Sextodécimo Kaléndas Decémbris. Luna


Sextodécimo Kaléndas Decémbris. Luna . The Sixteenth Day of November. The Night of the Moon. 

Sanctæ Gertrúdis Vírginis, cujus natális sequénti die recensétur.
St. Gertrude, virgin, whose birthday is on the 17th of November.

Edimbúrgi, in Scótia, sanctæ Margarítæ Víduæ, Scotórum Regínæ, amóre in páuperes et voluntária paupertáte célebris.  Ipsíus tamen festívitas quarto Idus Júnii celebrátur.
At Edinburgh in Scotland, the birthday of St. Margaret, queen of the Scots and widow, renowned for her love of the poor and her voluntary poverty.  Her feast is celebrated on the 10th of June.
In Africa sanctórum Mártyrum Rufíni, Marci, Valérii et Sociórum.
In Africa, the holy martyrs Rufinus, Mark, Valerius, and their fellows.
Eódem die sanctórum Mártyrum Elpídii, Marcélli, Eustóchii et Sociórum; ex quibus Elpídius, cum esset órdinis Senatórii et coram Juliáno Apóstata Christiánam fidem constantíssime profiterétur, ídeo, primum equis indómitis, una cum Sóciis, alligátus atque pertráctus, deínde, in ignem conjéctus, gloriósum martyrium consummávit.
The same day, the holy martyrs Elpidius, Marcellus, Eustochius, and their companions.  Elpidius, who was a senator, perseveringly confessed the Christian faith before Julian the Apostate, and, with his companions, was tied to wild horses and dragged by them, thus fulfilling a glorious martyrdom.

Lugdúni, in Gállia, natális sancti Euchérii, Epíscopi et Confessóris, viri admirándæ fídei et doctrínæ.  Hic, ex nobilíssimo Senatórum órdine ad religiósam vitam habitúmque convérsus, diu, intra septa spelúncæ sponte conclúsus, in oratiónibus et jejúniis Christo servívit; deínde apud præfátam urbem in pontificáli Cáthedra, revelánte Angelo, solémniter collocátus est.
At Lyons in France, the birthday of St. Eucherius, bishop and confessor, a man of extraordinary faith and learning.  He renounced the senatorial dignity to embrace the religious life, and for a long time voluntarily shut himself up in a cave, where he served Christ in prayer and fasting.  Afterwards, through the revelation of an angel, he was solemnly installed in the episcopal chair of the city of Lyons.

Patávii sancti Fidéntii Epíscopi.
At Padua, St. Fidentius, bishop.

Cantuáriæ, in Anglia, sancti Edmúndi, Epíscopi et Confessóris; qui, pro Ecclésiæ suæ júribus tuéndis in exsílium actus, apud Provínum, Sénonum óppidum, sanctíssime óbiit; et Sanctórum cánoni ab Innocéntio Papa Quarto adscríptus est.
At Canterbury in England, St. Edmund, archbishop and confessor, who was sent into exile for having maintained the rights of his church.  He died a most holy death at Provins, a town near Sens, and was canonized by Innocent IV.

Eódem die deposítio sancti Othmári Abbátis.
The same day, the death of St. Othmar, abbot.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

November XVI.
St. Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury, Confessor
St. Eucherius, Bishop of Lyons, Confessor


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