Prídie Nonas Novémbris. Luna


Prídie Nonas Novémbris. Luna . The Fourth Day of November. The Night of the Moon. 

Sancti Cároli Borromæi Cardinális, Epíscopi Mediolanénsis et Confessóris, qui migrávit in cælum prídie hujus diéi.
St. Charles Borromeo, cardinal, bishop of Milan, and confessor, whose birthday is on the day previous.

Bonóniæ sanctórum Mártyrum Vitális et Agrícolæ; quorum prior postérioris servus ántea fuit, póstea consors et colléga martyrii.  In ipsum porro Vitálem persecutóres ómnia tormentórum génera ita exercuérunt, ut non esset in córpore ejus sine vúlnere locus, quæ ipse constánter pérferens, in oratióne spíritum Deo réddidit; Agrícolam vero, plúrimis clavis cruci affigéntes, interemérunt.  Eórum translatióni sanctus Ambrósius cum interésset, Mártyris clavos, sánguinem triumphálem et crucis lignum se collegísse refert, ac sub sacris altáribus condidísse.
At Bologna, the holy martyrs Vitalis and Agricola.  The former was first the servant of the latter, and afterwards his partner and companion in martyrdom.  He was subjected by the persecutors to all kinds of torments, so that there was no part of his body without wounds.  After having suffered with constancy, he yielded up his soul unto God in prayer.  Agricola was put to death by being fastened to a cross with many nails.  St. Ambrose relates that being present at the translation, he took the martyr’s nails, his glorious blood, and the wood of his cross, and deposited them under consecrated altars.

In cœnóbio Cervi Frígidi, territórii Meldénsis, natális sancti Felícis Valésii, Presbyteri et Confessóris; qui Fundátor fuit Ordinis sanctíssimæ Trinitátis redemptiónis captivórum.  Ipsíus autem festum, ex dispositióne Innocéntii Papæ Undécimi, celebrátur duodécimo Kaléndas Decémbris.
In the monastery of Cerfroid, in the territory of Meaux, St. Felix of Valois, priest and confessor, and founder of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity for the Redemption of Captives, whose feast is celebrated on the 20th of November by order of Pope Innocent XI.
Eódem die natális sanctórum Philólogi et Pátrobi, sancti Pauli Apóstoli discipulórum.
On the same day, the birthday of the Saints Philologus and Patrobas, disciples of the apostle St. Paul.

Augustodúni sancti Próculi, Epíscopi et Mártyris.
At Autun, St. Proculus, bishop and martyr.

Myræ, in Lycia, sanctórum Mártyrum Nicándri Epíscopi, et Hermæ Presbyteri, sub Libánio Præside.
At Myra in Lycia, under the governor Libanius, the holy martyrs Nicander, a bishop, and Hermes, a priest.

In pago Vilcassíno, in Gállia, sancti Clari, Presbyteri et Mártyris.
In the district of Vexin in France, St. Clarus, priest and martyr.

Ephesi sancti Porphyrii Mártyris, sub Aureliáno Imperatóre.
At Ephesus, St. Porphyrias, a martyr under Emperor Aurelian.

Apud Ruthénos, in Gállia, beáti Amántii Epíscopi, cujus vita éxstitit sanctitáte et miráculis gloriósa.
At Rodez in France, blessed Bishop Amantius, whose life stood out glorious by his sanctity and miracles.

Romæ natális sancti Piérii, Presbyteri Alexandríni, qui, in divínis Scriptúris nobíliter erudítus, vita puríssimus, et ad Christiánam philosophíam nudus pénitus et expedítus, sub Caro et Diocletiáno Princípibus, regénte Alexandrínam Ecclésiam Theóna, florentíssime dócuit pópulum, et divérsos tractátus édidit; post persecutiónem vero, omne vitæ suæ tempus Romæ versátus, in pace quiévit.
At Rome, the birthday of St. Pierius, priest of Alexandria, who was well versed in the Holy Scriptures, most pure in his life, and highly skilled in Christian philosophy.  He taught the people and became famous under Emperors Carus and Diocletian, when Theonas governed the Church of Alexandria.  After the persecution, he spent the remainder of his life at Rome, where he died in peace.

In Bithynia sancti Joannícii Abbátis.
In Bithynia, St. Joannicius, abbot.

Apud Albam Regálem, in Pannónia, deposítio beáti Emeríci Confessóris, qui fuit fílius sancti Stéphani, Hungarórum Regis.
In Hungary at Alba Regalis, the death of blessed Emeric, confessor, the son of St. Stephen, king of Hungary.

Tréviris sanctæ Modéstæ Vírginis.
At Treves, St. Modesta, virgin.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

November IV.
St. Charles Borromeo, Cardinal, Archbishop of Milan, Confessor
SS. Vitalis and Agricola, Martyrs
St. Joannicius, Abbot
St. Clarus, Martyr
St. Brinstan, Bishop of Winchester

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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