Kaléndis Septémbris. Luna


Kaléndis Septémbris. Luna . The First Day of September. The Night of the Moon.

In província Narbonénsi sancti Ægídii, Abbátis et Confessóris, cujus nómine est appellátum óppidum, quod póstea crevit in loco, ubi ipse monastérium eréxerat et mortális vitæ cursum absólverat.
In the province of Narbonne, St. Giles, abbot and confessor.  A town which later arose in the place where he had built his monastery and where he died was named after him.

Sentiáni, in fínibus Apúliæ, pássio sanctórum Donáti et altérius Felícis; qui, sanctórum Bonifátii et Theclæ fílii, a Valeriáno Júdice, sub Maximiáno Imperatóre, jussi sunt, post vária torménta, cápite præcídi hodiérna die, in qua et festívitas aliórum ex duódecim frátribus, quorum natális respectívis diébus ágitur, institúta est celebrári.  Ipsórum vero duódecim fratrum córpora Benevéntum póstea transláta sunt, ibíque honorífice asserváta.
At Sentiano, in the district of Apulia, the passion of Saints Donatus and a second Felix who were the sons of Saints Boniface and Thecla.  After they had endured various torments under the judge Valerian in the reign of Emperor Maximian, they were condemned to be beheaded on this day.  Today also is kept the festival of the others of the Twelve Holy Brethren, whose birthdays are noted in their proper place.  The bodies of these Twelve Holy Brethren were later translated to Benevento where they are honourably enshrined.

In Palæstína sanctórum Jósue et Gedeónis.
In Palestine, the Saints Joshua and Gideon.

Hierosólymis beátæ Annæ Prophetíssæ, cujus sanctitátem sermo Evangélicus prodit.
At Jerusalem, blessed Anna, prophetess, whose sanctity is revealed in the Gospel.

Cápuæ, via Aquária, sancti Prisci Mártyris, qui fuit unus de antíquis Christi discípulis.
At Capua, on the Via Aquaria, St. Priscus, martyr, who was formerly one of the disciples of Christ.

Tudérti, in Umbria, sancti Terentiáni, Epíscopi et Mártyris; qui, sub Hadriáno Imperatóre, Lætiáni Procónsulis jussu, equúleo et scorpiónibus cruciátus est, ac demum, abscíssa lingua, cápitis damnátus martyrium complévit.
At Todi in Umbria, St. Terentian, bishop and martyr.  Under Emperor Hadrian, by order of the proconsul Laetian, he was racked, scourged with whips set with metal, and finally having had his tongue cut out, he ended his martyrdom by undergoing capital punishment.

Heracléæ, in Thrácia, sancti Ammónis Diáconi, et sanctárum quadragínta Vírginum, quas ille erudívit in fide, et, sub Licínio tyránno, ad martyrii glóriam secum perdúxit.
At Heraclea, under the tyrant Licinius, St. Ammon, deacon, and forty holy virgins whom he instructed in the faith and led with him to the glory of martyrdom.

In Hispániæ sanctórum Mártyrum Vincéntii et Læti.
In Spain, the holy martyrs Vincent and Laetus.

Populónii, in Túscia, sancti Réguli Mártyris, qui ex Africa illuc venit, ibíque, sub Tótila, martyrium consummávit.
At Piombino in Tuscany, St. Regulus, martyr, who went thither from Africa, and consummated his martyrdom under Totila.

Cápuæ sancti Prisci Epíscopi, qui unus fuit ex illis Sacerdótibus, qui, in persecutióne Wandalórum, ob fidem cathólicam várie afflícti et vetústæ navi impósiti, ex Africa ad Campániæ líttora pervenérunt, et Christiánam religiónem, in iis locis dispérsi diversísque Ecclésiis præfécti, mirífice propagárunt.  Ipsíus autem fuérunt sócii Castrénsis, cujus dies natális tértio Idus Februárii recólitur, Támmarus, Rósius, Heráclius, Secundínus, Adjútor, Marcus, Augústus, Elpídius, Cánion et Vindónius.
At Capua, St. Priscus, bishop.  He was one of those priests who were subjected to various trials for the Catholic faith during the persecution of the Vandals.  Being put in an old ship on the coast of Africa, they reached the shores of Campania, and separating, they were placed at the head of various churches, and thus greatly extended the Christian religion.  The companions of Priscus were Castrensis, whose birthday is mentioned on the 11th of February, Tammarius, Rosius, Heraclius, Secundinus, Adjutor, Mark, Augustus, Elpidius, Canion, and Vindonius.

Apud Sénonas beáti Lupi, Epíscopi et Confessóris; de quo refértur quod quadam die, præsénte Clero, dum sacris altáribus adstáret, lapsa est cælitus gemma in ejus cálicem sanctum.
At Sens, St. Lupus, bishop and confessor, of whom it is related that on a certain day, while he stood at the holy altar in the presence of the clergy, a gem fell from heaven into the consecrated chalice which he was using.

Rhemis, in Gállia, sancti Xysti, qui fuit primus ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopus.
At Rheims in France, St. Sixtus, disciple of the blessed apostle Peter, who consecrated him the first bishop of that city.  He received the crown of martyrdom under Nero.

Apud Cenómanos, in Gállia, sancti Victórii Epíscopi.
At Le Mans in France, St. Victorinus, bishop.

Apud Aquínum sancti Constántii Epíscopi, prophetíæ dono multísque virtútibus clari.
At Aquino, St. Constantius, a bishop renowned for the gift of prophecy and many virtues.

Ad Aquas Duras, in Constantiénsi Germániæ território, sanctæ Verénæ Vírginis.
In Baden, in the province of Constance, St. Verena, virgin.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

September I.
St. Giles, Abbot
SS. Twelve Brothers, Martyrs
St. Lupus, or Leu, Archbishop of Sens, Confessor
St. Firminus II., Bishop and Confessor

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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