Séptimo Idus Júlii. Luna


Séptimo Idus Júlii. Luna . The Ninth Day of July. The Night of the Moon. 

Romæ ad Guttam júgiter manéntem, natális sanctórum Mártyrum Zenónis, et aliórum decem míllium ac ducentórum trium. At Rome, at the Ever-flowing Spring, the birthday of St. Zeno and ten thousand two hundred and three other martyrs.

Gortynæ, in Creta, sancti Cyrílli Epíscopi, qui, in persecutióne Décii, sub Lúcio Præside, flammis est injéctus, et, cum ab igne, incénsis vínculis, illæsus evasísset, ac stupóre tanti miráculi a Júdice dimíssus esset, rursus ab eódem, pro instánti et álacri fídei prædicatióne facta de Christo, comprehénsus et cápite plexus est. At Gortyna in Crete, in the persecution of Decius, under the governor Lucius, Bishop St. Cyril. When he was thrown into the flames his bonds were burned, but he was not injured. The judge, struck with awe at so great a miracle, set him at liberty, but as the saint began again immediately to preach with zeal the faith of Christ, he was beheaded.

Brilæ, in Hollándia, pássio novémdecim Mártyrum, Gorcomiénsium nuncupatórum; quorum ex número novem Sacerdótes ac duo Láici erant Fratres Minóres, quátuor Presbyteri sæculáres, duo Præmonstraténses, unus Reguláris Canónicus sancti Augustíni, et unus Dominicánus. Hi omnes, ob tuéndam Ecclésiæ Románæ auctoritátem et reálem Christi in Eucharístia præséntiam, a Calviniánis hæréticis varia ludíbria et torménta perpéssi, tandem, in trabem acti, agónem suum adstríctis láqueo fáucibus, consummárunt; et a Pio Nono, Pontífice Máximo, inter sanctos Mártyres reláti sunt. At Briel in Holland, the passion of the nineteen martyrs of Gorcum. Of these, nine priests and two lay brothers were of the Order of Friars Minor, four were secular priests, two Premonstratensians, one Canon Regular of St. Augustine, and one Dominican. For vindicating the authority of the Roman Church and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, they endured various insults and torments from the Calvinist heretics, and their great suffering was ended by all of them being hanged. Pope Pius IX included them in the number of holy martyrs.

In civitáte Thora, apud lacum Velínum, item pássio sanctórum Anatóliæ et Audácis, sub Décio Imperatóre. Ex his Anatóliæ, Christi Virgo, postquam plúrimos per totam Picéni provínciam váriis languóribus afféctos curásset et in Christum credéntes fecísset, Júdicis Faustiniáni jussu divérsis pœnárum genéribus est vexáta, et, cum ab immísso serpénte líbera evádens Audácem convertísset ad fidem, novíssime, exténsis mánibus orans, gládio transverberáta est; Audax quoque, in custódiam tráditus, sine mora senténtia capitáli coronátur. In the town of Thora, on Lake Velino in Italy, the martyrdom of the Saints Anatolia and Audax, under Emperor Decius. Anatolia, a virgin consecrated to Christ, cured many persons afflicted with various infirmities throughout the province of Piceno, and made them believe in Christ. By order of the judge Faustinian she was condemned to different kinds of punishment. She was cured of the sting of a serpent to which she had been exposed, a miracle that converted Audax to the faith. At last, praying with outstretched hands, she was pierced with a sword. Audax was sent to prison, and without delay sentenced to capital punishment, thus obtaining the crown of martyrdom.

Alexandríæ sanctórum Mártyrum Patermúthii, Coprétis et Alexándri; qui sub Juliáno Apóstata cæsi sunt. At Alexandria, the holy martyrs Patermuthius, Copres, and Alexander, who were put to death under Julian the Apostate.

Mártulæ, in Umbria, sancti Bríctii Epíscopi, qui, sub Marciáno Júdice, ob confessiónem Dómini, multa passus est; ac tandem, cum magnam pópuli multitúdinem ad Christum convertísset, Conféssor in pace quiévit. At Martula in Umbria, St. Brictius, bishop. Under the judge Marcian, after having suffered much for the confession of our Lord, and having converted to Christ a great multitude of people, he rested in peace, a confessor.

Tiférni, in Umbria, sanctæ Verónicæ de Juliánis, Vírginis, in Urbaniénsis diœcésis óppido Mercatéllo natæ, Moniális e secúndo sancti Francísci Ordine ac Tifernátis ascetérii Abbatíssæ; quam, insígni patiéndi stúdio, ceterísque virtútibus et cæléstibus charismátibus illústrem, Gregórius Papa Décimus sextus in sanctárum Vírginum collégium adscrípsit. At Tiferno in Umbria, St. Veronica Giuliani, a nun of the second Order of St. Francis and abbess of the monastery in that town. Born at Mercatello in the diocese of Urbania, she became illustrious by her great love for suffering and other virtues, and by her heavenly gifts. She was inscribed among the holy virgins by Pope Gregory XVI.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God

July IX.
St. Ephrem of Edessa, Doctor of the Church, Confessor
Appendix on the Writings of St. Ephrem
SS. Martyrs of Gorcum
St. Everildis, Virgin, in England

.Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places. Voice of the Persecuted– Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today. FOR NEWS OF CONTEMPORARY MARTYRS… Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic

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