Quinto Idus Januárii. Luna.


Quinto Idus Januárii.  Luna. The Ninth Day of January.  The Night of the Moon.

Antiochíæ, sub Diocletiáno et Maximiáno, natális sanctórum Juliáni Mártyris, et Basilíssæ Vírginis, ipsíus Juliáni uxóris. Hæc, virginitáte cum viro suo serváta, in pace vitam finívit; Juliánus vero (postquam multitúdo Sacerdótum et Ministrórum Ecclésiæ Christi, quæ, propter immanitátem persecutiónis, ad eos confúgerat, igne cremáta est), Marciáni Præsidis jussu, plúrimis torméntis cruciátus, capitálem senténtiam accépit. Cum ipso étiam Antónius Présbyter, et Anastásius, quem idem Juliánus, a morte suscitátum, grátiæ Christi partícipem fécerat, et Celsus puer cum hujus matre Marcionílla, ac septem fratres, aliíque plúrimi passi sunt. At Antioch, in the reign of Diocletian and Maximian, the birthday of the Saints Julian, martyr, and Basilissa, his virgin wife. She, having lived in a state of virginity with her husband, reached the end of her days in peace. But Julian, after the death by fire of a multitude of priests and ministers of the Church of Christ, who had taken refuge in his house from the severity of the persecution, was ordered by the governor Marcian to be tormented in many ways and executed. With him there suffered Anthony, a priest, and Anastasius, whom Julian raised from the dead, and made partaker of the grace of Christ; also Celsus, a boy, with his mother Marcionilla, seven brothers, and many others. Smyrnæ sanctórum Mártyrum Vitális, Revocáti et Fortunáti. At Smyrna, the holy martyrs Vitalis, Revocatus, and Fortunatus. In Africa sanctórum Mártyrum Epictéti, Jucúndi, Secúndi, Vitális, Felícis et aliórum septem. In Africa, the holy martyrs Epictetus, Jucundus, Secundus, Vitalis, Felix, and seven others. In Mauritánia Cæsariénsi sanctæ Marciánæ Vírginis, quæ, béstiis trádita, martyrium consummávit. In Algeria, St. Marciana, virgin, who received her martyrdom after being condemned to the beasts. Sebáste, in Arménia, sancti Petri Epíscopi, fílii sanctórum Basilíi et Emméliæ, atque fratris item sanctórum Basilíi Magni et Gregórii Nysséni Episcopórum, ac Macrínæ Vírginis. At Sebaste in Armenia, St. Peter, bishop, the son of Saints Basil and Emmelia, and also the brother of Saints Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, bishops, and Macrina, virgin. Ancónæ sancti Marcellíni Epíscopi, qui urbem illam (ut sanctus Gregórius Papa scribit) divína virtúte ab incéndio liberávit. At Ancona, St. Marcellinus, bishop, who, according to St. Gregory, miraculously delivered that city from destruction by fire.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum. And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.

R. Deo grátias. R. Thanks be to God.

Butler’s Lives of the Saints:
St. Peter of Sebaste, Bishop and Confessor
St. Julian and St. Basilissa, Martyrs
St. Marciana, Virgin and Martyr
St. Brithwald, Archbishop of Canterbury
St. Felan, or Foelan, Abbot in Ireland
St. Adrian, Abbot at Canterbury
St. Vaneng, Confessor

ORCCE Ordo: Secunda die infra Octavam Epiphaniae ~ Feria major

Nota Bene: 

LEBANON: Thousands of books, manuscripts torched in fire at historic Lebanese library


Added Security For Coptic Churches In Egypt

Another Year Begins As Pastor Saeed Continues to Suffer in Iran

PRAYER ALERT: PERSECUTION: Multiple Attacks Against Nigerian Christian Village, Insurgents Caught

NIGERIA: Islamists Burn And Destroy Christian Village, 600 Families Displaced

Libyan Christians Asking For Day of Prayer/Sunday Jan. 5, 2014

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