Kaléndis Maji. Luna.


Kaléndis Maji. Luna . The First Day of May. The Night of the Moon.

Natális beatórum Philíppi et Jacóbi Apostolórum.  Ex his Philíppus, cum omnem fere Scythiam ad Christi fidem convertísset, tandem apud Hierápolim, Asiæ civitátem, cruci affíxus et lapídibus óbrutus, glorióso fine quiévit; Jacóbus vero, qui et frater Dómini légitur et primus Hierosolymórum Epíscopus, e pinna Templi præcipitátus, confráctis inde crúribus, ac fullónis fuste in cérebro percússus, intériit, ibique, non longe a Templo, sepúltus est. The birthday of the blessed apostles Philip and James.  Philip, after having converted nearly all of Scythia to the faith of Christ, went to Hieropolis, a city in Asia, where he was fastened to a cross and stoned, and thus ended his life gloriously.  James, who is also called the brother of our Lord, was the first bishop of Jerusalem.  Being hurled down from a pinnacle of the temple, his legs were broken, and being struck on the head with a dyer’s staff, he expired and was buried near the temple.
Romæ item natális sancti Pii Quinti, ex Ordine Prædicatórum, Papæ et Confessóris; qui, ecclesiásticæ disciplínæ restituéndæ, hærésibus exstirpándis et Christiáni nóminis hóstibus conteréndis strénue ac felíciter incúmbens, vitæ ac legum sanctitáte cathólicam Ecclésiam gubernávit.  Ipsíus autem festívitas tértio Nonas mensis hujus celebrátur. At Rome, Pope St. Pius V of the Order of Preachers, who laboured zealously and successfully for the re-establishment of church discipline, the stamping out of heresies, and the destruction of the enemies of the Christian name.  He governed the Catholic Church by holy laws, and the example of a saintly life.  His feast is observed on the fifth day of May.
In Ægypto sancti Jeremíæ Prophétæ, qui, a pópulo lapídibus óbrutus, apud Taphnas occúbuit, ibíque sepúltus est; ad cujus sepúlcrum fidéles (ut refert sanctus Epiphánius) supplicáre consuevérunt, índeque sumpto púlvere, áspidum mórsibus medéntur. In Egypt, St. Jeremias, prophet, who was stoned to death by the people at Taphnas, where he was buried.  St. Epiphanius tells that the faithful were accustomed to pray at his grave, and to take away from it dust to heal those who were stung by serpents.
In território Vivariénsi, in Gálliis, beáti Andéoli, Subdiáconi, qui, una cum áliis, a beáto Polycárpo, Smyrnénsi Epíscopo, ex Oriénte in Gálliam ad prædicándum verbum Dei missus est.  Hic, sub Sevéro Imperatóre, spinósis fústibus cæsus, demum, per ensem lígneum cápite in quátuor partes in modum crucis conscísso, martyrium consummávit. In France, in the Province of Vivarias, blessed Andeol, subdeacon, who was sent from the East into Gaul with others by St. Polycarp to preach the word of God.  Under Emperor Severus he was scourged with thorny sticks, and having his head split with a wooden sword into four parts, in the shape of a cross, he completed his martyrdom.
Oscæ, in Hispánia, sanctórum Mártyrum Oréntii et Patiéntiæ. At Huesca in Spain, the holy martyrs Orentius and Patience.
Apud Colúmnam vicum, in Aurelianénsi Gálliæ território, pássio sancti Sigismúndi, Regis Burgundiónum, qui in púteum demérsus occúbuit, ac póstea miráculis cláruit.  Sacrum vero ipsíus corpus, e púteo tandem extráctum, ad Ecclésiam Agaunénsis monastérii, intra Sedunénsis diœcésis términos siti, delátum est ibíque honorífice collocátum. In the town of Columna, in the province of Orleans in France, the martyrdom of St. Sigismund, king of Burgundy.  He met death by being drowned in a well, and was afterwards famous for his miracles.  His venerable body was later recovered and taken to the monastery of Agaune in the diocese of Sitten where it was honorably entombed.
Antisiodóri sancti Amatóris, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Auxerre, St. Amator, bishop and confessor.
Auscii, in Gállia, sancti Oriéntii Epíscopi. At Auch in France, Bishop St. Orientius.
Elviæ, in Anglia, sancti Asaphi Epíscopi, cujus nómine ipsa cívitas Episcopális póstmodum est insigníta. At Llanelwy in Wales, Bishop St. Asaph, in whose memory the cathedral city was later named.
Foro Lívii sancti Peregríni, ex Ordine Servórum beátæ Maríæ Vírginis. At Forli, St. Peregrinus of the Order of Servites of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Bérgomi sanctæ Gratæ Víduæ. At Bergamo, St. Grata, widow.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


May I.
St. Philip, Apostle
St. James the Less, Apostle
St. Asaph, Bishop and Confessor
St. Marcou, or Marculfus, Abbot
St. Sigismund, King of Burgundy, Martyr
St. Andeolus, Martyr
St. Brieuc, Bishop and Confessor
St. Amator, Bishop of Auxerre, Confessor
SS. Acius and Acheolus, Martyrs of Amiens


All Civilians Subject To Persecution-What Is Driving The Uncontrolled Violence In The CAR?

NIGERIA: Abducted School Girls Forced To Marry Radical Islamic Captors

Amazing Video Of Chinese Believers Getting 1st Bibles


Three Egyptian Cousins Go to Libya; None Comes Back Alive

A Minor Gang Raped in Pakistan

The Stench of Death, Abomination & Devastation Coming From The Middle East & Africa

Snapshots From Daily Life In Nigeria: Rape, Kidnapping, Torture & Precision Executions

The World In Labor But Aborted In Syria

Should We Pray for the Persecuted?

