Quinto Idus Augústi


Quinto Idus Augústi. Luna . The Ninth Day of August. The Night of the Moon. 

Sancti Joánnis Baptístæ-Maríæ Vianney, Presbyteri et Confessóris, cæléstis ómnium parochórum Patróni; cujus dies natális prídie Nonas mensis hujus recensétur. St. John Baptist-Mary Vianney, priest and confessor, and heavenly patron of all parish priests, whose birthday is remembered on the 4th day of this month.

Romæ sancti Románi, mílitis et Mártyris; qui, confessióne beáti Lauréntii compúnctus, pétiit ab eo baptizári, et, mox exhíbitus ac fústibus cæsus, ad últimum decollátus est. At Rome, St. Romanus, a soldier, who was moved by the torments of blessed Lawrence to ask for baptism from him. He was immediately prosecuted, scourged, and finally beheaded.

In Túscia natális sanctórum Mártyrum Secundiáni, Marcelliáni et Veriáni; qui, témpore Décii, a Promóto Consulári primum cæsi sunt, deínde in equúleo suspénsi, et abrási úngulis, atque latéribus appósito assáti, ac tandem triumphálem martyrii palmam, cápite cæsi, meruérunt. In Tuscany, the birthday of the holy martyrs Secundian, Marcellian, and Verian. In the time of Decius, they were scourged by the exconsul Promotus, then racked and torn with iron hooks. Being burned with fie applied to their sides, they merited the triumphant palm of martyrdom by being beheaded.

Verónæ sanctórum Mártyrum Firmi et Rústici, qui, témpore Maximiáni Imperatóris, sub Anolíno Júdice, cum sacrificáre idólis renuérunt et constánter in Christi fide persísterent, ambo jussi sunt, post ália superáta supplícia, fústibus cædi et cápite amputári. At Verona, the holy martyrs Firmus and Rusticus. When they refused to sacrifice to idols and remained constant in confessing Christ, after they had overcome many other torments, they were condemned to be scourged and beheaded by Anolinus, a judge, during the reign of Emperor Maximian.

In Africa commemorátio plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum, qui, in persecutióne Valeriáni, hortánte eos ad constántiam sancto Numídico, in ignem conjécti, martyrii palmam adépti sunt. Ipse autem Numídicus, licet cum áliis in rogum injéctus et lapídibus óbrutus fuísset, a fília tamen, effóssus et semivívus repértus, curátus est; ac póstea, ob ejus virtútem, in Ecclésiæ Carthaginénsis Presbyterum a beáto Cypriáno méruit cooptári. In Africa, the commemoration of many holy martyrs during the persecution of Valerian. Being exhorted by St. Numidicus, they obtained the palm of martyrdom by being cast into the fire, but Numidicus, although thrown into the flames with the others and overwhelmed with stones, was nevertheless taken out by his daughter. Found half dead, he was restored and deserved afterwards by his virtue to be made priest of the Church of Carthage by blessed Cyprian.

Constantinópoli sanctórum Mártyrum Juliáni, Marciáni et aliórum octo; qui, ob Salvatóris imáginem, quam in porta ǽnea constitúerant, omnes, ímpii Leónis Imperatóris jussu, post multa torménta, gládio necáti sunt. At Constantinople, the holy martyrs Julian, Marcian, and eight others. For having set up the image of our Saviour on the brass gate, they were exposed to many torments, and then beheaded by order of the impious emperor Leo.

Cataláuni, in Gállia, sancti Domitiáni, Epíscopi et Confessóris. At Chalons in France, St. Domitian, bishop and confessor.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God

August IX.
St. Romanus, Martyr
St. Nathy, or David, Priest in Ireland
St. Fedlimid, or Felimy, Bishop of Kilmore, Confessor in Ireland

.Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places. Voice of the Persecuted– Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today. FOR NEWS OF CONTEMPORARY MARTYRS… Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic

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