Séptimo Idus Februárii. Luna.


Séptimo Idus Februárii.  Luna. The Seventh Day of February. The Night of the Moon.

Sancti Romuáldi Abbátis, Monachórum Camaldulénsium Patris, cujus dies natális tertiodécimo Kaléndas Júlii recensétur, sed festívitas hac die, ob Translatiónem córporis ejus, potíssimum celebrátur. St. Romuald, founder of the Camaldolese monks, whose birthday is the 19th of June, but celebrated today because of the transference of his body. Augústæ, cui nunc Londíni nomen, in Británnia, natális beáti Auguli Epíscopi, qui, ætátis cursu per martyrium expléto, ætérna præmia suscípere méruit. At London, England, the birthday of blessed Augulus, bishop, who ended the course of his life by martyrdom, and deserved to receive an eternal recompense. In Phrygia sancti Adáuci Mártyris, qui, ex Itálico génere clarus, et omni fere dignitátum gradu ab Imperatóribus insignítus, tandem, cum adhuc Quæstóris offício fungerétur, martyrii coróna pro fídei defensióne dignátus est. In Phrygia, St. Adaucus, martyr, an Italian of noble birth, who was honoured by the emperors with almost every dignity. While he was still discharging the office of quæstor, he was judged worthy of the crown of martyrdom for his defence of the faith. Ibídem plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum, urbis uníus cívium, quorum dux erat idem Adáucus; qui, cum omnes Christiáni essent, et constánter in fídei confessióne persísterent, a Galério Maximiáno Imperatóre sunt igne consúmpti. Also, many holy martyrs, citizens of this same city of which Adaucus was mayor. As they were all Christians, and persisted in the confession of the faith, they were burned to death by Emperor Galerius Maximian. Heracléæ, in Ponto, sancti Theodóri, ductóris mílitum, qui, Licínio imperánte, post multa torménta, truncátus cápite, victor migrávit in cælum. At Heraclea, in the reign of Licinius, St. Theodore, a military officer, who was beheaded after undergoing many torments, and went victoriously to heaven. In Ægypto sancti Móysis, Epíscopi venerábilis, qui primum in erémo vitam solitáriam duxit; deínde, peténte Regína Saracenórum Máuvia, Epíscopus factus, gentem illam ferocíssimam magna ex parte ad fidem convértit, et gloriósus méritis quiévit in pace. In Egypt, St. Moses, a venerable bishop, who first led a solitary life in the desert, and afterwards, at the request of Mauvia, queen of the Saracens, converted to the faith the greater part of that barbarous people. Being made a bishop, and rich in merits, he peacefully went to his reward. Lucæ, in Túscia, deposítio sancti Richárdi, Regis Anglórum, qui pater éxstitit sancti Willebáldi, Eistetténsis Epíscopi, ac sanctæ Walbúrgæ Vírginis. At Lucca in Tuscany, the death of St. Richard, king of England. He was the father of St. Willebald, bishop of Eichstadt, and of St. Walburga, virgin. Bnóniæ sanctæ Juliánæ Víduæ. At Bologna, St. Juliana, widow.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

February VII.
St. Romuald, Abbot and Confessor, Founder of the Order of Camaldoli
St. Richard, King in England, and Confessor
St. Theodorus of Heraclea, Martyr
St. Tresain, or Tresanus, Priest and Confessor
St. Augulus, Bishop in England, and Martyr

ORCCE Ordo: S. Dorothy virgin and martyr ~ Simplex; Tempora: Feria V infra Hebdomadam IV post Epiphaniam

Nota Bene: 

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