Today—take some time to Pray for Christians who are Persecuted. They are desperate for your prayers.

Christian Pastor Among 30 Prisoners Badly Beaten in Evin Prison Raid

British Pakistani Christian Association chairman attends Number 10 Easter reception

Nigerian Christians: ‘Our Blood Will Speak about Christ’

Christian Pastor Among 30 Prisoners Badly Beaten in Evin Prison Raid

British Pakistani Christian Association chairman attends Number 10 Easter reception

Nigerian Christians: ‘Our Blood Will Speak about Christ’

Governor Otter to Iran ‘Release Pastor Saeed’

Fulani herdsmen confess to membership of Boko Haram

Syrian Rebels: ‘Our Youngest Hostage’

European Effort to Control Unofficial Religious Groups, Homeschooling Disarmed

New Jersey school district sued over ‘under God’ in pledge

Good Friday killing of priest in Central African Republic

American Pastor Saeed Writes Easter Message as a Prisoner in the Darkness of Iran

Tértio Kaléndas Maji. Luna.


Tértio Kaléndas Maji. Luna . The Twenty-Ninth Day of April. The Night of the Moon.

Sancti Petri, ex Ordine Prædicatórum, Mártyris, qui octávo Idus Aprílis pro fide cathólica martyrium súbiit. St. Peter, a martyr of the Order of Preachers, who was slain for the Catholic faith on the 6th day of April.
Romæ natális sanctæ Catharínæ Senénsis Vírginis, ex tértio Ordine sancti Domínici, vita et miráculis claræ, quam Pius Secúndus, Póntifex Máximus, sanctárum Vírginum número adscrípsit.  Ipsíus tamen festum sequénti die celebrátur. At Rome, the birthday of St. Catherine of Siena, virgin of the Third Order of St. Dominic, renowned for her holy life and her miracles.  She was inscribed among the canonized virgins by Pope Pius II.  Her feast, however, is celebrated on the following day.
Apud Paphum, in Cypro, sancti Tychici, qui fuit discípulus beáti Pauli Apóstoli, et ab ipso Apóstolo in suis Epístolis caríssimus frater, miníster fidélis suúsque in Dómino consérvus appellátur. At Paphos in Cyprus, St. Tychicus, a disciple of the blessed Apostle Paul, who called him in his Epistles, “most dear brother,” “faithful minister,” and “fellow-servant in the Lord”.
Pisis, in Túscia, sancti Torpétis Mártyris, qui magnus in offício Nerónis primum fuit, unusque ex his, de quibus idem Paulus Apóstolus ab urbe Roma ad Philippénses scribit: « Salútant vos omnes sancti, máxime autem qui de Cǽsaris domo sunt ».  Sed póstea, pro fide Christi, jubénte Satéllico, álapis cæditur, verbéribus duríssime affícitur, ac béstiis devorándus tráditur, sed mínime læditur; tandem martyrium suum decollatióne complévit. At Pisa in Tuscany, the martyr St. Torpes, who filled a high office in the court of Nero, and was one of those of whom the apostle wrote from Rome to the Philippians: “All the saints salute you, especially those that are of the house of Caesar.”  For the faith of Christ, he was, by order of Satellicus, beaten, cruelly scourged, and delivered to the beasts to be devoured, but remained uninjured.  He completed his martyrdom by being beheaded.
Cirthæ, in Numídia, natális sanctórum Mártyrum Agápii et Secundíni Episcopórum, qui, post longum apud præfátam urbem exsílium, in persecutióne Valeriáni, in qua tunc máxime Gentílium rábies ad tentándam justórum fidem inhiábat, ex illústri sacerdótio effécti sunt Mártyres gloriósi.  Passi sunt in eódem collégio Æmiliánus miles, Tertúlla et Antónia, quæ erant sacræ Vírgines, et quædam múlier cum suis géminis. At Cirta in Numidia, the birthday of the holy martyrs Apapius and Secundinus, bishops, who, after a long exile in that city, added to the glory of their priesthood the crown of martyrdom.  They suffered in the persecution of Valerian, during which the enraged Gentiles made every effort to shake the faith of the just.  In their company suffered Aemilian, a soldier, Tertulla and Antonia, consecrated virgins, and a woman with her twin children.
In ínsula Corcyra sanctórum septem Latrónum, qui, a sancto Jásone ad Christum convérsi, martyrio vitam adépti sunt sempitérnam. In the island of Codyra, the seven holy thieves who were converted to Christ by St. Jason, and gained eternal life by martyrdom.
Neápoli, in Campánia, sancti Sevéri Epíscopi, qui, inter ália admiránda, mórtuum de sepúlcro excitávit ad tempus, ut mendácem víduæ et pupíllórum creditórum argúeret falsitátis. At Naples in Campania, Bishop St. Severus, who, among other prodigies, raised for a short time a dead man from the grave in order to convict of falsehood the lying creditor of a widow and her children.
Brescia Cathedral
Bríxiæ sancti Paulíni, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Brescia, St. Paulinus, bishop and confessor.
In cœnóbio Cluniacénsi, in Gállia, sancti Hugónis Abbátis. In the monastery of Cluny in France, St. Hugh Abbot.
In monastério Molisménsi, in Gállia, sancti Robérti, qui fuit primus Abbas Cistércii. In the monastery of Molesmes in France, St. Robert, the first abbot of the Cistercians.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


April XXIX.
St. Peter, Martyr
St. Robert, Abbot of Molesme, Founder of the Cistercians
St. Hugh, Abbot of Cluni, Confessor
St. Fiachna, Confessor in Ireland


Three Egyptian Cousins Go to Libya; None Comes Back Alive

A Minor Gang Raped in Pakistan

The Stench of Death, Abomination & Devastation Coming From The Middle East & Africa

Snapshots From Daily Life In Nigeria: Rape, Kidnapping, Torture & Precision Executions

The World In Labor But Aborted In Syria

Should We Pray for the Persecuted?

