Quinto Idus Júnii. Luna.


Quinto Idus Júnii. Luna . The Ninth Day of June The Night of the Moon.

Noménti in Sabínis, natális sanctórum Mártyrum Primi et Feliciáni fratrum, sub Diocletiáno et Maximiáno Imperatóribus.  Hi gloriósi Mártyres, cum longævam in Dómino vitam duxíssent, et nunc simul pária, nunc singillátim divérsa et exquisíta pertulíssent torménta, ambo tandem felícis pugnæ cursum, a Nomentáno Præside Promóto animadvérsi gládio, consummavérunt.  Ipsórum autem Mártyrum córpora, póstea Romam transláta, in Ecclésia sancti Stéphani Protomártyris, in monte Cælio, honorífice collocáta sunt.

At Nomento in the Sabine Hills, the birthday of the holy martyrs Primus and Felician, under the emperors Diocletian and Maximian.  These glorious martyrs lived long in the service of the Lord, and endured sometimes together, sometimes separately, various cruel torments.  They were finally beheaded by Promotus, governor of Nomento, and thus happily ended their trial.  Their bodies were afterwards translated to Rome and honorably buried in the Church of St. Stephen the Protomartyr on the Cælian Hill.

Agénni in Gállia, pássio sancti Vincéntii, Levítæ et Mártyris, qui, ob Christi fidem, verbéribus diríssime cæsus et gládio decollátus est.

At Agen in France, the passion of St. Vincent, deacon and martyr.  For the faith of Christ, he was cruelly scourged and then beheaded.

Apud Antiochíam sanctæ Pelágiæ, Vírginis et Mártyris, quam sancti Ambrósius et Joánnes Chrysóstomus magnis éfferunt láudibus.

At Antioch, St. Pelagia, virgin and martyr, who has been eulogized by St. Ambrose and St. John Chrysostom.

The Cathedral of Syracuse, Sicily

Syracúsis, in Sicília, sancti Maximiáni Epíscopi, cujus sanctus Gregórius Papa sæpius méminit.

At Syracuse in Sicily, Bishop St. Maximian, who is frequently mentioned by Pope St. Gregory.

Andriæ, in Apúlia, sancti Richárdi, qui fuit primus ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopus, et miráculis cláruit.

At Andria in Apulia, St. Richard, first bishop of that city, who is famed for his miracles.

In Ióna, Scótiæ ínsula, sancti Colúmbæ, Presbyteri et Abbátis.

In the island of Iona in Scotland, St. Columba, priest and confessor.

Edéssæ, in Syria, sancti Juliáni Mónachi, cujus præclára gesta sanctus Ephræm Diáconus scripsit.

At Edessa in Syria, St. Julian, a monk whose memorable deeds have been related by the deacon St. Ephraem.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


June IX.
SS. Primus and Felicianus, Martyrs
St. Columba, or Columkille, Abbot in Ireland
St. Pelagia, Virgin and Martyr
St. Vincent, Martyr in Agenois
St. Richard, Bishop and Confessor


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