Quartodécimo Kaléndas Mártii. Luna.


Quartodécimo Kaléndas Mártii. Luna. The Sixteenth Day of February. The Night of the Moon. 

Romæ beáti Onésimi, de quo sanctus Paulus Apóstolus ad Philémonem scribit; quem étiam, post sanctum Timótheum, Ephesiórum Epíscopum ordinávit, prædicationísque verbum illi commisit. Ipse autem Onésimus, vinctus Romam perdúctus ac pro fide Christi lapidátus, primo ibídem sepúltus fuit; inde ad locum ubi Epíscopus fúerat ordinátus, corpus ejus delátum est. At Rome, blessed Onesimus, concerning whom the apostle St. Paul wrote to Philemon. He made him bishop of Ephesus after St. Timothy, and committed to him the office of preaching. Being led a prisoner to Rome, and stoned to death for the faith of Christ, he was first buried there, but his body was afterwards taken to the place where he had been bishop.
In Ægypto sancti Juliáni Mártyris, cum áliis quinque míllibus. In Egypt, St. Julian, martyr, with five thousand other Christians.

Cæsaréæ, in Palæstína, sanctórum Mártyrum Ægyptiórum Elíæ, Jeremíæ, Isaíæ, Samuélis et Daniélis; qui, cum spontánee ministrássent Confessóribus in Cilícia ad metálla damnátis, et inde reverteréntur, sunt comprehénsi, et a Firmiliáno Præside, sub Galério Maximiáno Imperatóre, sævíssime torti, gládio demum percússi sunt. Post eos sanctus Porphyrius, Pámphili Mártyris fámulus, et sanctus Seléucus Cáppadox, qui iterátis certamínibus sæpe vícerant, rursus cruciáti sunt, atque alter incéndio, gládio alter corónam martyrii accepérunt. At Caesarea, in Palestine, the holy martyrs Elias, Jeremias, Isaias, Samuel, and Daniel. These Egyptians of their own accord ministered to the confessors condemned to labour in the mines of Cilicia, but were arrested upon their return, and after being cruelly tortured by the governor Firmilian, under Emperor Galerius Maximian, were put to the sword. After them, St. Porphyry, servant of the martyr Pamphilus, and St. Seleucus the Cappadocian, who had been triumphant in several previous tests, being again tortured, now won the crown of martyrdom, the one by fire, the other by the sword.

Nicomedíæ sanctæ Juliánæ, Vírginis et Mártyris; quæ, sub Maximiáno Imperatóre, primum a patre suo Africáno gráviter cæsa, deínde ab Evilásio Præfécto, cui núbere recusáverat, várie cruciáta, et póstmodum in cárcerem detrúsa, ubi palam cum diábolo conflíxit, demum, cum flammas ígnium et ollam fervéntem superásset, cápitis decollatióne martyrium consummávit. Ipsíus autem corpus póstea Cumas, in Campánia translátum est. At Nicomedia, St. Juliana, virgin and martyr. Under Emperor Maximian, she was first severely scourged by her own father, Africanus, and then made to suffer many torments by the prefect Evilasius, whom she had refused to marry. Later thrown into prison, she encountered the evil spirit in a visible manner. Finally, because the fiery furnace and a caldron of boiling oil could do her no injury, her martyrdom was fulfilled by beheading. Her body was later transferred to Cumi in Campania.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

February XVI.
St. Onesimus, Disciple of St. Paul
SS. Elias, Jeremy, Isaias, Samuel, Daniel, and Other Holy Martyrs at Cæsarea, in Palestine
St. Juliana, Virgin and Martyr
St. Gregory X. Pope and Confessor
St. Tanco, or Tatta, Bishop and Martyr, Native of Scotland

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.FOR NEWS OF CONTEMPORARY MARTYRS…

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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