Kaléndis Januárii. Luna


Kaléndis Januárii. Luna. The First Day of January. The Night of the Moon. 

Circumcísio Dómini nostri Jesu Christi, et Octáva Nativitátis ejúsdem.

The Circumcision of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the octave of his Nativity.

Romæ pássio sanctæ Martínæ, Vírginis et Mártyris; quæ, sub Alexándro Imperatóre, divérsis tormentórum genéribus cruciáta, tandem, gládio percússa, martyrii palmam adépta est.  Ipsíus vero festum tértio Kaléndas Februárii recólitur.

At Rome, under Emperor Alexander, St. Martina, virgin, who endured various kinds of torments, and being beheaded, received the palm of martyrdom.  Her feast is kept on the 30th of this month.

Cæsaréæ, in Cappadócia, deposítio sancti Basilíi, cognoménto Magni, Epíscopi, Confessóris et Ecclésiæ Doctóris; qui, témpore Valéntis Imperatóris, doctrína et sapiéntia insignítus omnibúsque virtútibus exornátus, mirabíliter effúlsit, et Ecclésiam advérsus Ariános et Macedoniános inexpugnábili constántia deféndit.  Ejus autem festívitas potíssimum ágitur décimo octávo Kaléndas Júlii, quo die Epíscopus ordinátus est.

At Caesarea in Cappadocia, the death of St. Basil the Great, bishop, confessor, and doctor of the Church, renowned for his learning and wisdom and gifted with every virtue, who during the reign of Emperor Valens wonderfully displayed his talents as he defended the Church with great constancy against the Arians and Macedonians.  His feast, however, is appropriately kept on the 14th of June, the day on which he was consecrated bishop.

Apud montem Senárium, in Etrúria, natális sancti Bonfílii Confessóris, e septem Fundatóribus Ordinis Servórum beátæ Maríæ Vírginis, quam cum idem impénse coluísset, ab ipsa in cælum repénte evocátus est.  Illíus porro ac Sociórum festum prídie Idus Februárii celebrátur.

In Tuscany, on Mount Senario, St. Bonfilius, confessor, one of the seven founders of the Order of the Servites of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who, having honoured her devoutly, was suddenly called to heaven by her.  His feast, with that of his companions, is kept on February 12th.

Romæ sancti Almáchii Mártyris, qui, cum díceret: « Hódie Octávæ Domínici diéi sunt, cessáte a superstitiónibus idolórum et a sacrifíciis pollútis », proptérea, jubénte Præfécto Urbis Alípio, a gladiatóribus occísus est.

At Rome, St. Almachius, martyr, who, by the command of Alipius, governor of the city, was killed by the gladiators for saying, “Today is the Octave of our Lord’s birth; put an end to the worship of idols, and abstain from unclean sacrifices.”

Item Romæ, via Appia, corónæ sanctórum mílitum trigínta Mártyrum, sub Diocletiáno Imperatóre.

In the same city, on the Appian Way, the crowning with martyrdom of thirty holy soldiers under Emperor Diocletian.

Apud Spolétum sancti Concórdii, Presbyteri et Mártyris; qui, tempóribus Antoníni Imperatóris, primo cæsus fústibus, dehinc equúleo suspénsus, ac póstea macerátus in cárcere, ibíque Angélica visitatióne confortátus, demum gládio vitam finívit.

At Spoleto, in the time of Emperor Antoninus, St. Concordius, priest and martyr, who was beaten with clubs, then stretched on the rack, and after a long confinement in prison, where he was visited by an angel, lost his life by the sword.

Eódem die sancti Magni Mártyris.

The same day, St. Magnus, martyr.

In Africa beáti Fulgéntii, Ruspénsis Ecclésiæ Epíscopi, qui, témpore Wandálicæ persecutiónis, ob cathólicam fidem eximiámque doctrínam, ab Ariánis multa perpéssus et in Sardíniam relegátus est; atque tandem, ad própriam Ecclésiam redíre permíssus, vita et verbo clarus, sancto fine quiévit.

In Africa, St. Fulgentius, bishop of Rusp, who suffered much from the Arians, during the persecution of the Vandals, for holding the Catholic faith and teaching an excellent doctrine.  After being banished to Sardinia, he was permitted to return to his diocese, where he ended his life by a holy death, leaving a reputation for sanctity and eloquence.

Teáte, in Aprútio citerióre, natális sancti Justíni, ejúsdem civitátis Epíscopi, sanctitáte vitæ ac miráculis clari.

At Chieti in Abruzzo, the birthday of St. Justin, bishop of that city, illustrious for holiness of life and for his miracles.

In território Lugdunénsi, monastério Jurénsium, sancti Eugéndi Abbátis, cujus vita virtútibus et miráculis plena refúlsit.

In the diocese of Lyons, in the monastery of St. Claude, St. Eugendus, abbot, whose life was eminent for virtues and miracles.

Apud Silviníacum, in Gállia, sancti Odilónis, Abbátis Cluniacénsis, qui primus Commemoratiónem ómnium Fidélium Defunctórum, prima die post festum ómnium Sanctórum, in suis monastériis fíeri præcépit; quem ritum póstea universális Ecclésia recípiens comprobávit.

At Souvigny in France, St. Odilo, abbot of Cluny, who was the first to prescribe that the commemoration of all the faithful departed should be made in his monasteries the day after the feast of All Saints.  This practice was afterwards received and approved by the universal Church.

Romæ natális sancti Vincéntii Maríæ Strambi, Epíscopi Maceraténsis et Tolentíni, Congregatiónis a Cruce et Passióne Jesu Sodális, pastoráli zelo præclári, quem Pius Papa Duodécimus inter Sanctos rétulit.

At Rome, the birthday of St. Vincent Maria Strambi, Bishop of Macerata and Tolentino, of the Order of Passionists, renowned for his pastoral zeal, whom Pope Pius XII numbered among the saints.

Alexandríæ deposítio sanctæ Euphrósynæ Vírginis, quæ in monastério virtúte abstinéntiæ ac miráculis cláruit.

At Alexandria, the departure from this world of St. Euphrosyna, virgin, who was renowned in her monastery for the virtue of abstinence, and for the gift of miracles.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.

R.  Deo grátias.

And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.

R.  Thanks be to God.

January I.
The Circumcision of Our Lord
St. Fulgentius, Bishop and Confessor
St. Odilo, or Olon, Sixth Abbot of Cluni
St. Almachus, or Telemachus, Martyr
St. Eugendus, in French Oyend, Abbot
St. Fanchea, or Faine, Virgin, of Ireland
St. Mochua, or Moncain, alias Claunus, Abbot in Ireland
St. Mochua, alias Cronan, of Bella, Abbot in Ireland


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Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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