Today—take some time to Pray for Christians who are Persecuted. They are desperate for your prayers.

Christian Pastor Among 30 Prisoners Badly Beaten in Evin Prison Raid

British Pakistani Christian Association chairman attends Number 10 Easter reception

Nigerian Christians: ‘Our Blood Will Speak about Christ’

Christian Pastor Among 30 Prisoners Badly Beaten in Evin Prison Raid

British Pakistani Christian Association chairman attends Number 10 Easter reception

Nigerian Christians: ‘Our Blood Will Speak about Christ’

Governor Otter to Iran ‘Release Pastor Saeed’

Fulani herdsmen confess to membership of Boko Haram

Syrian Rebels: ‘Our Youngest Hostage’

European Effort to Control Unofficial Religious Groups, Homeschooling Disarmed

New Jersey school district sued over ‘under God’ in pledge

Good Friday killing of priest in Central African Republic

American Pastor Saeed Writes Easter Message as a Prisoner in the Darkness of Iran

Séptimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna.


Séptimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna . The Twenty-Fifth Day of April. The Night of the Moon.

Romæ Litaníæ majóres ad sanctum Petrum. At Rome, the Greater Litanies at St. Peter’s.
Alexandríæ natális beáti Marci Evangelístæ.  Hic, discípulus et intérpres Apóstoli Petri, rogátus Romæ a frátribus scripsit Evangélium, quo assúmpto, perréxit in Ægyptum, primúsque Alexandríæ Christum annúntians, constítuit Ecclésiam; ac póstea, pro fide Christi tentus, fúnibus vinctus et per saxa raptátus, gráviter afflíctus est; deínde, reclúsus in cárcere, primo angélica visitatióne confortátus est, et demum, ipso Dómino sibi apparénte, ad cæléstia regna vocátus, octávo Nerónis anno. At Alexandria, the birthday of St. Mark the Evangelist, disciple and interpreter of the apostle St. Peter.  He wrote his gospel at the request of the faithful at Rome, and taking it with him, proceeded to Egypt and founded a church at Alexandria, where he was the first to preach Christ.  Afterwards, being arrested for the faith, he was bound, dragged over stones, and endured great afflictions.  Finally he was confined to prison, where, being comforted by the visit of an angel, and even by an apparition of our Lord himself, he was called to the heavenly kingdom in the eighth year of the reign of Nero.
Item Alexandríæ sancti Aniáni Epíscopi, qui, beáti Marci discípulus ejúsque in Episcopátu succéssor, clarus virtútibus quiévit in Dómino. Also at Alexandria, Bishop St. Anian, disciple of blessed Mark, and his successor in the episcopate.  With a great renown for virtue, he rested in the Lord.
Antiochíæ sancti Stéphani, Epíscopi et Mártyris, qui ab hæréticis Synodum Chalcedonénsem impugnántibus, multa passus, in Oróntem flúvium præcipitátus est, témpore Zenónis Imperatóris. At Antioch, St. Stephen, bishop and martyr, who suffered a great deal from the heretics opposed to the Council of Chalcedon, and was cast into the river Orontes, in the time of Emperor Zeno.
Syracúsis, in Sicília, sanctórum Mártyrum fratrum Evódii, Hermógenis et Callístæ. At Syracuse in Sicily, the holy martyrs Evodius, Hermogenes, and Callista.
Lobbes, with the Collegiate Church of St. Ursmer
Láubiis, in Bélgio, natális sancti Ermíni, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Lobbes in Belgium, the birthday of St. Ermin, bishop and confessor.
Antiochíæ sanctórum Philónis et Agathópodis Diaconórum, de quibus beátus Ignátius, Epíscopus et Martyr, laudábilem in suis epístolis mentiónem facit. At Antioch, the deacons Saints Philo and Agathopodes, who were praised in the letters of blessed Ignatius, bishop and martyr.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


April XXV.
St. Mark, Evangelist
St. Macull, of Ireland, Confessor
St. Anianus, Second Bishop of Alexandria
St. Phæbadius, Bishop and Confessor
St. Ivia, or Ivo, Bishop
St. Kebius, Bishop

Christian Pastor Among 30 Prisoners Badly Beaten in Evin Prison Raid

British Pakistani Christian Association chairman attends Number 10 Easter reception

Nigerian Christians: ‘Our Blood Will Speak about Christ’

Governor Otter to Iran ‘Release Pastor Saeed’

Fulani herdsmen confess to membership of Boko Haram

Syrian Rebels: ‘Our Youngest Hostage’

European Effort to Control Unofficial Religious Groups, Homeschooling Disarmed

New Jersey school district sued over ‘under God’ in pledge

Good Friday killing of priest in Central African Republic

American Pastor Saeed Writes Easter Message as a Prisoner in the Darkness of Iran

Octávo Kaléndas Maji. Luna.


Octávo Kaléndas Maji. Luna . The Twenty-Fourth Day of April.  The Night of the Moon.

