Nonis Júnii. Luna.


Nonis Júnii. Luna . The Fifth Day of June.  The Night of the Moon.


In Frísia sancti Bonifátii, Epíscopi Moguntíni et Mártyris.  Hic de Anglia Romam venit, índeque a beáto Gregório Papa Secúndo in Germániam missus est ut Christi fidem illis géntibus evangelizáret, et, cum máximum ibi multitúdinem, præsértim Frísonum, Christiánæ religióni subjugásset, Germanórum Apóstolus méruit appellári; novíssime in Frísia, a furéntibus Gentílibus gládio perémptus, una cum Eóbano Coepíscopo et quibúsdam áliis servis Dei, martyrium consummávit.

In Friesland, St. Boniface, bishop of Mainz, and martyr.  He went from England to Rome, and was then sent by Pope Gregory II to Germany to preach the faith of Christ to the people of that country.  After converting large multitudes to the Christian religion, especially in Friesland, he merited the title Apostle of the Germans.  His martyrdom was fulfilled by being put to the sword by the furious heathens, along with his fellow bishop Eobanus and some other servants of God.

Tyri, in Phœnícia, sancti Doróthei Presbyteri, qui, sub Diocletiáno, multa passus est; et, usque ad Juliáni témpora supérstes, sub eo, annum agens séptimum supra centésimum, venerándam senéctam martyrio honestávit.

At Tyre, St. Dorotheus, a priest, who suffered greatly under Diocletian, but survived until the reign of Julian, under whom his venerable age of one hundred and seven years was crowned with martyrdom.

In Ægypto natális sanctórum Mártyrum Marciáni, Nicánoris, Apollónii et aliórum, qui, in persecutióne Galérii Maximiáni, illústre martyrium consummárunt.

In Egypt, the birthday of the holy martyrs Marcian, Nicanor, Apollonius, and others, who suffered a glorious martyrdom.

Perúsiæ sanctórum Mártyrum Floréntii, Juliáni, Cyríaci, Marcellíni et Faustíni, qui omnes, in persecutióne Décii Imperatóris, cápite cæsi sunt.

At Perugia, the holy martyrs Florentius, Julian, Cyriacus, Marcellinus, and Faustinus, who were beheaded in the persecution of Decius.

Córdubæ, in Hispánia, beáti Sáncii adolescéntis, qui, etsi in aula régia educátus, pro Christi tamen fide, in persecutióne Arábica, martyrium subíre non dubitávit.

At Cordova in Spain, blessed Sancho, a youth brought up in the royal court, who did not hesitate to undergo martyrdom for the faith of Christ during the persecution by the Arabs.

Cæsaréæ, in Palæstína, pássio sanctárum Zenáidis, Cyriæ, Valériæ et Márciæ; quæ, per multa torménta, gaudéntes ad martyrium pervenérunt.

At Caesarea in Palestine, the martyrdom of the Saints Zenaides, Cyria, Valeria, and Marcia, who joyfully attained martyrdom through many torments.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.


June V.
St. Boniface, Archbishop of Mentz, Apostle of Germany and Martyr
St. Dorotheus of Tyre, Martyr
St. Dorotheus, Abbot
St. Ilidius, Bishop and Confessor

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