Sexto Kaléndas Mártii. Luna.


Sexto Kaléndas Mártii.  Luna. The Twenty-Fourth Day of February. The Night of the Moon.

In Judæa natális sancti Matthíæ Apóstoli, qui, post Ascensiónem Dómini ab Apóstolis in Judæ proditóris locum sorte eléctus, pro Evangélii prædicatióne martyrium passus est. In Judea, the birthday of St. Matthias the Apostle. After the Ascension of our Lord, the Apostles chose him, by lot, to fill the place of Judas the traitor, and he suffered martyrdom for the preaching of the Gospel. Romæ sanctæ Primitívæ Mártyris. At Rome, St. Primitiva, martyr. Rotómagi pássio sancti Prætextáti, Epíscopi et Mártyris. At Rouen, the passion of St. Praetextatus, bishop and martyr. Cæsaréæ, in Cappadócia, sancti Sérgii Mártyris, cujus gesta præclára habéntur. At Caesarea in Cappadocia, St. Sergius, martyr, of whose life a beautiful account still exists. In Africa sanctórum Mártyrum Montáni, Lúcii, Juliáni, Victórici, Flaviáni et Sociórum, qui discípuli fuérunt sancti Cypriáni, et, sub Valeriáno Imperatóre, martyrium consummárunt. In Africa, the holy martyrs Montanus, Lucius, Julian, Victoricus, Flavian, and their companions. They were disciples of St. Cyprian and suffered martyrdom under Emperor Valerian. Tréviris sancti Modésti, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Treves, St. Modestus, bishop and confessor. Apud Stylum, in Calábria, sancti Joánnis, cognoménto Therísti, monásticæ vitæ laude, et sanctitáte insígnis. At Stylo in Calabria, St. John Therestus, noted for his sanctity, and his high regard for the monastic life. In Anglia sancti Edilbérti, Regis Cantiórum, quem sanctus Augustínus, Anglórum Epíscopus, ad Christi fidem convértit. In England, St. Ethelbert, ruler of Kent, converted to the faith of Christ by the English bishop, St. Augustine. Hierosólymis prima Invéntio cápitis sancti Joánnis Baptístæ, Præcursóris Domini. At Jerusalem, the finding for the first time of the head of St. John the Baptist, Precursor of the Lord.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

February XXIV.
St. Matthias, Apostle
SS. Montanus, Lucius, Flavian, Julian, Victoricus, Primolus, Rhenus, and Donatian, Martyrs at Carthage
St. Lethard, Bishop of Senlis, Confessor
B. Robert of Arbrissel, Priest
St. Pretextatus, or Prix, Archbishop of Rouen, Martyr
St. Ethelbert, Confessor, First Christian King among the English

ORCCE Ordo: S. Matthiae Apostoli ~ Duplex II. classis; Tempora: Feria II infra Hebdomadam Sexagesimae

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