Octávo Kaléndas Novémbris. Luna


Octávo Kaléndas Novémbris.  Luna The Twenty-Fifth Day of October. The Night of the Moon.

Romæ sanctórum Mártyrum Chrysánthi et Daríæ uxóris, qui, post multas, quas sub Celeríno Præfécto pro Christo sustinuérunt, passiónes, a Numeriáno Imperatóre jussi sunt via Salária in Arenário depóni, atque vivéntes illic terra et lapídibus óbrui.
At Rome, the holy martyrs Chrysanthus and his wife Daria.  After many sufferings endured for Christ under the prefect Celerinus, they were ordered by Emperor Numerian to be thrown into a sandpit on the Salarian Way, where, being still alive, were covered with earth and stones.

Ibídem natális sancti Marcellíni, Papæ et Mártyris; qui, sub Maximiáno, pro fide Christi, una cum Cláudio, Cyríno et Antoníno, cápite truncátus est.  Quo témpore ita magna fuit persecútio, ut decem et septem míllia Christianórum, intra unum mensem, martyrio coronaréntur.  Ipsíus tamen sancti Marcellíni festum, una cum festo sancti Cleti, Papæ et Mártyris, sexto Kaléndas Maji celebrátur.
Also, the birthday of St. Marcellinus, pope and martyr, who was beheaded for the faith of Christ in the reign of Maximian along with Claudius Cyrinus and Antoninus.  So great was the persecution then that seventeen thousand Christians received the crown of martyrdom in the space of one month.  The feast of St. Marcellinus is celebrated with that of St. Cletus, pope and martyr, on the 26th of April.

Petragóricis, in Gállia, sancti Frontónis, qui, a beáto Petro Apóstolo Epíscopus ordinátus, cum Geórgio Presbytero magnam illíus gentis multitúdinem convértit ad Christum, et miráculis clarus, in pace quiévit.
At Perigueux in France, St. Fronto, who was made bishop by the blessed apostle Peter.  Along with a priest named George, he converted to Christ a large number of people of that place, and, renowned for miracles, rested in peace.
Romæ natális sanctórum quadragínta sex mílitum, qui, simul baptizáti a sancto Dionysio Papa, mox Cláudii Imperatóris jussu decolláti sunt, ac via Salária sepúlti; ubi et álii Mártyres centum vigínti et unus pósiti sunt, inter quos fuérunt quátuor mílites Christi, scílicet Theodósius, Lúcius, Marcus et Petrus.
Also at Rome, the birthday of forty-six holy soldiers, who were baptized at the same time by Pope Denis, and soon after beheaded by order of Emperor Claudius.  They were buried on the Salarian Way with one hundred and twenty-one other martyrs.  Among them are named four soldiers of Christ: Theodosius, Lucius, Mark, and Peter.

Túrribus, in Sardínia, sanctórum Mártyrum Proti Presbyteri, et Januárii Diáconi, qui, a sancto Cajo Papa ad eam ínsulam missi, ibídem, témpore Diocletiáni, sub Bárbaro Præside, consummáti sunt.
At Sassari in Sardinia, the holy martyrs Protus, a priest, and Januarius, a deacon, who were sent to that island Pope St. Caius, and were martyred in the time of Diocletian under the governor Barbarus.

Constantinópoli pássio sanctórum Martyrii Subdiáconi, et Marciáni Cantóris, qui ab hæréticis, sub Constántio Imperatóre, necáti sunt.
At Constantinople, the martyrdom of the Saints Martyrius, subdeacon, and Marcian, a cantor, who were slain by the heretics during the reign of Emperor Constantius.

Suessióne, in Gálliis, sanctórum Mártyrum Crispíni et Crispiniáni, nobílium Romanórum, qui, in persecutióne Diocletiáni, sub Rictiováro Præside, post immánia torménta gládio trucidáti, corónam martyrii sunt consecúti; quorum córpora póstea Romam deláta fuérunt, atque in Ecclésia sancti Lauréntii in Pane et Perna honorífice tumuláta.
At Soissons in France, in the persecution of Diocletian, the holy martyrs Crispin and Crispinian, noble Romans.  Under Governor Rictiovarus, after horrible torments, they were put to the sword, and thus obtained the crown of martyrdom.  Their bodies were afterwards conveyed to Rome and entombed with due honours in the church of St. Lawrence in Panisperna.

Floréntiæ pássio beáti Miniátis mílitis, qui, sub Décio Príncipe, pro fide Christi egrégie certans, nóbili martyrio coronátur.
At Florence, St. Minias, a soldier, who fought valorously for the faith of Christ and was gloriously crowned with martyrdom during the reign of Decius.

Bríxiæ natális sancti Gaudéntii Epíscopi, eruditióne et sanctitáte conspícui.
At Brescia, the birthday of St. Gaudentius, bishop, distinguished for his learning and holiness.
Gavális, in Gállia, sancti Hilárii Epíscopi.
At Javoux in France, St. Hilary, bishop.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

October XXV.
SS. Chrysanthus and Daria, Martyrs
SS. Crispin and Crispinian, Martyrs
St. Gaudentius of Brescia, Bishop and Confessor
St. Boniface I., Pope and Confessor

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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