Kaléndis Novémbris. Luna


Kaléndis Novémbris. Luna . The First Day of November.  The Night of the Moon.

Festívitas ómnium Sanctórum, quam in honórem beátæ Dei Genitrícis Vírginis Maríæ et sanctórum Mártyrum Bonifátius Papa Quartus, cum templum Pántheon tértio Idus Maji dedicásset, célebrem et generálem instítuit agi quotánnis in urbe Roma.  Sed Gregórius item Quartus póstmodum decrévit, eándem festivitátem, quæ váriis modis jam in divérsis Ecclésiis celebrabátur, in honórem ómnium Sanctórum solémniter hac die ab univérsa Ecclésia perpétuo observári.
The Festival of All Saints, which Pope Boniface IV, after the dedication of the Pantheon, ordained to be kept generally and solemnly every year on the 13th of May, in the city of Rome, in honour of the blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and of the holy martyrs.  It was afterwards decreed by Gregory IV that this feast, which was then celebrated in many dioceses, but at different times, should be on this day kept by the whole Church in honour of all the saints.

In Pérside sanctórum Mártyrum Joánnis Epíscopi, et Jacóbi Presbyteri, sub Sápore Rege.
In Persia, the holy martyrs John, a bishop, and James, a priest, under King Sapor.

Tarracínæ, in Campánia, natális sancti Cæsárii Diáconi, qui, diébus multis in custódia macerátus, póstea, cum sancto Juliáno Presbytero, in saccum missus et in mare præcipitátus est.
At Terracina in Campania, the birthday of St. Caesarius, deacon, who was detained many days in prison, afterwards put into a sack with the priest St. Julian, and then thrown into the sea.

In castro Divióne sancti Benígni Presbyteri, qui a beáto Polycárpo missus est in Gálliam ad prædicándum Evangélium; et, postquam, sub Marco Aurélio Imperatóre, a Teréntio Júdice gravíssimis torméntis multiplíciter est afflíctus, tandem ejus collum vecte férreo tundi et corpus láncea perforári jubétur.
At Dijon, St. Benignus, a priest, who was sent to France by blessed Polycarp to preach the Gospel.  After he had been subjected to many grievous torments by the judge Terentius, under Emperor Marcus Aurelius, he was finally condemned to have his neck struck with an iron bar and his body pierced with a lance.

Damásci pássio sanctórum Cæsárii, Dácii et aliórum quinque.
At Damascus, the martyrdom of the Saints Caesarius, Dacius, and five others.

Eódem die sanctæ Maríæ ancíllæ, quæ, Christiánæ religiónis nómine accusáta, hinc, sub Hadriáno Imperatóre, diris verbéribus afflícta, equúlei extensiónem et ungulárum laceratiónem passa, martyrium complévit.
On the same day, St. Mary, a servant girl.  Being accused of professing the Christian religion in the time of Emperor Hadrian, she was subjected to cruel scourging, to torture on the rack, and the lacerating of her body with iron hooks, and thus completed her martyrdom

Tarsi, in Cilícia, sanctárum Cyréniæ et Juliánæ Mártyrum, sub Maximiáno Imperatóre.
At Tarsus in Cilicia, under Emperor Maximian, the Saints Cyrenia and Juliana.

Arvérnis, in Gállia, sancti Austremónii, qui fuit primus ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopus.
At Auvergne in France, St. Austremonius, first bishop of Clermont.

Lutétiæ Parisiórum deposítio sancti Marcélli Epíscopi.
At Paris, the death of St. Marcellus, bishop.

Bajócis, in Gállia, sancti Vigóris Epíscopi, témpore Childebérti, Francórum Regis.
At Bayeux, in the reign of the Frankish king Childebert, St. Vigor, bishop.

Andégavi, in Gállia, deposítio sancti Licínii Epíscopi, venerábilis sanctitátis viri.
At Angers in France, the death of the aged holy man, St. Licinius, bishop.

Tíbure sancti Severíni Mónachi.
At Tivoli, St. Severinus, monk.

Lyricánti, in Wastinénsi Gálliæ território, sancti Maturíni Confessóris.
In Gatinais in France, St. Mathurin, confessor.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

November I.
All Saints
St. Cæsarius, Martyr
St. Mary, Martyr
St. Marcellus, Bishop of Paris, Confessor
St. Benignus, Priest and Martyr
St. Austremonius, Confessor
St. Harold VI., King of Denmark, Martyr

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