Séptimo Idus Octóbris. Luna


Séptimo Idus Octóbris.  Luna The Ninth Day of October. The Night of the Moon.

Romæ sancti Joánnis Leonárdi, Confessóris, Fundatóris Congregatiónis Clericórum Regulárium a Matre Dei, labóribus et miráculis clari, cujus ópera Missiónes a Propagánda Fide institútæ sunt.
At Rome, St. John Leonard, confessor, founder of the Congregation of Clerks Regular of the Mother of God, renowned for his labours and miracles, and by whose zeal were begun missions for the propagation of the faith.

Lutétiæ Parisiórum natális sanctórum Mártyrum Dionysii Areopagítæ Epíscopi, Rústici Presbyteri, et Eleuthérii Diáconi.  Ex his Dionysius, ab Apóstolo Paulo baptizátus, primus Atheniénsium Epíscopus ordinátus est; deínde Romam venit, atque inde a beáto Cleménte, Románo Pontífice, in Gállias prædicándi grátia diréctus est, et ad præfátam urbem devénit; ibíque, cum per áliquot annos commíssum sibi opus fidéliter prosecútus esset, tandem, a Præfécto Fescénnio, post gravíssima tormentórum génera, una cum Sóciis, gládio animadvérsus, martyrium complévit.
At Paris, the birthday of the holy martyrs Denis the Areopagite, a bishop, Rusticus, a priest, and Eleutherius, a deacon.  Denis was baptized by the apostle St. Paul, and consecrated first bishop of Athens.  Then going to Rome, he was sent to France by the blessed Roman Pontiff Clement to preach the Gospel.  He proceeded to Paris, and after having for some years faithfully filled the office entrusted to him, he was subjected to the severest kinds of torments by the prefect Fescennius, and at length was beheaded with his companions, thus completing his martyrdom.

Eódem die memória sancti Abrahæ, Patriárchæ et ómnium credéntium Patris.
On the same day, the commemoration of the holy patriarch Abraham, father of all believers.

Apud Cassínum sancti Deúsdedit Abbátis, qui, a Sicárdo tyránno  in cárcerem trusus, illic, fame et ærúmnis conféctus, réddidit spíritum.
At Monte Cassino, St. Deusdedit, abbot, who was cast into prison by the tyrant Sicardus, and being there consumed with hunger and misery, yielded up his soul.

Apud Júliam, in território Parménsi, via Cláudia, sancti Domníni Mártyris; qui, sub Maximiáno Imperatóre, cum vellet persecutiónis rábiem declináre, a persequéntibus est comprehénsus, et, gládio transverberátus, glorióse occúbuit.
At Julia, in the region of Parma, on the Via Claudia, St. Domninus, martyr.  Under the Emperor Maximian, in the rage of persecution, he was taken by the persecutors and died gloriously by being pierced with a sword.

In Hannónia sancti Gisléni, Epíscopi et Confessóris; qui, relícto Episcopátu, Mónachi vitam in monastério a se constrúcto exércuit, et multis virtútibus cláruit.
In Hainault, St. Gislenus, bishop and confessor, who resigning his bishopric, led the monastic life in a monastery built by himself, and was distinguished by many virtues.

Valéntiæ, in Hispánia Tarraconénsi, sancti Ludovíci Bertrándi, ex Ordine Prædicatórum, Confessóris; qui, apostólico spíritu clarus, Evangélium quod Americánis prædicáverat, vitæ innocéntia multísque éditis miráculis confirmávit.
At Valencia in Spain, St. Louis Bertrand, of the Order of Preachers.  Being filled with the apostolic spirit, he confirmed by the innocency of his life and the working of many miracles the Gospel which he had preached in America.

Hierosólymis sanctórum Androníci et Athanásiæ cónjugis.
At Jerusalem, Saints Andronicus and his wife Athanasia.

Antiochíæ sanctæ Públiæ Abbatíssæ, quæ, transeúnte Juliáno Apóstata, Davídicum illud cum suis Virgínibus canens: « Simulácra Géntium argéntum et aurum », et « Símiles illis fiant qui fáciunt ea », Imperatóris jussu, álapis cæsa est, et gráviter objurgáta.
At Antioch, St. Publia, abbess.  While Julian the Apostate was passing by, she and her religious sang these words of David: “The idols of the Gentiles are silver and gold,” and “Let them that make them be like unto them.”  By the command of the emperor, she was struck on the face and severely rebuked.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

October IX.
St. Dionysius, Bishop of Paris, and His Companions, Martyrs
St. Domninus, Martyr
St. Guislain, Abbot
St. Lewis Bertrand, Confessor

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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