Sexto Idus Júnii. Luna.


Sexto Idus Júnii. Luna . The Eighth Day of June.  The Night of the Moon.


Aquis in Gállia, sancti Maximíni, qui éxstitit primus ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopus, ac Dómini discípulus fuísse tráditur.

At Aix in France, St. Maximin, first bishop of that city, who is said to have been a disciple of the Lord.

Eódem die sanctæ Callíopæ Mártyris, quæ, ob Christi fidem, abscíssis mammis atque adústis cárnibus, super téstulas volutáta, demum, truncáta cápite, martyrii palmam accépit.

On the same day, St. Calliopa, martyr, who for the faith of Christ received the palm of martyrdom.  Her breasts had been cut away, her flesh burned, she was rolled on broken pottery, and was at last beheaded.

Eboráci, in Anglia, sancti Willhélmi, Epíscopi et Confessóris, qui, inter cétera ad ejus sepúlcrum patráta mirácula, tres mórtuos suscitávit, atque ab Honório Papa Tértio in Sanctórum cánonem relátus est.

At York in England, St. William, archbishop and confessor, who, among other miracles wrought at his tomb, raised three persons from the dead.  He was placed in the calendar of the saints by Pope Honorius III.

Apud Suessiónes, in Gálliis, natális sancti Medárdi, Epíscopi Novioménsis; cujus vita et mors pretiósa gloriósis miráculis commendátur.

At Soissons in France, the birthday of St. Medard, bishop of Noyon, whose life and precious death are commended by glorious miracles.

Rotómagi sancti Gildárdi Epíscopi, qui fuit frater ejúsdem sancti Medárdi.  Ambo autem fratres, eódem die nati eodémque die Epíscopi consecráti, uno quoque die de hac vita subtrácti, simul in cælum migrárunt.

At Rouen, St. Gildard, bishop, brother of this same St. Medard.  They were born on the same day, consecrated bishops at the same time, and were taken from this life on the same day, entering heaven together.

Apud Sénonas sancti Heráclii Epíscopi.

At Sens, the bishop St. Heraclius.

Metis, in Gállia, sancti Clodúlphi Epíscopi.

At Metz, the bishop St. Clodulph.

In Picéno sancti Severíni, Septempedáni Epíscopi.

In Piceno, St. Severin, bishop of Septempeda.

In Sardínia sancti Sallustiáni Confessóris.

In Sardinia, St. Sallustian, confessor.

Cameríni sancti Victoríni Confessóris, qui fuit prædícti sancti Severíni, Septempedáni Epíscopi, germánus frater.

At Camerino, St. Victorinus, confessor, the twin brother of St. Severin, bishop of Septempeda.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
  Thanks be to God.

CAR: Report claims attack on Our Lady of Fatima parish and killing of priest was carried out by foreigners

When Bloggers Meet – Inspired by faith of the Abedini’s

June VIII.
St. Medard, Bishop of Noyon, Confessor
St. Gildard, or Godard, Bishop of Rouen, Confessor
St. Maximinus, First Archbishop of Aix, Confessor
St. William, Archbishop of York, Confessor
St. Clou, or Clodulphus, Bishop of Metz, Confessor
St. Syra, Virgin, of Ireland


First picture and video of the baby born to imprisoned Sudanese Christian sentenced to death for being a Christian

Urgent Prayer Request For Nigerian Christian Family #PrayForNigeria

Being Shown the Way – Inspired by faith of the Abedini’s

Persecuted Christian grieves the martyrdom of his family—To my father and sister souls : one year passed.

American Doctor in Pakistan on Humanitarian Mission Assassinated

SUDAN: Imprisoned Christian woman sentenced to death gives birth

China’s Christians Facing Renewed Threat of Jail for Faith

Faith in Action – Testimony inspired by faith of the Abedini’s

“When I prayed” – Testimony inspired by faith of the Abedini’s

Bomb Blasts in Nigeria Kill at Least 118


Pastor Saeed Abedini: Beaten and Forcibly Removed From Hospital & Returned to Iranian Prison

Testimonies: Inspired by faith of Pastor Saeed and his family 

Write To Encourage The Peresecuted

Suicide Bombing Hits Christian Pocket of Kano, Nigeria

What Matthew 10:32-33 Looks Like in Person -Nigeria

Christians, Ahmadis and a TV station: new victims of the blasphemy law


Militants Kidnap More Girls In North Nigeria-Nearly 300 Girls Still Missing #BRINGBACKOURGIRLS

Boko Haram brags about abducting Nigerian girls #BringBackOurGirls

All Civilians Subject To Persecution-What Is Driving The Uncontrolled Violence In The CAR?

NIGERIA: Abducted School Girls Forced To Marry Radical Islamic Captors

Amazing Video Of Chinese Believers Getting 1st Bibles


Three Egyptian Cousins Go to Libya; None Comes Back Alive

A Minor Gang Raped in Pakistan

The Stench of Death, Abomination & Devastation Coming From The Middle East & Africa

Snapshots From Daily Life In Nigeria: Rape, Kidnapping, Torture & Precision Executions

The World In Labor But Aborted In Syria

Should We Pray for the Persecuted?

Today—take some time to Pray for Christians who are Persecuted. They are desperate for your prayers.

Christian Pastor Among 30 Prisoners Badly Beaten in Evin Prison Raid

British Pakistani Christian Association chairman attends Number 10 Easter reception

Nigerian Christians: ‘Our Blood Will Speak about Christ’

Christian Pastor Among 30 Prisoners Badly Beaten in Evin Prison Raid

British Pakistani Christian Association chairman attends Number 10 Easter reception

Nigerian Christians: ‘Our Blood Will Speak about Christ’

Governor Otter to Iran ‘Release Pastor Saeed’

Fulani herdsmen confess to membership of Boko Haram

Syrian Rebels: ‘Our Youngest Hostage’

European Effort to Control Unofficial Religious Groups, Homeschooling Disarmed

New Jersey school district sued over ‘under God’ in pledge

Good Friday killing of priest in Central African Republic

American Pastor Saeed Writes Easter Message as a Prisoner in the Darkness of Iran

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