Quarto Idus Maji. Luna.


Quarto Idus Maji. Luna. The Twelfth Day of May. The Night of the Moon.

Romæ, via Ardeatína, sanctórum Mártyrum Nérei et Achíllei fratrum, qui primo cum Flávia Domitílla, cujus erant eunúchi, in ínsula Póntia longum pro Christo duxérunt exsílium; póstmodum gravíssimis verbéribus attrectáti sunt; deínde, cum a Minútio Rufo, viro Consulári, equúleo et flammis ad immolándum compelleréntur, diceréntque se, a beáto Petro Apóstolo baptizátos, nulla ratióne posse idólis immoláre, cápite cæsi sunt.  Horum sacræ relíquiæ, simúlque Fláviæ Domitíllæ, ex Diaconía sancti Hadriáni in antíquum eórum Títulum, ubi asservabántur olim recónditæ, dénuo restaurátum, solémniter translátæ sunt prídie hujus diéi, jussu Cleméntis Papæ Octávi; qui exínde hodiérna celebrándum die indíxit étiam festum ipsíus beátæ Domitíllæ Vírginis, cujus pássio Nonis hujus mensis recensétur. At Rome, on the Ardeatine Way, the holy martyrs Nereus and Achilleus, brothers, who underwent a long exile for Christ in the island of Pontia with Flavia Domitilla, whose chamberlains they were.  Afterwards they endured a most severe scourging.  Finally, as the judge, Minutius Rufus, endeavoured by using the rack and fire to force them to offer sacrifices, they said that having been baptized by the blessed apostle Peter, they could by no means sacrifice to idols.  They were beheaded, and their revered remains, with those of Flavia Domitilla, were, by order of Pope Clement VIII, solemnly transferred the day before this, from the sacristy of St. Adrian to the church in which they had been kept in the first place, and which was now repaired.  He also ordered today’s observance of the feast of St. Domitilla, the virgin, whose martyrdom was mentioned on the 7th of May.
Item Romæ, via Aurélia, sancti Pancrátii Mártyris, qui, cum esset annórum quatuórdecim, sub Diocletiáno, cápitis obtruncatióne martyrium complévit. In the same place, on the Aurelian Way, the holy martyr Pancras who at fourteen years of age endured martyrdom by being beheaded under Diocletian.
Salamínæ, in Cypro, sancti Epiphánii Epíscopi, qui, multíplici eruditióne et sacrárum sciéntia litterárum excéllens, vitæ quoque sanctitáte, zelo cathólicæ fídei, munificéntia in páuperes et virtúte miraculórum éxstitit admirándus. At Salamis in Cyprus, St. Epiphanius, a bishop of great erudition, with a profound knowledge of the Holy Scriptures.  He is to be admired for the sanctity of his life, his zeal for the Catholic faith, his charity to the poor, and the gift of miracles.
Constantinópoli sancti Germáni Epíscopi, doctrína et virtútibus insígnis, qui Leónem Isáuricum, edíctum advérsus sacras Imágines promulgántem, magna fidúcia redárguit. At Constantinople, St. Germanus, a bishop distinguished by his virtues and learning, who faithfully opposed Leo the Isaurian for publishing an edict against sacred images.
Tréviris sancti Modoáldi Epíscopi. At Treves, St. Modoaldus, bishop.
Romæ sancti Dionysii, qui éxstitit pátruus sancti Pancrátii Mártyris. At Rome, St. Denis, uncle of the martyr St. Pancras.
Argyrii, in Sicília, sancti Philíppi Presbyteri, qui, a Románo Pontífice ad eándem Sicíliam ínsulam missus, magnam illíus partem convértit ad Christum.  Ipsíus vero sánctitas in liberándis energúmenis máxime declarátur. At Agirone in Sicily, St. Philip, a priest who was sent to that island by the Roman Pontiff, and converted to Christ a great portion of it.  His sanctity is particularly manifested by the deliverance of persons possessed.
In civitáte Calciaténsi, in Hispánia, sancti Domínici Confessóris. In the city of Calzada in Spain, St. Dominic, confessor.
Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


May XII.
SS. Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs
St. Flavia Domitilla, Virgin and Martyr
St. Pancras, Martyr
St. Epiphanius, Archbishop of Salamis, Confessor
St. Germanus, Patriarch of Constantinople
St. Rictrudes, Abbess

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