Quarto Idus Novémbris. Luna



Quarto Idus Novémbris. Luna . The Tenth Day of November. The Night of the Moon.

Neápoli, in Campánia, natális sancti Andréæ Avellini, Clérici Reguláris et Confessóris, sanctitáte et salútis proximórum procurándæ stúdio præcélebris, quem, miráculis clarum, Clemens Undécimus, Póntifex Máximus, Sanctórum catálogo adscrípsit. At Naples in Campania, the birthday of St. Andrew Avellino, Cleric Regular and confessor, celebrated for his sanctity, his zeal in procuring the salvation of souls, and renowned for his miracles. He was inscribed on the catalogue of the Saints by Pope Clement XI.

Eódem die natális quoque sanctórum Mártyrum Tryphónis, et Respícii, ac Nymphæ Vírginis. On the same day, the birthday of the holy martyrs Tryphon and Respicius, and the virgin Nympha.

Romæ item natális sancti Leónis Papæ Primi, Confessóris et Ecclésiæ Doctóris; qui, virtútum excéllens méritis, dictus est Magnus. Ejus tempóribus celebráta fuit sancta Synodus Chalcedonénsis, in qua ipse per legátos damnávit Eutychen; cujus étiam Synodi decréta póstmodum auctoritáte sua confirmávit. Tandem, cum sanxísset multa luculentérque scripsísset, Pastor bonus, de sancta Dei Ecclésia et univérso grege Domínico óptime méritus, quiévit in pace. Ipsíus tamen festívitas tértio Idus Aprílis celebrátur. At Rome, Pope St. Leo I, confessor and doctor of the Church, surnamed the Great because of his extraordinary merits. During his pontificate the holy Council of Chalcedon was held which condemned Eutyches through his legates, and whose decrees were afterwards given the seal of his authority. After meriting the gratitude of the Church of God and the whole flock of Christ by the many decrees which he issued, and by the many excellent works which he wrote, this good and zealous shepherd rested in peace. His feast is celebrated on the 11th of April.

Icónii, in Lycaónia, sanctárum mulíerum Tryphénnæ et Tryphósæ, quæ, beáti Pauli prædicatióne et exémplo Theclæ, in Christiána disciplína plúrimum profecérunt. At Iconium in Lycaonia, the holy women Tryphenna and Tryphosa, who profited by the preaching of blessed Paul and the example of Thecla to make great progress in Christian perfection.

Antiochíæ sanctórum Demétrii Epíscopi, Aniáni Diáconi, Eustósii et aliórum vigínti Mártyrum. At Antioch, Saints Demetrius, bishop, Anian, deacon, Eustosius, and twenty other martyrs.

In território Agathénsi, in Gállia, sanctórum Mártyrum Tibérii, Modésti et Floréntiæ; qui, témpore Diocletiáni, váriis torméntis cruciáti, martyrium complevérunt. In the diocese of Agde in France, the holy martyrs Tiberius, Modestus, and Florence, who were subjected to diverse torments and fulfilled their martyrdom in the time of Diocletian.

Ravénnæ sancti Probi Epíscopi, miráculis clari. At Ravenna, St. Probus, a bishop renowned for miracles.

Aureliánis, in Gállia, sancti Monitóris, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Orleans in France, St. Monitor, bishop and confessor.

In Anglia sancti Justi Epíscopi, qui, una cum Augustíno, Mellíto et áliis a beáto Gregório Papa in eam ínsulam missus ad prædicándum Evangélium, ibídem, sanctitáte célebris, obdormívit in Dómino. In England, St. Justus, bishop, who was sent by Pope Gregory with Augustine, Mellitus, and others to preach the Gospel in that country. There he went to repose in the Lord, celebrated for his sanctity.

In óppido Milledúno, in Gállia, sancti Leónis Confessóris. In the town of Melun in France, St. Leo, confessor.

In Paro ínsula sanctæ Theoctístis Vírginis. In the island of Paros, St. Theoctistis, virgin.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

November X.
St. Andrew Avellino, Confessor
SS. Trypho and Respicius, Martyrs, and Nympha, Virgin
St. Justus, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor
SS. Milles, Bishop of Susa, Ambrosimus, Priest, and Sina, Deacon, Martyrs in Persia

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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