Conference “Catechism”: how do I discern God’s will for my life? (iii)

A NEW series exploring Vocational Discernment – how do we discern our vocation in life? How does God make His will known to us? These and other questions Metropolitan Jerome will explore in these live and recorded broadcasts from the Brighton Oratory every Saturday morning from 10am.

In this episode, Metropolitan Jerome continues discussing the fundamental principles necessary to discern God’s will for oneself in relation to God’s general will for all He has purposed to exist… Recapping and reiterating the fundamental principles given in the previous episode, His Grace goes on to discuss the importance of making time to discern God’s will “in the current time”. Even if actively living “in holy fear” ie continually aware of God’s Presence and discerning His will “in the present moment” it is necessary to take time out in order to appraise any patterns or trends that “present moment” experiences may be revealing. Emphasising again the importance of “knowing oneself”, His Grace advocates taking regular periods of “time out” to analyze oneself and one’s life thus far noting the skills, talents, abilities and predispositions God has blessed one with, considering them in relation to the principles “know, love, serve and be happy” with God.

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