Tertiodécimo Kaléndas Octóbris. Luna.


Tertiodécimo Kaléndas Octóbris. Luna . The Nineteenth Day of September. The Night of the Moon.

Putéolis, in Campánia, sanctórum Mártyrum Januárii, Beneventánæ civitátis Epíscopi, ejúsque Diáconi Festi, et Desidérii Lectóris, Sósii, Diáconi Ecclésiæ Misenátis; Próculi, Diáconi Puteoláni; Eutychii et Acútii.  Hi omnes, post víncula et cárceres, cápite cæsi sunt, sub Diocletiáno Príncipe.  Corpus sancti Januárii delátum fuit Neápolim, atque honorífice in Ecclésia tumulátum; ubi étiam beatíssimi Mártyris sanguis in ampúlla vítrea adhuc servátur, qui, in conspéctu cápitis illíus pósitus, velut recens liquéscere et ebullíre conspícitur.
At Pozzuoli in Campania, the holy martyrs Januarius, bishop of Benevento; Festus, his deacon, and Desiderius, a lector, together with Sosius, a deacon of the Church of Miseno; Proculus, deacon of Pozzuoli; Eutychius, and Acutius, who were bound and imprisoned and then beheaded during the reign of Diocletian. The body of St. Januarius was brought to Naples and buried in the church with due honours, where even now the blood of the blessed martyr is kept in a vial, and when placed close to his head is seen to become liquid and bubble up as if it were just taken from his veins.
In Palæstína sanctórum Mártyrum et Ægypti Episcopórum Pélei, Nili et Elíæ; qui, témpore persecutiónis Diocletiáni, cum plúrimis Cléricis, pro Christo sunt igne consúmpti.
In Palestine, the holy martyrs Peleus, Nilus, and Elias, bishops in Egypt, with many others of the clergy, who were consumed by fire for the sake of Christ during the persecution of Diocletian.

Nucériæ natális sanctórum Mártyrum Felícis et Constántiæ, qui passi sunt sub Neróne.
At Nocera, the birthday of the holy martyrs Felix and Constantia, who suffered under Nero.

Eódem die sanctórum Mártyrum Tróphimi, Sabbátii et Dorymedóntis, sub Probo Imperatóre.  Ex eis Sabbátius Antiochíæ, jussu Attici Præsidis, támdiu flagris cæsus est, donec emítteret spíritum; Tróphimus vero, Synnadam, in Phrygia, ad Perénnium Præsidem missus, ibi, post multos cruciátus, cum Dorymedónte Senatóre, cápitis decollatióne martyrium consummávit.
Also, the holy martyrs Trophimus, Sabbatius, and Dorymedon, senator, under Emperor Probus.  By command of the governor Atticus at Antioch, Sabbatius was scourged until he expired.  Trophimus was sent to the governor Perennius at Synnada, where he and the senator Dorymedon completed their martyrdom by being beheaded after enduring many torments.

Eleutherópoli, in Palæstína, sanctæ Susánnæ, Vírginis et Mártyris; quæ, orta ex idolórum sacerdóte Arthémio et Judæa mulíere Martha, ad Christiánam fidem, paréntibus mórtuis, est convérsa, atque ob eándem fidem ab Alexándro Præfécto várie torta et in cárcerem trusa, ibi orans migrávit ad Sponsum.
At Eleutheropolis in Palestine, St. Susanna, virgin and martyr.  She was the daughter of Arthemius, a pagan priest, and of Martha, a Jewish woman, and after the death of her parents she was converted to the Christian faith.  For this she was tortured in various ways, and cast in prison by the prefect Alexander, and there gave up her spirit while at prayer.

Córdubæ, in Hispánia, sanctæ Pompósæ, Vírginis et Mártyris; quæ in persecutióne Arábica, ob impávidam Christi confessiónem decolláta gládio, palmam consecúta est.
At Cordova in Spain, St. Pomposa, virgin and martyr.  Because of her fearless witness to Christ she was beheaded in the Arab persecution, and thus obtained the palm of martyrdom.

Cantuáriæ sancti Theodóri Epíscopi, qui, a beáto Vitaliáno Papa in Angliam missus, doctrína et sanctitáte refúlsit.
At Canterbury, the holy bishop Theodore, who was sent to England by Pope Vitalian, and who was renowned for learning and holiness.

Turónis, in Gállia, sancti Eustóchii Epíscopi, magnárum virtútum viri.
At Tours in France, St. Eustochius, bishop, a man of great virtue.

In território Lingoniénsi sancti Sequáni, Presbyteri et Confessóris.
In the diocese of Langres, St. Sequanus, priest and confessor.

Barcinóne, in Hispánia, beátæ Maríæ de Cervellióne, ex Ordine beátæ Maríæ de Mercéde redemptiónis captivórum, Vírginis; quæ, ob præséntem quam invocántibus confert opem, María de Subsídio vulgo nuncupátur.
At Barcelona in Spain, blessed Mary Cervellon, virgin, of the Order of Our Lady of Ransom.  She is commonly called Mary of Help on account of the prompt assistance she renders to those who invoke her.

In vico Druelle, in diœcési Ruthenénsi, in Gállia, sanctæ Maríæ Guliélmæ-Æmíliæ de Rodat, Vírginis, Congregatiónis Sorórum a sancta Família Fundatrícis, puéllis erudiéndis et egénis sublevándis addictíssimæ, quæ a Pio Duodécimo, Pontífice Máximo, inter sanctas Vírgines reláta est.
In the village of Druelle, in the diocese of Rodez in France, St. Marie Guillemette Emilie de Rodat, virgin, and foundress of the Congregation of Sisters of the Holy Family, which was established to teach poor and orphaned girls.  Pius XII added her name to the number of holy virgins.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

September XIX.
St. Januarius, Bishop of Benevento, and His Companions, Martyrs
St. Theodore, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor
SS. Peleus, Pa-Termuthes, and Companions, Martyrs
St. Lucy, Virgin
St. Eustochius, Bishop of Tours
St. Sequanus, or Seine, Abbot

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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