Sevísii, in Rhǽtia, sancti Fidélis a Sigmarínga, Sacerdótis ex Ordine Minórum Capuccinórum et Mártyris; qui, illuc ad prædicándam cathólicam fidem missus, ibídem, ab hæréticis interémptus, martyrium consummávit; et a Benedícto Décimo quarto, Pontifice Máximo, inter sanctos Mártyres relátus est. At Gruch in Switzerland, St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest and martyr, of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin.  He was sent there to preach the Catholic faith, but was put to death by the heretics.  He was numbered among the holy martyrs by the Sovereign Pontiff, Benedict XIV.
Romæ sancti Sabæ, ductóris mílitum, qui, accusátus quod Christiános in cárcere deténtos visitáret, coram Júdice Christum líbere conféssus est.  Hinc ab eódem Júdice fácibus adústus et in lebétem picis fervéntis est immíssus, et, cum inde evasísset illæsus, eo miráculo septuagínta viros ad Christum convértit; qui omnes, constánter in confessióne fídei permanéntes, gládio cæsi sunt.  Postrémo et ipse, demérsus in flumen, martyrium consummávit. At Rome, St. Sabas, a military officer, who bravely confessed Christ before the judge when he was accused of visiting the Christians kept in prison.  For this he was burned with torches and thrown into a cauldron of boiling pitch, out of which he came uninjured.  Seventy men were converted to Christ at the sight of this miracle, and as they all remained unshaken in the confession of the faith, they were put to the sword.  Sabas, however, completed his martyrdom by being cast into the river.
Lugdúni, in Gállia, natális sancti Alexándri Mártyris, qui, in persecutióne Antoníni Veri, post cárceris custódiam, primo ita laniátus est crudelitáte verberántium, ut, crate solúta costárum, patefáctis viscéribus, interióra córporis panderéntur; deínde, crucis affixus patíbulo, beátum spíritum exanimátus emísit.  Passi sunt cum ipso et álii, número trigínta quátuor, quorum memória áliis diébus ágitur. At Lyons in France, during the persecution of Antoninus Verus, the birthday of St. Alexander, martyr.  After being imprisoned, he was so lacerated by the cruelty of those who scourged him, that his ribs and the interior of his body were exposed to view.  Then he was fastened to the gibbet of the cross, on which he yielded up his blessed soul.  Thirty-four others who suffered with him are commemorated on other days.
Nicomedíæ sanctórum Mártyrum Eusébii, Neónis, Leóntii, Longíni et aliórum quátuor; qui, in persecutióne Diocletiáni, post diros cruciátus, gládio percússi sunt. At Nicomedia, during the persecution of Diocletian, the holy martyrs Eusebius, Neon, Leontius, Longinus, and four others, all of whom were slain with the sword after enduring great torments.
In Anglia deposítio sancti Mellíti Epíscopi, qui, a sancto Gregório Papa in Angliam missus, orientáles Saxónes et ipsórum Regem ad fidem convértit. In England, the death of St. Mellitus, bishop.  He was sent there by St. Gregory, and he converted to the faith the East Saxons and their king.
Illíberi, in Hispánia, sancti Gregórii, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Elvira, in Spain, St. Gregory, bishop and confessor.
Bríxiæ sancti Honórii Epíscopi. At Brescia, St. Honorius, bishop.
The monastery of Iona
In Ióna, Scótiæ ínsula, sancti Egbérti, Presbyteri et Mónachi, admirándæ humilitátis et continéntiæ viri. In Iona, an island of Scotland, St. Egbert, priest and monk, a man of admirable humility and continency.
Rhemis, in Gállia, sanctárum Vírginum Bovæ et Dodæ. At Rheims in France, the holy virgins Bova and Doda.
Andégavi, in Gállia, sanctæ Maríæ a sancta Euphrásia Pelletier, Vírginis, Institúti Sorórum a Bono Pastóre Fundatrícis, quam Pius Duodécimus, Póntifex Máximus, in Sanctárum númerum rétulit. At Angers in France, St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier, virgin and foundress of the Institute of the Good Shepherd Sisters, whom Pius XII, Sovereign Pontiff, enrolled among the number of the saints.
Medioláni Convérsio sancti Augustíni Epíscopi, Confessóris et Ecclésiæ Doctóris; quem beátum Ambrósius Epíscopus veritátem fídei cathólicæ dócuit, et hac die baptizávit. At Milan, the Conversion of St. Augustine, bishop, confessor, and doctor of the Church, whom the bishop St. Ambrose had instructed in the truth of the Catholic faith, and baptized on this day.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


April XXIV.
St. Fidelis of Sigmarengen, Martyr
St. Mellitus, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor
SS. Bona, or Beuve, and Doda, Virgins and Abbesses
B. Robert, Abbot


British Woman May Face Execution in Iran for Insulting Islam

Atheist Activists Complain Clemson Football Program is ‘Entangled’ in Christianity

Forced conversion to Islam a serious threat to religious freedom in Pakistan

Easter and the Persecuted Church: Time of Celebration, Danger

Christians Killed in Egypt Reflect Growing Hatred in Segments of Society

Asia Bibi trial “postponed to a later date”: a mystery

Why Should We Care And What Should We Do For The Persecuted Church

Palm Sunday – Let Our Praises Resound!

Iran: Iranian Christian Prisoner Describes Mental Torture As Common Practice

Nono Kaléndas Maji. Luna.


Nono Kaléndas Maji. Luna. The Twenty-Third Day of April.   The Night of the Moon.

