Quartodécimo Kaléndas Septémbris


Quartodécimo Kaléndas Septémbris. Luna . The Nineteenth Day of August. The Night of the Moon. 

Cadómi, in Gállia, sancti Joánnis Eudes Confessóris, Missionárii Apostólici, Fundatóris Congregatiónis Presbyterórum Jesu et Maríæ necnon Ordinis Moniálium Dóminæ Nostræ a Caritáte, et promotóris litúrgici cultus erga Sacratíssima Christi ejúsque Genitrícis Corda; quem Pius Papa Undécimus fastis Sanctórum adscrípsit. At Caen in France, St. John Eudes, apostolic missionary, founder of the Congregation of Priests of Jesus and Mary and of the Order of Nuns of our Lady of Charity, and the promoter of the liturgical cult towards the most sacred Hearts of Christ and his Mother. He was canonized by Pope Pius XI.

Romæ sancti Júlii, Senatóris et Mártyris; qui, Vitéllio Júdici tráditus et ab eo in cárcerem trusus, támdiu, jubénte Cómmodo Imperatóre, fústibus cæsus est, donec emítteret spíritum. Ipsíus autem corpus in cœmetério Calepódii, via Aurélia, sepúltum fuit. At Rome, St. Julius, senator and martyr, who was delivered up to the judge Vitellius, and thrown into prison by him. By order of Emperor Commodus, he was beaten with rods until he expired. His body was buried in the cemetery of Calepodius on the Aurelian Way.

Anágniæ sancti Magni, Epíscopi et Mártyris, qui in persecutióne Décii necátus est. At Anagni, St. Magnus, bishop and martyr, who was put to death in the persecution of Decius.

In Cilícia natális sancti Andréæ Tribúni, et Sociórum mílitum; qui, victória de Persis divínitus obténta, ad Christi fidem sunt convérsi, et, hoc nómine accusáti, sub Maximiáno Imperatóre, in angústiis Tauri montis, a Seléuci Præsidis exércitu trucidáti sunt. In Cilicia, the birthday of St. Andrew Stratelates, tribune, and his military companions, who were converted to Christianity through a miraculous victory they had gained over the Persians. Being accused on this account, they were massacred in the Mount Taurus pass, by the army of the governor Seleucus, under Emperor Maximian.

In Palæstína sancti Timóthei Mártyris, qui, in persecutióne Diocletiáni, sub Urbáno Præside, post multa superáta supplícia, lento igne combústus est. Passi sunt étiam ibídem Thecla et Agápius, e quibus Thecla, feris expósita, eárum laniáta déntibus transívit ad Sponsum; Agápius vero, plúrima torménta perpéssus, ad majóra certámina fuit dilátus. In Palestine, St. Timothy, a martyr in the persecution of Diocletian, under the governor Urbanus. After overcoming many torments, he was consumed with a slow fire. In the same country there suffered also Thecla and Agapius. The former, being exposed to the beasts, was torn to pieces by their teeth, and went to her Spouse; but Agapius, after enduring many torments, was reserved for greater trials.

Romæ sancti Xysti Tértii, Papæ et Confessóris. At Rome, St. Sixtus III, pope and confessor.

Apud castrum Bríncolam, in Província, deposítio sancti Ludovíci, ex Ordine Minórum, Epíscopi Tolosiáni, vitæ sanctitáte et miráculis clari; cujus corpus, inde Massíliam translátum, in Ecclésia Fratrum Minórum honorífice cónditum fuit, ac póstea Valéntiam, in Hispánia, devéctum est, atque in cathedráli Ecclésia collocátum. In Provence, at the village of Brignoles, the death of St. Louis, bishop of Toulouse, of the Order of Friars Minor, renowned for holiness of life and miracles. His body was taken to Marseilles, and buried with due honours in the Church of the Friars Minor, but afterwards it was taken to Valencia in Spain, and enshrined in the cathedral.

In pago Sigistérico, in Gállia, beáti Donáti, Presbyteri et Confessóris; qui, ab ipsis usque infántiæ rudiméntis mira Dei grátia præditus, anachoréticam vitam multis annis exégit, et miraculórum glória clarus migrávit ad Christum. In the neighbourhood of Sisteron in France, blessed Donatus, priest and confessor. Being from his very infancy endowed with the grace of God in an extraordinary manner, he lived the life of an anchoret for many years, and after having been renowned for glorious miracles, went to Christ.

In território Bituricénsi sancti Mariáni Confessóris, cujus virtútes et mirácula beátus Gregórius, Turonénsis Epíscopus, magnis láudibus celebrávit. In the territory of Bourges, St. Marianus, confessor, whose virtues and miracles were described with great praise by St. Gregory, bishop of Tours.

Mántuæ sancti Rufíni Confessóris. At Mantua, St. Rufinus, confessor.

Norimbérgæ sancti Sebáldi Eremítæ, virtútibus et miráculis præclári, qui Sanctórum catálogo a Martíno Papa Quinto adjéctus est. At Nuremburg, St. Sebald, hermit, noted for his virtues and miracles. Pope Martin V added his name to the list of the saints.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God

August XVIII.
St. Helen, Empress
St. Agapetus, Martyr
St. Clare of Monte Falco, Virgin

.Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places. Voice of the Persecuted– Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today. FOR NEWS OF CONTEMPORARY MARTYRS… Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic

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