Quarto Kaléndas Júlii. Luna


Quarto Kaléndas Júlii. Luna. The Twenty-Eighth Day of June. The Night of the Moon. 

Vigília sanctórum Apostolórum Petri et Pauli. The vigil of the holy apostles Peter and Paul.

Lugdúni, in Gállia, sancti Irenæi, Epíscopi et Mártyris; qui (ut scribit sanctus Hierónymus) beáti Polycárpi, Smyrnénsis Epíscopi, discípulus fuit, et Apostolicórum témporum vicínis. Is, cum advérsus hæréticos verbis ac scriptis plúrimum decertásset, tandem, in persecutióne Sevéri, cum omni fere civitátis suæ pópulo, coronátus est glorióso martyrio. At Lyons in France, St. Irenaeus, bishop and martyr. St. Jerome relates that he was the disciple of blessed Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, and lived near the time of the apostles. After having strenuously opposed the heretics by word and by writing, he was crowned with a glorious martyrdom along with almost all the people of his city, during the persecution of Severus.

Trajécti sancti Benígni, Epíscopi et Mártyris. At Utrecht, St. Benignus, bishop and martyr.

Alexandríæ, in persecutióne Sevéri, sanctórum Mártyrum Plutárchi, Seréni, Heraclídis catechúmeni, Herónis neóphyti, et altérius Seréni, Rháidis catechúmenæ, et Potamiœnæ cum ipsíus matre Marcélla; inter quos præcípue enítuit Potamiœna Virgo, quæ, primo imménsos innumerósque agónes pro virginitáte desudávit, deínde étiam exquisíta et inaudíta torménta pro fide sustínuit, ad últimum, simul cum matre, igne consúmpta est. At Alexandria, in the persecution of Severus, the holy martyrs Plutarch, Serenus, Heraclides, catechumen, Heron, a neophyte, another Serenus, Rhais, a catechumen, Potamioena and Marcella her mother. Among them the virgin Potamioena is particularly distinguished. She first endured many painful trials for the preservation of her virginity, and then cruel and unheard-of torments for the faith, after which both she and her mother were consumed with fire.

Eódem die sancti Pápii Mártyris, qui, in persecutióne Diocletiáni Imperatóris, flagris cæsus, atque in lebétem, óleo et ádipe fervénti plenum, immíssus, áliaque horrénda supplícia perpéssus, demum, datis cervícibus, coronátur. Also during the persecution of Diocletian, St. Papius, martyr, who was scourged with knotted cords, cast into a cauldron of seething oil and grease, and after other horrible torments was beheaded, and thus won an eternal crown.

Córdubæ, in Hispánia, sancti Argymíri, Mónachi et Mártyris, qui in persecutióne Arábica, pro Christi fide, in equúleo pósitus et ense transfóssus est. At Cordova in Spain, St. Argymirus, monk and martyr, who was slain for the faith of Christ during the persecution of the Arabs.

Romæ sancti Pauli Primi, Papæ et Confessóris. At Rome, Pope St. Paul I, confessor.

Lúere, in diœcési Brixiénsi, sanctæ Vincéntiæ Gerósa Vírginis, Institúti Sorórum a Caritáte una cum sancta Bartholomǽa Capitánio Fundatrícis, quam Pius Papa Duodécimus albo sanctárum Vírginum accénsuit. At Lovere, in the diocese of Brescia, St. Vincenza Gerosa, virgin, who co-founded the Institute of the Sisters of Charity with St. Bartolomea Capitanio, and whom Pope Pius XII added to the list of holy virgins.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God

St. Irenæus, Bishop of Lyons, Martyr
St. Leo II., Pope and Confessor
St. Plutarch, &c. Martyrs
SS. Potamiana or Potamiena, and Basilides, Martyrs

.Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places. Voice of the Persecuted– Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today. FOR NEWS OF CONTEMPORARY MARTYRS… Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic

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