Décimo séptimo Kaléndas Novémbris. Luna


Décimo séptimo Kaléndas Novémbris.  Luna . The Sixteenth Day of October.  The Night of the Moon.

Sanctæ Hedwígis Víduæ, Polonórum Ducíssæ, quæ prídie hujus diéi obdormívit in Dómino.
St. Hedwig, widow, duchess of Poland, who went to her rest in the Lord on the day previous.

In monastério Dervénsi, in Gállia, sancti Berchárii, Abbátis et Mártyris.
In the monastery of Montier-en-Der, in France, St. Bercharius, abbot and martyr.
In Africa sanctórum Mártyrum ducentórum  septuagínta, páriter coronatórum.
In Africa, two hundred and seventy holy martyrs, crowned together.
Ibídem sanctórum Martiniáni et Saturiáni, cum duóbus eórum frátribus; qui, témpore Wandálicæ persecutiónis, sub Rege Ariáno Genseríco, cum servi essent cujúsdam Wándali, et a sancta Máxima Vírgine, ipsórum consérva, ad Christi fidem convérsi fuíssent, omnes ab hærético illórum dómino, pro constántia fídei cathólicæ, primum nodósis fústibus cæsi sunt et usque ad ossa laniáti.  Sed, cum tália multo témpore pateréntur, et sequénti die nihilóminus redderéntur semper incólumes, exsílio tandem relegántur; ubi, cum multos barbarórum ad Christi convertíssent fidem, et a Románo Pontífice Presbyterum aliósque minístros, qui eos baptizárent, obtinuíssent, novíssime, vinctis pédibus post terga curréntium quadrigárum, inter spinósa loca silvárum jussi sunt páriter interíre.  Máxima vero, post multos superátos agónes divínitus liberáta, in monastério, multárum Vírginum Mater, sancto fine quiévit.
Likewise, the Saints Martinian and Saturnian, with their two brothers.  While the persecution of the Vandals was raging in the reign of the Arian king Genseric, they were slaves to a man of that race.  They were converted to the faith of Christ by Maxima, a slave like themselves, and they manifested their attachment to the truth with such courage that they were beaten with rough clubs and lacerated in all parts of their bodies to the very bones.  Although this barbarous treatment was continued for a considerable period, their wounds were each time healed overnight.  They were at length sent into exile where they converted many barbarians to the faith, and obtained from the Roman Pontiff a priest and other ministers to baptize them.  Finally there were condemned to die by having their feet tied behind running chariots and being dragged through thorns.  Maxima, after enduring many tribulations, was miraculously delivered and became the superior of a large monastery of virgins, where she ended her days in peace.
Item sanctórum Saturníni, Nérei et aliórum trecentórum sexagínta quinque Mártyrum.
Also, the Saints Saturninus, Nereus, and three hundred and sixty-five other martyrs.

Colóniæ Agrippínæ sancti Elíphii Mártyris, sub Juliáno Apóstata.
At Cologne, under Julian the Apostate, the martyr St. Eliphius.

In território Bituricénsi sancti Ambrósii, Epíscopi Caturcénsis.
Near Bourges, St. Ambrose, bishop of Cahors.

Mogúntiæ sancti Lulli, Epíscopi et Confessóris.
At Mainz, St. Lullus, bishop and confessor.

Tréviris sancti Florentíni Epíscopi.
At Treves, St. Florentinus, bishop.

Apud Arbónam, in Germánia, sancti Galli Abbátis, qui fuit discípulus beáti Columbáni.
At Arbon in Germany, St. Gall, abbot, a disciple of blessed Columban.

Muri, in Lucánia, sancti Gerárdi Majélla, Confessóris, Láici proféssi Congregatiónis a sanctíssimo Redemptóre nuncupátæ, quem, miráculis clarum, Pius Décimus, Póntifex Máximus, Sanctórum albo accénsuit.
At Muro in Italy, St. Gerard Majella, confessor and professed lay brother of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.  Renowned for miracles, he was added to the list of the saints by Pope Pius X.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

October XVI.
St. Gall, Abbot
St. Lullus, or Lullon, Archbishop of Mentz, Confessor
St. Mummolin, or Mommolin, Bishop of Noyon, Confessor

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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