Tértio Kaléndas Februárii. Luna.


Tértio Kaléndas Februárii. Luna. The Thirtieth Day of January.The Night of the Moon. 

Sanctæ Martínæ, Vírginis et Mártyris, cujus dies natális Kaléndis Januárii recólitur. St. Martina, virgin and martyr, who is commemorated on her birthday, the first day of this month.

Edéssæ, in Syria, sancti Barsimǽi Epíscopi, qui, cum Gentíles plúrimos convertísset ad fidem et præmisísset ad corónam, eos secútus est, sub Trajáno, cum palma martyrii. At Edessa in Syria, in the reign of Trajan, St. Barsimaeus, bishop, who converted many Gentiles to the faith, sent them before him to gain their crown, and then followed them with the palm of martyrdom.

Antiochíæ pássio beáti Hippólyti Presbyteri, qui, decéptus aliquándiu schísmate Nováti, sed, operánte grátia Christi, corréctus, ad unitátem Ecclésiæ rédiit, pro qua et in qua póstea illústre martyrium consummávit. Hic, rogátus a suis quænam secta vérior esse servándam quam Petri Cáthedra custodíret, júgulum præbuit. At Antioch, the passion of the blessed Hippolytus, priest, who for a short time deceived by the Novatian schism, was converted by the grace of Christ, and returned to the unity of the Church, for which and in which he afterwards underwent a glorious martyrdom. Being asked by the schismatics, which was the better side, he said that he detested the doctrine of Novatus, and that the faith which the Chair of Peter taught ought to be professed, after which he was beheaded.
In Africa pássio sanctórum Mártyrum Feliciáni, Philappiáni et aliórum centum vigínti quátuor. In Africa, the passion of the holy martyrs Felician, Philappian, and one hundred and twenty-four others.
Item beáti Alexándri, qui, in persecutióne Décii, comprehénsus est, ac, longævæ ætátis veneránda canítie et confessióne iteráta respléndens, inter carníficum torménta réddidit spíritum. Blessed Alexander, a man of venerable aspect and advanced age, who was apprehended in the persecution of Decius. After gloriously and repeatedly confessing the faith, in the midst of torments he gave up his soul unto God.
Edéssæ, in Syria, sancti Barsis Epíscopi, dono curatiónum illústris; qui, a Valénte, Imperatóre Ariáno, in díssitas regiónes ob fidem cathólicam relegátus, ac tríplici mutatióne fatigátus exsílii, vitam finívit. At Edessa in Syria, St Barses, bishop, renowned for the gift of healing diseases. For holding to the Catholic faith he was banished by the Arian emperor Valens into the most remote corner of that country, and he there ended his days.
Hierosólymis natális sancti Matthíæ Epíscopi, de quo mira et plena fídei gesta narrántur; qui, sub Hadriáno, multa pro Christo perpéssus est, ac demum in pace quiévit. At Jerusalem, the birthday of St. Matthias, bishop, of whom wonderful deeds are related which were inspired by faith. After having endured many trials for Christ under Adrian, he passed away in peace.
Papíæ sancti Armentárii, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Pavia, St. Armentarius, bishop and confessor.

In Malbódio, Hannóniæ monastério, sanctæ Aldegúndis Vírginis, témpore Dagobérti Regis. In Hainaut, in the monastery of Maubeuge, St. Aldegund, virgin, who lived in the time of King Dagobert.

Vitérbii sanctæ Hyacínthæ de Mariscóttis Vírginis, ex tértio sancti Francísci Ordine Sanctimoniális, pæniténtia et caritáte insígnis; quam Pius Papa Séptimus Sanctis adscrípsit. At Viterbo, the holy virgin Hyacinth Mariscotti, a nun of the Third Order of St. Francis, distinguished for the virtues of penance and charity. She was inscribed among the saints by Pope Pius VII.

Medioláni sanctæ Savínæ, féminæ religiosíssimæ, quæ, ad sepúlcra sanctórum Náboris et Felícis Mártyrum orans, obdormívit in Dómino. At Milan, St. Savina, a most religious woman, who went to rest in the Lord while praying at the tomb of the holy martyrs Nabor and Felix.

In território Parisiénsi sanctæ Bathíldis Regínæ, sanctitáte et miraculórum glória præcláræ. In the district of Paris, St. Bathilde, queen, renowned for the worthiness of her miracles and her sanctity.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

January XXX.
St. Bathildes, Queen of France
St. Martina, Virgin and Martyr
St. Aldegondes, Virgin and Abbess
St. Barsimæus, Bishop and Martyr


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Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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