Quinto Nonas Octóbris. Luna


Quinto Nonas Octóbris.  Luna The Third Day of October. The Night of the Moon.

Sanctæ Terésiæ a Jesu Infánte, ex Ordine Carmelitárum Excalceatórum, Vírginis, peculiáris ómnium Missiónum Patrónæ; cujus dies natális prídie Kaléndas Octóbris recensétur.
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, virgin of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, special patroness of all missions.  Her birthday is commemorated on the 30th day of September.
Romæ, ad Ursum pileátum, sancti Cándidi Mártyris.
At Rome, near the place called Ursus Pileatus, St. Candidus, martyr.

Apud antíquos Sáxones sanctórum Mártyrum duórum Ewaldórum, qui, cum essent Presbyteri et Christum ibi prædicáre cœpíssent, comprehénsi sunt a Pagánis et occísi; ad quorum córpora noctu lux multa, diu appárens, et ubi essent et cujus essent mériti, declarávit.
Among the ancient Saxons, two holy martyrs of the name of Ewald, priests who had been preaching in that country.  They were seized by the pagans and put to death.  During the night, a great light shone over the bodies for a long time, pointing out where they were and also how distinguished were their merits.
Eódem die sanctórum Mártyrum Dionysii, Fausti, Caji, Petri, Pauli et aliórum quátuor, qui primum, sub Décio, multa passi sunt, ac demum, sub Valeriáno, ab Æmiliáno Præside diu torméntis vexáti, martyrii palmam meruérunt.
Also, the holy martyrs Denis, Faustus, Caius, Peter, Paul, and four others who had suffered greatly under Decius.  In the time of Valerian, they were long subjected to torments by the governor Aemilian, and merited the palm of martyrdom.
In Africa sancti Maximiáni, Epíscopi Bagajénsis, qui, a Donatístis íterum atque íterum sævíssima perpéssus, ex alta dénique turri præcipitátus est, et pro mórtuo derelíctus; sed, póstmodum a transeúntibus colléctus et pia curatióne sanátus, cathólicam fidem propugnáre non déstitit, donec, glória confessiónis clarus, quiévit in Dómino.
In Africa, St. Maximian, bishop of Bagaia.  Again and again he suffered great cruelties from the Donatists, was finally cast headlong from a high tower, and left for dead.  He was found by passers-by, and having been healed by their zealous care, he did not cease to defend the Catholic faith until he rested in the Lord, renowned for the glory of his witness to the faith.

Legióne, in Hispánia, sancti Froiláni, ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopi, monásticæ vitæ propagándæ stúdio, beneficéntia in páuperes, ceterísque virtútibus et miráculis clari.
At Leon in Spain, St. Froylan, bishop of that city, noted for his zeal in spreading the monastic life, his generosity to the poor and other virtues, and for his miracles.

In diœcési Namurcénsi, apud Belgas, sancti Gerárdi Abbátis.
In Belgium, in the diocese of Namur, St. Gerard, abbot.

In Palæstína sancti Hesychii Confessóris, qui fuit sancti Hilariónis discípulus et in peregrinatióne sócius.
In Palestine, St. Hesychius, confessor, disciple of St. Hilarion, and the companion of his travels.

Savónæ, in Ligúria, sanctæ Maríæ Joséphæ Rosséllo, Institúti Filiárum Nostræ Dóminæ a Misericórdia Fundatrícis, quam, caritátis opéribus præcláram, Pius Papa Duodécimus sanctis Virgínibus adnumerávit.
At Savona in Liguria, St. Maria Giuseppe Rossello, foundress of the Daughters of our Lady of Mercy.  Renowned for her charitable works, Pope Pius XII placed her among the number of holy virgins.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

October III.
St. Dionysius the Areopagite, Bishop of Athens, Martyr
St. Gerard, Abbot
The Two Ewalds, Martyrs

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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