Sexto Nonas Maji. Luna.


Sexto Nonas Maji. Luna . The Second Day of May. The Night of the Moon.

Alexandríæ natális sancti Athanásii, ejúsdem urbis Epíscopi, Confessóris et Ecclésiæ Doctóris, sanctitáte et doctrína claríssimi; in cujus persecutiónem univérsus fere Orbis conjuráverat.  Ipse tamen cathólicam fidem, a témpore Constantíni usque ad Valéntem, advérsus Imperatóres ac Prǽsides et innúmeros Epíscopos Ariános strénue propugnávit; a quibus plúrimas perpéssus insídias, prófugus toto Orbe actus est, nec ullus ei tutus ad laténdum supérerat locus.  Tandem, ad suam Ecclésiam revérsus, illic, post multos agónes multásque patiéntiæ corónas, quadragésimo sexto sui sacerdótii anno migrávit ad Dóminum, témpore Valentiniáni et Valéntis Imperatórum. At Alexandria, the birthday of St. Athanasius, bishop of that city, confessor and doctor of the Church, most celebrated for sanctity and learning.  Although almost all of the world had formed a conspiracy to persecute him, he courageously defended the Catholic faith, from the reign of Constantine to that of Valens, against emperors, governors, and a multitude of Arian bishops, whose underhanded attacks forced him to wander as an exile over the whole earth without finding a place of security.  At length, however, he was restored to his church, and after overcoming many trials, and winning many crowns by his patience, he departed for heaven in the forty-sixth year of his priesthood, in the time of the emperors Valentinian and Valens.
Floréntiæ item natális sancti Antoníni, ex Ordine Prædicatórum, Epíscopi et Confessóris, doctrína et sanctitáte célebris.  Ipsíus autem festívitas sexto Idus mensis hujus recólitur. At Florence, Bishop St. Antoninus of the Order of Preachers, renowned for sanctity and learning.  His feast is kept on the 10th of this month.
Romæ sanctórum Mártyrum Saturníni, Neópoli, Germáni et Cælestíni, qui, multa passi, in cárcerem demum conjécti, ibi in Dómino quievérunt. At Rome, the holy martyrs Saturninus, Neopolus, Germanus, and Celestine, who after much suffering were thrown into prison, where they found rest in the Lord.
Eódem die sancti Vindemiális, Epíscopi et Mártyris, qui, una cum sanctis Epíscopis Eugénio et Longíno doctrína et miráculis advérsus Ariános decértans, a Rege Wandalórum Hunneríco jubétur váriis torméntis afflígi ad tandem cápite obtruncári. The same day, St. Vindemial, bishop and martyr, who with the holy bishops Eugene and Longinus, combated the Arians by his teaching and miracles, and was beheaded by order of Hunneric, king of the Vandals.
Híspali, in Hispánia, sancti Felícis, Diáconi et Mártyris. At Seville in Spain, St. Felix, deacon and martyr.
Attalíæ, in Pamphylia, sanctórum Mártyrum Exsupérii, et Zoes uxóris, atque Cyríaci et Theodúli filiórum; qui, sub Hadriáno Imperatóre, cum servi essent cujúsdam viri Pagáni, omnes, ipso hero jubénte, ob líberam Christiánæ fídei professiónem, primum verberáti sunt ac veheménter torti, deínde, in accénsum clíbanum injécti, ánimas suas Deo tradidérunt. At Attalia in Pamphylia, the holy martyrs Exuperius and Zoe, his wife, with their sons, Cyriacus and Theodulus.  They were the slaves of a man named Paganus.  During the reign of Emperor Hadrian, because of their outspoken profession of the Christian faith, their master ordered them to be scourged and severely tortured.  They were finally cast into an oven, and in this way gave up their souls to God.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


May II.
St. Athanasius, Patriarch of Alexandria, Doctor of the Church


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