters, and who gloriously confessed Christ in the midst of afflictions. By overcoming the enemy with invincible constancy, he shewed to others the road to victory. Ibídem sanctórum trium Mártyrum, ipsíus Celeríni Diáconi consanguineórum, scílicet Laurentíni pátrui, Ignátii avúnculi, et Celerínæ áviæ, qui ántea martyrio coronáti fúerant; de quorum ómnium gloriósis láudibus exstat beáti Cypriáni epístola. In the same place, three holy martyrs who were relatives of the same deacon Celerinus; his father’s brother Laurentinus, his mother’s brother Ignatius and his grandmother Celerina. They were crowned with martyrdom earlier, and were praised highly in an epistle by blessed Cyprian. Item in Africa sanctórum Mártyrum Felícis, Symphrónii, Hippólyti et Sociórum. Likewise in Africa, the holy martyrs Felix, Symphronius, Hippolytus, and their companions. In óppido Vapíngo, in Gállia, sanctórum Tigídis et Remédii Episcopórum. In the town of Gap in France, the holy bishops Tigides and Remedius. Lugdúni, in Gállia, sanctórum Lupicíni et Felícis, ítidem Episcopórum. At Lyons in France, Saints Lupicinus and Felix, also bishops. Bremæ sancti Anschárii, Hamburgénsis ac póstea Breménsis simul Epíscopi, qui Suécos et Danos ad Christi fidem convértit, et a Gregório Papa Quarto Legátus Apostólicus totíus Septentriónis fuit institútus. At Bremen, St. Ansgar, bishop of Hamburg and later of Bremen, who converted the Swedes and the Danes to the faith of Christ. He was appointed Apostolic Delegate of all the North by Pope Gregory IV.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

February III.
St. Blase, Bishop and Martyr
St. Anscharius, Archbishop of Hamburg and Bremen, Confessor
St. Wereburge, Virgin and Abbess, in England, Patroness of Chester
St. Margaret, Virgin, in England