Tertiodécimo Kaléndas Mártii. Luna.


Tertiodécimo Kaléndas Mártii.  Luna. The Seventeenth Day of February. The Night of the Moon.

Floréntiæ natális sancti Aléxii Falconérii Confessóris, e septem Fundatóribus Ordinis Servórum beátæ Maríæ Vírginis; qui, décimo supra centésimum vitæ suæ anno, Christi Jesu et Angelórum præséntia recreátus, beáto fine quiévit. Ipsíus tamen ac Sociórum festum prídie Idus Februárii celebrátur. In Florence, the birthday of St. Alexis Falconieri, confessor, one of the seven founders of the Order of the Servites of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the one hundred and tenth year of his age, he ended his blessed career in the consoling presence of Christ Jesus and the angels. His feast, with that of his companions, is kept on the 12th of February. Romæ pássio sancti Faustíni, quem álii quadragínta quátuor secúti sunt ad corónam. At Rome, the passion of St. Faustinus, whom forty-four others followed to receive the crown of martyrdom. In Pérside natális beáti Polychrónii, Epíscopi Babylónis, qui, in persecutióne Décii, ore lapídibus cæso, mánibus exténsis, ad cælum óculos élevans, emísit spíritum. In Persia, during the persecution of Decius, the birthday of blessed Polychronius, bishop of Babylon, who, being struck in the mouth with stones, died with hands outstretched and eyes lifted towards heaven. Concórdiæ, in Venetórum fínibus, sanctórum Mártyrum Donáti, Secundiáni et Rómuli, cum áliis octogínta sex, ejúsdem corónæ consórtibus. At Concordia, the holy martyrs Donatus, Secundian, and Romulus, with eighty-six others, partakers of the same crown. Cæsaréæ, in Palæstína, sancti Theodúli senis, qui, cum esset ex família Prǽsidis Firmiliáni, et, Mártyrum excitátus exémplo, Christum constánter confiterétur, martyrii palmam, cruci affíxus, nóbili triúmpho proméruit. At Caesarea in Palestine, the death of St. Theodulus, in the service of the governor Firmilian, at a great age. Prompted by the example of the martyrs, he confessed Christ with constancy, and was nailed to a cross. By this noble victory he merited the palm of martyrdom. Ibídem sancti Juliáni Cappádocis, qui, exosculátus necatórum Mártyrum córpora, et ídeo ut Christiánus delátus et ad Prǽsidem ductus, lento igne jussus est combúri. In the same place, St. Julian the Cappadocian, who, because he had kissed the relics of martyrs, was denounced as a Christian. Being taken to the governor, he was ordered to be burned to death over a slow fire. In pago Tarvanénsi, in Gállia, sancti Silvíni, Epíscopi Tolosáni. In the territory of Terouanne in France, St. Silvinus, bishop of Toulouse. In monastério Cluain-ednechénsi, in Hibérnia, sancti Fintáni, Presbyteri et Abbátis. In the monastery of Cluainedhech in Ireland, St. Fintan, abbot.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

February XVII.
St. Flavian, Archbishop of Constantinople, Martyr
SS. Theodulus and Julian, Martyrs
St. Silvin of Auchy, Bishop and Confessor
St. Loman, or Luman, Bishop in Ireland, Confessor
St. Fintan, Abbot of Cluain-Ednech, in Ireland

ORCCE Ordo: Feria II infra Hebdomadam Septuagesimae ~ Ferial

Nota Bene:  

Machine Gun Preacher Raided By FBI

Pakistan Christian Man Allegedly Tortured and Murdered By Police in Islamabad

Two murdered in Russian church shooting

Anti-Christian Violence Detailed in Hearing Calling for Filling of Religious Freedom Post

NIGERIA: Terrorists Brutally Attack Christians While Sparing Muslim Neighbors

Reports of Horrific Torture Of Children In Syria

Kenneth Bae returned to labor camp, sister pleads for his release #BringBackBae

Death In the Nuba Mountains

‘Proselytism’ Conviction of Convert from Islam in Morocco Overturned

Central African Republic: Soldiers Lynch Man Minutes After Presidential Address

Who are the Pakistani Taliban?

Grenade Attack on Phillippine Church

How Syrian Christians Are In Danger

Syria’s Catholic Leader Opposes Plans to Bring Refugees to the West

American Detained By North Korea- Free Kenneth Bae

Update: Pastor and Son Killed in Central African Republic as Religious Leaders Try to Keep Peace

Chaos In The Central African Republic, Making Sense & Asking Questions

Nigeria: Battered By Islamic Terror Group – Kill 52, Set 300 Houses Ablaze

Forgive or Forget: Survivors of genocide in the Holocaust, Rwanda & Cambodia

Michigan Mom says School Told Son Not to Bring Bible to School

Syria: Christian Stabbed with Crucifix, Decapitated

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