Prídie Kaléndas Augústi


Prídie Kaléndas Augústi. Luna . The Thirty-First Day of July. The Night of the Moon. 

Romæ natális sancti Ignátii, Presbyteri et Confessóris, qui Fundátor éxstitit Societátis Jesu, atque vir fuit sanctitáte et miráculis clarus, ac religiónis cathólicæ ubíque dilatándæ studiosíssimus; quem Pius Undécimus, Póntifex Máximus, cæléstem ómnium Exercitiórum spirituálium Patrónum constítuit. At Rome, the birthday of St. Ignatius, priest and confessor, founder of the Society of Jesus, renowned for sanctity and miracles, and most zealous for propagating the Catholic religion in all parts of the world. Pope Pius XI declared him to be the heavenly patron of all spiritual retreats.

Medioláni sancti Calimérii, Epíscopi et Mártyris; qui, in Antoníni persecutióne, comprehénsus, vulnéribus confóssus, cervicibúsque gládio transverberátis, præceps in púteum dejéctus, martyrii cursum confécit. At Milan, during the persecution of Antoninus, St. Calimerius, bishop and martyr, who was arrested, covered with wounds, and his throat transfixed with a sword. He completed his martyrdom by being cast into a well.

Cæsaréæ, in Mauritánia, pássio beáti Fábii Mártyris, qui, cum ferre vexílla præsidália recusáret, primo in cárcerem trusus est, ibíque diébus áliquot deténtus; deínde, cum in confessióne Christi, interrogátus semel et íterum, immóbilis perduráret, senténtia capitáli a Júdice condemnátur. At Caesarea in Mauretania, the martyrdom of the blessed martyr Fabius. Because he refused to carry the banners of the governor of the province, he was thrown into prison for some days, and as he persisted twice in confessing Christ when brought before the judge, he was condemned to death.

Synnadæ, in Phrygia Pacatiána, sanctórum Mártyrum Demócriti, Secúndi et Dionysii. At Synnada in Phrygia Pacatiana, the holy martyrs Democritus, Secundus, and Denis.

In Syria sanctórum trecentórum quinquagínta Monachórum Mártyrum, qui, ob defensiónem Synodi Chalcedonénsis, ab hæréticis sunt occísi. In Syria, three hundred and fifty monks, who became martyrs by being slain by the heretics for defending the Council of Chalcedon.

Ravénnæ tránsitus sancti Germáni, Antisiodorénsis Epíscopi, génere, fide, doctrína et miraculórum glória claríssimi; qui Británniam a Pelagianórum hærésibus pénitus liberávit. At Ravenna, the death of St. German, bishop of Auxerre, a man most renowned for his birth, faith, learning, and glorious miracles, who freed England completely from the heretical doctrines of the Pelagians.

Tagáste, in Africa, sancti Firmi Epíscopi, confessiónis glória conspícui. At Tagaste in Africa, St. Firmus, bishop, illustrious by a glorious confession of the faith.

Senis, in Túscia, natális beáti Joánnis Columbíni, qui fuit Institútor Ordinis Jesuatórum, et sanctitáte ac miráculis cláruit. At Siena in Tuscany, the birthday of blessed John Colombini, founder of the Order of Gesuati, renowned for sanctity and miracles.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God

July XXXI.
St. Ignatius of Loyola, Confessor
St. John Columbini, Confessor
St. Helen of Skofde in Sweden, Martyr

.Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places. Voice of the Persecuted– Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today. FOR NEWS OF CONTEMPORARY MARTYRS… Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clini

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