Natális sancti Geórgii Mártyris, cujus illústre martyrium inter Mártyrum corónas Ecclésia Dei venerátur. The birthday of St. George, whose illustrious martyrdom is honoured by the Church of God among the triumphs of the other martyrs.
In vico Tenkítten, ad sinum Venédicum, in Borússia, item natális sancti Adalbérti, Epíscopi Pragénsis et Mártyris, qui Polónis et Húngaris Evangélium prædicávit. At Danzig in Prussia, the birthday of St. Adalbert, bishop of Prague, and martyr, who preached the Gospel to the Poles and the Hungarians.
Valéntiæ, in Gállia, pássio sanctórum Mártyrum Felícis Presbyteri, Fortunáti et Achíllei Diaconórum.  Hi, cum fuíssent a beáto Irenæo, Lugdunénsi Episcopo, missi ad prædicándum verbum Dei, et máximam illíus civitátis partem ad Christi fidem convertíssent, a Duce Cornélio sunt in cárcerem trusi; deínde, diutíssime verberáti, cruribúsque confráctis, circa rotárum vertíginem stricti, fumum quoque in equúlei suspensióne perpéssi; ad extrémum gládio consummáti sunt. At Valence in France, the holy martyrs Felix, a priest, Fortunatus and Achilleus, deacons, who were sent there to preach the word of God by blessed Irenæus, bishop of Lyons.  They converted the greater portion of that city to the faith of Christ.  These martyrs were cast into prison by the commander Cornelius, were for a long time scourged, had their legs crushed, were bound to wheels in motion, and stifled with smoke while stretched on the rack, and finally died by the sword.
Medioláni sancti Mároli, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Milan, St. Marolus, bishop and confessor.
The Church of St. Gerard of Toul
Tulli, in Gállia, sancti Gerárdi, ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopi. At Toul in France, St. Gerard, bishop of that city.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


April XXIII.
St. George, Martyr
St. Adalbert, Bishop of Prague, Martyr
St. Gerard, Bishop of Toul, Confessor
St. Ibar, or Ivor, Bishop in Ireland


British Woman May Face Execution in Iran for Insulting Islam

Atheist Activists Complain Clemson Football Program is ‘Entangled’ in Christianity

Forced conversion to Islam a serious threat to religious freedom in Pakistan

Easter and the Persecuted Church: Time of Celebration, Danger

Christians Killed in Egypt Reflect Growing Hatred in Segments of Society

Asia Bibi trial “postponed to a later date”: a mystery

Why Should We Care And What Should We Do For The Persecuted Church

Palm Sunday – Let Our Praises Resound!

Iran: Iranian Christian Prisoner Describes Mental Torture As Common Practice

Décimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna.


Décimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna . The Twenty-Second Day of April.  The Night of the Moon.

Romæ, via Appia, natális sancti Sotéris, Papæ et Mártyris. At Rome, on the Appian Way, the birthday of St. Soter, pope and martyr.
Item Romæ sancti Caji, Papæ et Mártyris; qui martyrio coronátus est sub Diocletiáno Príncipe. In the same city, Pope St. Caius, who was crowned with martyrdom under Emperor Diocletian.
Smyrnæ sanctórum Apéllis et Lúcii, ex primis Christi discípulis. At Smyrna, the Saints Apelles and Lucius, who were among the first disciples of Christ.
Eódem die sanctórum plurimórum Mártyrum, qui, sequénti anno post óbitum Simeónis, ánnuo item die quo passiónis Domínicæ memória celebrabátur, per totam Pérsidis regiónem, pro Christi nómine, sub Rege Sápore, gládio cædi jussi sunt.  In quo fídei certámine passus est Azades eunúchus, Regi caríssimus; Milles Epíscopus, sanctitáte et miraculórum virtúte insígnis; Acépsimas Epíscopus, cum Presbytero suo Jacóbo, item Aíthala et Josépho Presbyteris, Azadáne et Abdiéso Diáconis, et complúribus áliis Cléricis; Maréas quoque et Bicor Epíscopi, cum áliis vigínti Epíscopis, et Cléricis fere ducéntis quinquagínta, Mónachis étiam et sacris Virgínibus plúrimis.  Has inter Vírgines fuit étiam sancti Simeónis Epíscopi soror, nómine Tárbula, cum pedíssequa sua; quæ, stipítibus alligátæ serráque scissæ, crudelíssime necátæ sunt. The same day, many holy martyrs who, the year following the death of St. Simeon, and on the anniversary of the Passion of our Lord, were put to the sword for the name of Christ throughout Persia, under King Sapor.  Among those who then suffered for the faith were the eunuch Azades, a favorite of the king; Milles, a bishop renowned for sanctity and miracles; Bishop Acepsimas with one of his priests named James; also Aithalas and Joseph, priests; Azadan and Abdiesus, deacons, and many other clerics; Mareas and Bicor, bishop, with twenty other bishops, and nearly two hundred and fifty clerics; many monks and consecrated virgins, among whom was the sister of St. Simeon, called Tarbula, with her maid, who were both killed in a most cruel manner by being tied to stakes and sawn asunder.
Item in Pérside sanctórum Parménii, Heliménæ et Chrysóteli Presbyterórum, Lucæ et Múcii Diaconórum; quorum triúmphus martyrii in passióne sanctórum Abdon et Sennen habétur. Also in Persia, Saints Parmenius, Helimenas, and Chrysotelus, priests; Lucas and Mucius, deacons, whose triumph is related in the Acts of Saints Abdon and Sennen.
Alexandríæ natális sancti Leónidæ Mártyris, qui sub Sevéro passus est. At Alexandria, the birthday of the martyr St. Leonides, who suffered under Severus.
Lugdúni, in Gállia, sancti Epipódii, qui, in persecutióne Antoníni Veri, cum Alexándro colléga tentus, ibídem, post dira torménta, martyrium abscissióne cápitis complévit. At Lyons in France, in the persecution of Antoninus Verus, St. Epipodius, who was arrested with his companion Alexander, and after undergoing severe torments, completed his martyrdom by being beheaded.
Constantinópoli sancti Agapíti Papæ Primi, cujus sánctitas a beáto Gregório Magno commendátur.  Ipsíus autem corpus, póstea Romam relátum, in Vaticáno cónditum est. At Constantinople, Pope St. Agapitus the First, whose sanctity was praised by St. Gregory the Great.  His body was afterwards taken to Rome and buried in the Vatican.
Apud Senónas sancti Leónis, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Sens, St. Leo, bishop and confessor.
Anastasiópoli, in Galátia, sancti Theodóri Epíscopi, miráculis clari. At Anastasiopolis in Galatia, St. Theodore, a bishop well known for his miracles.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.
April XXII.
St. Soter, Pope and Martyr
St. Caius, Pope and Martyr
SS. Azades, Tharba, and Many Others, Martyrs in Persia
SS. Epipodius and Alexander, Martyrs at Lyons
St. Theodorus of Siceon, Bishop and Confessor
St. Opportuna, Virgin and Abbess
St. Leonides, Martyr
St. Rufus, or Rufin, Anchoret, at Glendaloch in Ireland

