Nono Kaléndas Mártii. Luna.


Nono Kaléndas Mártii.  Luna. The Twenty-First Day of February. The Night of the Moon.

Scythópoli, in Palæstína, sancti Severiáni, Epíscopi et Mártyris, qui, Eutychiánis acérrime se oppónens, gládio perémptus est. At Scythopolis in Palestine, St. Severian, bishop and martyr, who was beheaded by the Eutychians because he opposed them so zealously. In Sicília natális sanctórum Mártyrum septuagínta novem, qui sub Diocletiáno, per divérsa torménta, confessiónis suæ corónam percípere meruérunt. In Sicily, in the reign of Diocletian, the birthday of seventy-nine holy martyrs, who, by reason of various tortures for their confession of faith, deserved to receive an immortal crown. Adruméti, in Africa, sanctórum Mártyrum Véruli, Secundíni, Sirícii, Felícis, Sérvuli, Saturníni, Fortunáti et aliórum séxdecim, qui in persecutióne Wandálica, ob cathólicæ fídei confessiónem, martyrio coronáti sunt. At Adrumetum in Africa, during the persecution of the Vandals, the holy martyrs, Verulus, Secundinus, Siricius, Felix, Servulus, Saturninus, Fortunatus, and sixteen others, who were crowned with martyrdom for professing the Catholic faith. Damásci sancti Petri Maviméni, qui, cum díceret Arábibus quibúsdam, ad se ægrótum veniéntibus: « Omnis qui fidem Christiánam cathólicam non ampléctitur, damnátus est, sicut et Máhumet, pseudoprophéta vester », ab illis est necatus. At Damascus, St. Peter Mavimenus, who was killed by some Arabs who visited him in his sickness, because he said to them: “Whoever does not embrace the Christian and Catholic faith is lost, like your false prophet Mohammed.” Metis, in Gállia, sancti Felícis Epíscopi. At Metz in France, St. Felix, bishop. Bríxiæ sancti Patérii Epíscopi. At Brescia, St. Paterius, bishop.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

February XXI.
St. Severianus, Bishop of Scythopolis, Martyr
SS. German, Abbot of Granfel, and Randaut, Martyrs
SS. Daniel, Priest, and Verda, Virgin, Martyrs
B. Pepin of Landen

ORCCE Ordo: Feria VI infra Hebdomadam Septuagesimae ~ IV. classis

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