Prídie Nonas Octóbris. Luna


Prídie Nonas Octóbris.  Luna The Sixth Day of October. The Night of the Moon.

In monastério Turris, diœcésis Squillacénsis, in Calábria, sancti Brunónis Confessóris, qui Ordinis Carthusianórum fuit Institútor.
In the Monastery De Torre, in the diocese of Squillace in Calabria, St. Bruno, confessor, founder of the Order of the Carthusians.

Laodicéæ, in Phrygia, beáti Ságaris, Epíscopi et Mártyris; qui éxstitit unus de antíquis Pauli Apóstoli discípulis.
At Laodicea, the blessed bishop and martyr Sagar, one of the first disciples of the apostle Paul.

Antisiodóri sancti Románi Epíscopi et Mártyris.
At Auxerre, St. Romanus, bishop and martyr.

Cápuæ natális sanctórum Mártyrum Marcélli, Cásti, Æmílii et Saturníni.
At Capua, the birthday of the holy martyrs Marcellus, Castus, Aemílius, and Saturninus.

Tréviris commemorátio innumerabílium fere Mártyrum, qui, in persecutióne Diocletiáni, sub Rictiováro Præside, ob Christi fidem, vário mortis génere necáti sunt.
At Treves, the commemoration of innumerable martyrs, who were put death for the faith in various manners, under the governor Rictiovarus, in the persecution of Diocletian.

Agénni, in Gállia, natális sanctæ Fídei, Vírginis et Mártyris; cujus exémplo beátus Caprásius, ad martyrium animátus, agónem suum tertiodécimo Kaléndas Novémbris felíciter consummávit.
At Agen in France, the birthday of St. Faith, virgin and martyr, by whose example blessed Caprasius was aroused to martyrdom, and by martyrdom happily fulfilled his own trial.
Item sanctæ Erótidis Mártyris, quæ, Christi amóre succénsa, ignis superávit incéndium.
Also, St. Erotis martyr, who, aflame with love for Christ, triumphed over the flames of fire.

Opitérgii, in Venetórum fínibus, sancti Magni Epíscopi, cujus corpus Venétiis requiéscit.
At Oderzo, in the neighbourhood of Venice, St. Magnus, bishop, whose body rests at Venice.

Neápoli, in Campánia, deposítio sanctæ Maríæ-Francíscæ a Quinque Vulnéribus Dómini nostri Jesu Christi, Vírginis, ex tértio Ordine sancti Francísci, quæ, virtútibus et miráculis clara, a Pio Papa Nono sanctis Virgínibus adscrípta fuit.
At Naples in Campania, the death of St. Mary Frances of the Five Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a nun of the Third Order of St. Francis.  Because of her reputation for virtues and the working of miracles, she was placed among the holy virgins by Pope Pius IX.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

October VI.
St. Bruno, Confessor, Founder of the Carthusians
St. Faith or Fides, Virgin, and Companions, Martyrs

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Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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