British Woman May Face Execution in Iran for Insulting Islam

Atheist Activists Complain Clemson Football Program is ‘Entangled’ in Christianity

Forced conversion to Islam a serious threat to religious freedom in Pakistan

Easter and the Persecuted Church: Time of Celebration, Danger

Christians Killed in Egypt Reflect Growing Hatred in Segments of Society

Asia Bibi trial “postponed to a later date”: a mystery

Why Should We Care And What Should We Do For The Persecuted Church

Palm Sunday – Let Our Praises Resound!

Iran: Iranian Christian Prisoner Describes Mental Torture As Common Practice

Duodécimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna.


Duodécimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna. The Twentieth Day of April. The Night of the Moon.

Romæ sanctórum Mártyrum Sulpícii et Serviliáni, qui, prædicatióne et miráculis beátæ Domitíllæ Vírginis ad Christi fidem convérsi, ambo, cum nollent idólis immoláre, in persecutióne Trajáni, a Præfécto Urbis Aniáno sunt cápite cæsi. At Rome, the holy martyrs Sulpicius and Servilian, who were converted to the faith of Christ by the speeches and the miracles of the holy virgin Domitilla.  Because they refused to sacrifice to the idols, they were beheaded by Anian, prefect of the city, in the persecution of Trajan.
Nicomedíæ sanctórum Mártyrum Victóris, Zótici, Zenónis, Acíndyni, Cæsárei, Severiáni, Chrysóphori, Theónæ et Antoníni, qui, sub Diocletiáno Imperatóre, passióne ac signis beáti Geórgii ad Christum convérsi sunt, et ob intrépidam fídei confessiónem, várie tentáti, martyrium complevérunt. At Nicomedia, the holy martyrs Victor, Zoticus, Zeno, Acindynus, Caesareus, Severian, Chrysophorus, Theonas, and Antonine.  They were converted to Christ by the miracles and the martyrdom of St. George, and because of their own dauntless confession of the faith, they were tortured in various ways under the Emperor Diocletian, and thus completed their martyrdom.
Tomis, in Scythia, sancti Theótimi Epíscopi, quem, ob insígnem ipsíus sanctitátem atque mirácula, étiam infidéles bárbari veneráti sunt. At Tomis in Scythia, Bishop St. Theotimus, whose great sanctity and miracles procured him the respect even of unbelieving barbarians.
Ebredúni, in Gálliis, sancti Marcellíni, qui fuit primus ejúsdem urbis Epíscopus.  Hic, Dei mónitu, cum sanctis Sóciis Vincéntio et Domníno, ex Africa venit, et máximam Alpium maritimárum partem verbo et signis admirándis, quibus usque hódie refúlget, ad Christi fidem convértit. At Embrun in France, St. Marcellin, first bishop of that city.  By divine inspiration he came from Africa with his holy companions Vincent and Domninus, and converted the greater portion of the inhabitants of the Maritime Alps by his preaching, and by the wonderful prodigies which he still continues to work.
Antisiodóri sancti Marciáni Presbyteri. At Auxerre, the priest St. Marcian.
Apud Constantinópolim sancti Theodóri Confessóris, ab áspera cilícii veste, qua tegebátur, cognoménto Tríchinas, qui multis virtútibus, præsértim advérsus dæmones, cláruit; ex cujus córpore scatúriens unguéntum ægrótis sanitátem impértit. At Constantinople, St. Theodore, confessor, surnamed Trichinas, from the rough garment of hair which he wore.  He was renowned for many miracles, but especially for his power over the demons.  From his body issues a liquid that imparts health to the sick.
In Monte Politiáno, in Túscia, sanctæ Agnétis Vírginis, ex Ordine sancti Domínici, miráculis claræ. At Monte Pulciano, St. Agnes, a virgin of the Order of St. Dominic, celebrated for her miracles.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


April XX.
St. Agnes of Monte Pulciano, Virgin and Abbess
St. Serf, or Servanus, Bishop
St. James of Sclavonia, or Illyricum, Confessor


Persecuted Because of the Cross

British Woman May Face Execution in Iran for Insulting Islam

Atheist Activists Complain Clemson Football Program is ‘Entangled’ in Christianity

Forced conversion to Islam a serious threat to religious freedom in Pakistan

Easter and the Persecuted Church: Time of Celebration, Danger

Christians Killed in Egypt Reflect Growing Hatred in Segments of Society

Asia Bibi trial “postponed to a later date”: a mystery

Why Should We Care And What Should We Do For The Persecuted Church

Palm Sunday – Let Our Praises Resound!

