Sexto Idus Januárii. Luna


Sexto Idus Januárii. Luna. The Eighth Day of January. The Night of the Moon. 

Venétiis deposítio sancti Lauréntii Justiniáni, primi Patriárchæ urbis ejúsdem et Confessóris; quem, doctrína et supérnis divínæ sapiéntiæ charismátibus copiosíssime replétum, Alexánder Octávus, Póntifex Máximus, in Sanctórum númerum rétulit.  Ipsíus autem festívitas Nonis Septémbris, quo die Cáthedram pontificálem ascéndit, potíssimum celebrátur.
At Venice, the death of St. Lawrence Justinian, confessor, first patriarch of that city.  Eminent for learning, and abundantly filled with the heavenly gifts of divine wisdom, he was ranked among the saints by Alexander VIII.  He is again mentioned on the 5th of September, on which day he ascended the pontifical throne.

Bellóvaci, in Gálliis, sanctórum Mártyrum Luciáni Presbyteri, Maximiáni et Juliáni. Horum duo últimi a persecutóribus gládio perémpti sunt; beátus autem Luciánus, qui, una cum sancto Dionysio, in Gálliam vénerat, et ipse, post nímiam cædem, cum Christi nomen viva voce confitéri non timuísset, priórum senténtiam excépit.
At Beauvais in France, the holy martyrs Lucian, priest, Maximian and Julian.  The last two were killed with the sword by the persecutors; but blessed Lucian, who had come to France with St. Denis, after the slaughter of his companions, not fearing to confess the Name of Christ openly, received the same sentence of death.

In Libya sanctórum Mártyrum Theóphili Diáconi, et Helládii, qui, primo laniáti ac téstulis peracútis compúncti, demum, in ignem conjécti, ánimas Deo reddidérunt.
In Libya, the holy martyrs Theophilus, deacon, and Helladius, who, after having their bodies lacerated and cut with sharp pieces of earthenware, were cast into the fire, and rendered their souls unto God.
Augustodúni sancti Eugeniáni Mártyris.
At Autun, St. Eugenian, martyr.

Hierápoli, in Asia, sancti Apollináris Epíscopi, qui, sub Marco Antoníno Vero, sanctitáte atque doctrína flóruit.
At Hierapolis in Asia, St. Apollinaris, bishop, who was conspicuous for sanctity and learning under Marcus Antoninus Verus.

Neápoli, in Campánia, natális sancti Severíni Epíscopi, qui fuit frater beáti Victoríni Mártyris; et, post multárum virtútum perpetratiónem, plenus sanctitáte quiévit.
At Naples in Campania, the birthday of the bishop St. Severin, brother to the blessed martyr Victorinus, who, after working many miracles, died, replenished with virtues and merits.

Metis, in Gállia, sancti Patiéntis Epíscopi.
At Metz in France, St. Patiens, bishop.
Papíæ sancti Máximi, Epíscopi et Confessóris.
At Pavia, St. Maximus, bishop and confessor.

Ratisbónæ, in Bavária, sancti Erhárdi Epíscopi.
At Ratisbon in Bavaria, St. Erhard, bishop.

Apud Nóricos sancti Severíni Abbátis, qui apud eam gentem Evangélium propagávit, et Noricórum dictus est Apóstolus.  Ejus corpus ad Lucullánum prope Neápolim, in Campánia, divínitus delátum, inde póstea ad monastérium sancti Severíni translátum est.
Among the inhabitants of Noricum (now Austria), the abbot St. Severin, who propagated the Gospel in that country, and is called its apostle.  By divine power his body was carried to Lucullano, near Naples, and thence transferred to the monastery of St. Severin.

Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

January VIII.
St. Apollinaris, the Apologist, Bishop
St. Severinus, Abbot, and Apostle of Noricum, or Austria
St. Lucian, Apostle of Beauvais, in France, Martyr
St. Pega, Virgin, of England
St. Vulsin, Bishop of Shireburn, Confessor
St. Gudula, Virgin, Patroness of Brussels
St. Nathalan, Bishop of Aberdeen, Confessor


Open Doors – The world’s largest outreach to persecuted Christians in the most high-risk places.

Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East – providing humanitarian relief in Iraq through St George’s Church and Clinic.

Voice of the Persecuted – Informing the world of Christian persecution, one of the worst humanitarian crises on the planet, today.

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