Tértio Kaléndas Mártii. Luna.


Tértio Kaléndas Mártii.  Luna. The Twenty-Seventh Day of February.  The Night of the Moon.

Insulæ, in Aprútio, sancti Gabriélis a Vírgine Perdolénte, Clérici Congregatiónis a Cruce et Passióne Dómini nuncupátæ, et Confessóris; qui, magnis intra breve vitæ spátium méritis et post mortem miráculis clarus, a Benedícto Papa Décimo quinto in Sanctórum cánonem relátus est. At Isola, in the province of Abruzzi, St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin, confessor and cleric of the Passionist Congregation. Having been known for his merits during his short life, and after death renowned for miracles, Pope Benedict XV enrolled him in the canon of the saints. Romæ natális sanctórum Mártyrum Alexándri, Abúndii, Antígoni et Fortunáti. At Rome, the birthday of the holy martyrs, Alexander, Abundius, Antigonus, and Fortunatus. Alexandríæ pássio sancti Juliáni Mártyris, qui, cum ita pódagra constríctus esset, ut neque incédere neque stare posset, una cum duóbus fámulis, qui eum in sella gestábant, Júdici offértur; quorum alter fidem negávit, alter, nómine Eunus, cum dómino suo perdurávit in confessióne Christi. Ipse porro Juliánus et Eunus, camélis impósiti, per totam urbem circumdúci jubéntur, et flagris laniári, ac tandem, incénso rogo, hinc inde spectánte pópulo, combúri. At Alexandria, the passion of St. Julian, martyr. Although he was so afflicted with gout that he could neither walk nor stand, he was taken before the judge with two servants, who carried him in a chair. One of these denied his faith, but the other, named Eunus, persevered with Julian in confessing Christ. Both were set on camels, led through the whole city, scourged, and then burned alive in the presence of all the people. Ibídem sancti Besæ mílitis, qui, cum insultántes in prædíctos Mártyres cohibéret, delátus est ad Júdicem, et, pro fide constánter agens, cápite truncátus. In the same city, St. Besas, a soldier. He had rebuked those who insulted the martyrs just mentioned, and so was denounced before the judge. Because he continued to proclaim his attachment to the faith he was beheaded. Híspali, in Hispánia, natális sancti Leándri, ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopi, qui, sanctórum Isidóri Epíscopi ac Florentínæ Vírginis frater, sua prædicatióne et indústria gentem Visigothórum, adjuvánte Reccarédo, eórum Rege, ab Ariána impietáte ad cathólicam fidem convértit. At Seville in Spain, the birthday of St. Leander, bishop of that city, and of St. Florentina, virgin. By his preaching and zeal the Visigoths, with the help of King Recared, were converted from the Arian heresy to the Catholic faith. Constantinópoli sanctórum Confessórum Basilíi et Procópii, qui, témpore Leónis Imperatóris, pro cultu sanctárum Imáginum strénue decertárunt. At Constantinople, in the time of Emperor Leo, the holy confessors Basil and Procopius, who fought courageously in behalf of the veneration of sacred images. Lugdúni, in Gállia, sancti Baldoméri Subdiáconi, viri Deo devóti, cujus sepúlcrum crebris miráculis illustrátur. At Lyons, St. Baldomer, subdeacon and man of God, whose tomb is graced by many miracles.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins. R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:

February XXVII.
St. Leander, Bishop of Seville, Confessor
SS. Julian, Chronion, and Besas, Martyrs
St. Thalilæus, a Cilician, Recluse in Syria
St. Galmier, of Lyons
St. Nestor, Bishop and Martyr
St. Alnoth, Anchoret and Martyr

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