Iran: Iranian Christian Prisoner Describes Mental Torture As Common Practice

Tertiodécimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna.


Tertiodécimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna. The Nineteenth Day of April. The Night of the Moon.

Corínthi natális sancti Timónis, qui fuit unus de septem primis Diáconis.  Hic primo apud Berœam Doctor resédit, ac deínde, verbum Dómini disséminans, venit Corínthum; ibíque, a Judǽis et Græcis (ut tráditur) injéctus flammis, sed nihil læsus, demum, cruci affíxus, martyrium suum implévit. At Corinth, the birthday of St. Timon, one of the first seven deacons, who was first a teacher at Berea.  Afterwards, while preaching the word of the Lord at Corinth, he was delivered to the flames by the Jews and the Greeks, but remaining uninjured, he ended his martyrdom by crucifixion.
Cantuáriæ, in Anglia, sancti Elphégi, Epíscopi et Mártyris. At Canterbury in England, St. Alphege, bishop and martyr.
Melitínæ, in Arménia, sanctórum Mártyrum Hermógenis, Caji, Expedíti, Aristónici, Rufi et Galátæ, qui omnes una die sunt coronáti. At Melitine in Armenia, the holy martyrs Hermogenes, Caius, Expeditus, Aristonicus, Rufus, and Galatas, all crowned on the same day.
Caucolíberi, in Hispánia Tarraconénsi, pássio sancti Vincéntii Mártyris. At Collioure in Spain, the martyr St. Vincent.
Eódem die sanctórum Mártyrum Socrátis et Dionysii, qui lánceis confóssi sunt. On the same day, the holy martyrs Socrates and Denis, who were killed with spears.
Hierosólymis sancti Paphnútii Mártyris. At Jerusalem, the martyr St. Paphnutius.
Romæ sancti Leónis Papæ Noni, virtútum et miraculórum laude insígnis. At Rome, Pope St. Leo IX, illustrious for his virtues and his miracles.
Antiochíæ Pisídiæ sancti Geórgii Epíscopi, qui, ob sanctárum Imáginum cultum, exsul occúbuit. At Antioch in Pisidia, St. George, a bishop, who died in exile for the veneration of sacred images.
In cœnóbio Laubiénsi, in Bélgio, sancti Ursmári Epíscopi. In the monastery of Lobbes in Belgium, the bishop St. Ursmar.
Floréntiæ sancti Crescéntii Confessóris, qui fuit discípulus beáti Zenóbii Epíscopi. At Florence, St. Crescent, confessor, a disciple of the blessed Bishop Zenobius.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


April XIX.
St. Leo IX. Pope and Confessor
St. Elphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr
St. Ursmar, of Laubes or Lobes, Bishop and Abbot


Persecuted Because of the Cross

British Woman May Face Execution in Iran for Insulting Islam

Atheist Activists Complain Clemson Football Program is ‘Entangled’ in Christianity

Forced conversion to Islam a serious threat to religious freedom in Pakistan

Easter and the Persecuted Church: Time of Celebration, Danger

Christians Killed in Egypt Reflect Growing Hatred in Segments of Society

Asia Bibi trial “postponed to a later date”: a mystery

Why Should We Care And What Should We Do For The Persecuted Church

Palm Sunday – Let Our Praises Resound!

Iran: Iranian Christian Prisoner Describes Mental Torture As Common Practice

Quartodécimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna.


Quartodécimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna. The Eighteenth Day of April. The Night of the Moon.

Apud montem Senárium, in Etrúria, natális sancti Amidǽi Confessóris, e septem Fundatóribus Ordinis Servórum beátæ Maríæ Vírginis, flagrantíssima in Deum caritáte præclári.  Ipsíus tamen ac Sociórum festum prídie Idus Februárii celebrátur. On Mount Senario in Tuscany, St. Amadeo, confessor, one of the seven founders of the Order of Servites of the Blessed Virgin Mary, famous for his ardent love for God.  His feast, together with that of his companions, is kept on the 12th of February.
Romæ beáti Apollónii Senatóris, qui, sub Cómmodo Príncipe et Perénnio Præfécto, a servo próditus quod Christiánus esset, jussúsque ut ratiónem fídei suæ rédderet, insígne volúmen compósuit, quod in Senátu legit; et nihilóminus pro Christo, senténtia Senátus, cápite truncátus est. At Rome, blessed Apollonius, a senator under Emperor Commodus and the prefect Perennius.  He was denounced as a Christian by one of his slaves, and being commanded to give an account of his faith, he composed an able work which he read in the Senate.  He was nevertheless beheaded for Christ by their sentence.
Messánæ, in Sicília, natális sanctórum Mártyrum Eleuthérii, Epíscopi Illyrici, et Anthíæ matris.  Ipse, cum esset vitæ sanctimónia et miraculórum virtúte illústris, sub Hadriáno Príncipe, lectum férreum ignítum, cratículam et sartáginem, óleo et pice ac resína fervéntem, súperans, projéctus quoque leónibus sed ab illis nil læsus, novíssime simul cum matre jugulátur. At Messina in Sicily, the birthday of the holy martyrs Eleutherius, bishop of Illyria, and Anthia, his mother.  He was famous for holiness of life and the power of miracles.  During the reign of Hadrian, he was placed on a bed of red-hot iron, on a gridiron, in a vessel filled with boiling oil, pitch, and resin, and also cast to the lions; but remaining unhurt through all of this, they finally cut his throat with a sword.  His mother suffered the same torments.
Córdubæ, in Hispánia, sancti Perfécti, Presbyteri et Mártyris; qui a Mauris, eo quod inveherétur in Mahumétis sectam et fírmiter Christi fidem profiterétur, gládio trucidátus est. At Cordova, St. Perfectus, priest and martyr, who was slain with the sword by the Moors, because he argued against the sect of Mohammed and firmly insisted on the Catholic faith.
Messánæ, in Sicília, sancti Corébi Præfécti, qui, per sanctum Eleuthérium convérsus ad fidem, gládio percússus est. At Messina in Sicily, St. Corebus, the prefect, who was converted to the faith by St. Eleutherius, and died by the sword.
Bríxiæ sancti Calóceri Mártyris, qui, a sanctis Faustíno et Jovíta convérsus ad Christum, sub Hadriáno Príncipe gloriósum confessiónis certámen complévit. At Brescia, the martyr St. Calocerus, who was converted to Christ by Saints Faustinus and Jovita, and who gloriously triumphed in the test of his confession, in the time of Hadrian.
Medioláni sancti Galdíni, Cardinális et ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopi, qui, concióne advérsus hæréticos expléta, spíritum Deo réddidit. At Milan, St. Galdino, cardinal bishop of that city, who at the very end of a sermon against heretics, gave up his soul to God.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


