Quinto Kaléndas Decémbris. Luna.


Quinto Kaléndas Decémbris. Luna. The Twenty-Seventh Day of November. The Night of the Moon.

Antiochíæ sanctórum Mártyrum Basiléi Epíscopi, Auxílii et Saturníni. At Antioch, the holy martyrs Basileus, bishop, Auxilius, and Saturninus.

Sebáste, in Arménia, sanctórum Mártyrum Hirenárchi, Acácii Presbyteri, ac septem mulíerum. Harum porro constántia Hirenárchus commótus, ad Christum convérsus, sub Diocletiáno Imperatóre et Máximo Præside, una cum Acácio, secúri percútitur. At Sebaste in Armenia, in the reign of Emperor Diocletian and under the governor Maximus, the holy martyrs Hirenarchus, the priest Acacius, and seven women. Struck with the constancy of these women, Hirenarchus was converted to Christ, and with Acacius died under the axe.

Apud Cæam flúvium, in Gallæcia, sanctórum Facúndi et Primitívi, qui sub Attico Præside passi sunt. In Galicia, on the River Cea, the Saints Facundus and Primitivus, who suffered under the governor Atticus.

In Pérside sancti Jacóbi intercísi, Mártyris conspícui, qui, témpore Theodósii junióris, cum in Isdegérdis Regis grátiam Christum negásset, et proptérea mater ejus et uxor ab ipsíus se consuetúdine subtraxíssent, hinc, in se revérsus, intrépide coram Vararáne, Isdegérdis fílio ac successóre, se Christiánum esse conféssus est; ideóque ab iráto Rege, lata in eum mortis senténtia, membrátim jussus est concídi et cápite obtruncári. Quo étiam témpore innúmeri álii Mártyres ibídem passi sunt. In Persia, St. James Intercisus, a distinguished martyr. In the time of Theodosius the Younger he denied Christ in order to please King Isdegerd, but his mother and his wife for this reason withdrew from his company. Coming to himself, he returned to the king, now Vararanus, the son and successor of Isdegerd, to declare his faith in our Lord, whereupon the angry monarch condemned him to be cut in pieces and beheaded. Countless other martyrs suffered at this time in the same country.

Aquiléjæ sancti Valeriáni Epíscopi. At Aquileia, St. Valerian, bishop.

Apud Régium, in Gállia, sancti Máximi, Epíscopi et Confessóris; qui, usque a primævæ ætátis annis omni virtútum grátia præditus, primum Lirinénsis cœnóbii Pater, deínde Regiénsis Ecclésiæ Epíscopus, signis et prodígiis ínclytus éxstitit. At Riez in France, St. Maximus, bishop and confessor, who, from his tender years, was endowed with every grace and virtue. Being first superior of the monastery of Lerins, and afterwards bishop of the Church of Riez, he was celebrated for the working of miracles and prodigies.

Salisbúrgi, in Nórico, sancti Virgílii, Epíscopi et Carinthiórum Apóstoli, qui a Gregório Nono, Pontífice Máximo, in Sanctórum númerum adscríptus est. At Salzburg in Austria, St. Virgil, bishop and apostle of Carinthia, who was placed among the number of saints by Pope Gregory IX.

Apud Indos, Persis finítimos, sanctórum Bárlaam et Jósaphat, quorum actus mirándos sanctus Joánnes Damascénus conscrípsit. In India, near the Persian boundary, the Saints Barlaam and Josaphat, whose wonderful deeds were written by St. John of Damascus.

Lutétiæ Parisiórum deposítio sancti Severíni, Mónachi et Solitárii. At Paris, the death of St. Severin, monk and solitary.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R. Deo grátias.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.

November XXVII.
St. Maximus, Bishop of Riez, Confessor
St. James, Surnamed Intercisus, Martyr
St. Maharsapor, Martyr
St. Virgil of Ireland, Bishop of Saltzburg, Confessor
St. Secundin, Bishop in Ireland


Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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