April XVIII.
St. Apollonius the Apologist, Martyr
St. Galdin, Archbishop of Milan, Confessor
St. Laserian, Called Molaisre, Bishop of Leighlin, in Ireland

Persecuted Because of the Cross

British Woman May Face Execution in Iran for Insulting Islam

Atheist Activists Complain Clemson Football Program is ‘Entangled’ in Christianity

Forced conversion to Islam a serious threat to religious freedom in Pakistan

Easter and the Persecuted Church: Time of Celebration, Danger

Christians Killed in Egypt Reflect Growing Hatred in Segments of Society

Asia Bibi trial “postponed to a later date”: a mystery

Why Should We Care And What Should We Do For The Persecuted Church

Palm Sunday – Let Our Praises Resound!

Iran: Iranian Christian Prisoner Describes Mental Torture As Common Practice

Quintodécimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna.


Quintodécimo Kaléndas Maji. Luna. The Seventeenth Day of April. The Night of the Moon.

Romæ sancti Anicéti, Papæ et Mártyris; qui martyrii palmam in persecutióne Marci Aurélii Antoníni et Lúcii Veri accépit. At Rome, St. Anicetus, pope and martyr, who received the palm of martyrdom in the persecution of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus and Lucius Verus.
Córdubæ, in Hispánia, sanctórum Mártyrum Elíæ Presbyteri, Pauli et Isidóri Monachórum, qui, in persecutióne Arábica, ob Christiánæ fidei professiónem, interémpti sunt. At Cordoba in Spain, the holy martyrs Elias, a priest, and the monks Paul and Isidore, who were slain in the Arab persecution for the profession of the Christian faith.
Antiochíæ sanctórum Mártyrum Petri Diáconi, et Hermógenis, qui ejúsdem Petri erat miníster. At Antioch, the holy martyrs Peter, a deacon, and Hermogenes, who was his servant.
In Africa natális beáti Mappálici Mártyris, qui (ut scribit sanctus Cypriánus in epístola ad Mártyres et Confessóres), cum áliis plúribus, martyrio coronátus est. In Africa, the birthday of blessed Mappalicus, martyr.  St. Cyprian relates in his Epistle to the Martyrs and Confessors that he, along with many others, was crowned with martyrdom.
Ibídem sanctórum Mártyrum Fortunáti et Marciáni. In the same place, the holy martyrs Fortunatus and Marcian.
Viénnæ, in Gállia, sancti Pantágathi Epíscopi. At Vienne in France, Bishop St. Pantagathus.
Dertónæ sancti Innocéntii, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Tortona, St. Innocent, bishop and confessor.
Cistércii, in Gállia, sancti Stéphani Abbátis, qui primus erémum Cisterciénsem incóluit, et sanctum Bernárdum, cum sóciis ad se veniéntem, lætus excépit. At Citeaux in France, St. Stephen Harding, abbot, who was first to live in the Cistercian desert and who joyfully welcomed St. Bernard and his companions when they came to him.
In monastério Casæ Dei, Claromontánæ diœcésis, in Gállia, sancti Robérti Confessóris, qui ejúsdem monastérii cónditor et primus Abbas éxstitit. In the monastery of Chaise-Dieu, in the diocese of Clermont, St. Robert, confessor, the founder and first abbot of the monastery.

Butlers Lives of the Saints

April XVII.
St. Anicetus, Pope and Martyr
St. Stephen, Abbot of Citeaux, Confessor
St. Simeon, Bishop of Ctesiphon, and His Companions, Martyrs

Persecuted Because of the Cross

British Woman May Face Execution in Iran for Insulting Islam

Atheist Activists Complain Clemson Football Program is ‘Entangled’ in Christianity

Forced conversion to Islam a serious threat to religious freedom in Pakistan

Easter and the Persecuted Church: Time of Celebration, Danger

Christians Killed in Egypt Reflect Growing Hatred in Segments of Society

Asia Bibi trial “postponed to a later date”: a mystery

Why Should We Care And What Should We Do For The Persecuted Church

Palm Sunday – Let Our Praises Resound!

Iran: Iranian Christian Prisoner Describes Mental Torture As Common Practice